The Panama News blog links, August 24, 2015
Other people’s stuff about Panama, the region and the world….
Video, Rubén Blades – Caín
BBC, PanCanal expansion prompts safety concerns
Seatrade, PanCanal postpones second draft restriction
Tico Times, US concerns about Nicaragua Canal expropriations
The Journal, Rolanda Bell’s steeplechase mishap
TruNews, Weird gringo cult coming to colonize Boquete
Telemetro, Anteproyecto de Ley prohibiría discriminar a personas gay
El Economista, Presupuesto de Panamá para 2016 de $20.106 mil milliones
Reuters, Mercados latinoamericanos caen
Turner, The real demographic challenge
Wallerstein, Free-trade treaties are anti-free trade
EFE, Costa Rica declara ilegal a Uber y decomisa sus vehículos
Sanchez, SouthCom vs Caribbean narco-pirates
Main, Congressional Democrats against military aid to Honduras
SOAW, Victor Jara Justice Campaign
Prensa Latina, Equine encephalitis outbreak in Panama
STRI, Biologists discover skydiving spiders in South American forests
Video, The Who – Boris the Spider
Mellino, Oceans riddled with plastic
Emanuel, Climate change and Hurricane Katrina: what have we learned?
Mongabay, How ya gonna keep ‘em up on the farm?
Condé Nast Traveler, Where to see the Atlantic and Pacific at the same time
The Street, Pros & cons of living in Panama
Taibbi, Donald Trump just stopped being funny
Fang, US TV ads opposing Iran deal organized by Saudi lobbyist
Marple, Chile thinks about legalizing pot
EFE, Más de 600 colombianos deportados por Venezuela
Padrón: Panamá, ida y vuelta
Castro, Escombros que aún se resisten
SD Union-Tribune, Jurisdiction argument doesn’t work in Baldelli slaying case
Jakarta Post, Panama and Indonesia upgrade ties
Yonhap, Panama and South Korea strengthen ties