The Panama News blog links, August 27, 2016


The Panama News blog links

Reuters, Big oil tankers need retrofits to use the new locks

Marine Link, Extreme boat lifts installed in the Panama Canal

NPR, A luxury cruise sets sail through the Northwest Passage

KTUU, Military conducts cruise ship rescue training exercise in Arctic waters

Spash 24/7, Iran keen to participate in Nicaragua Canal project

Bloomberg, Panama Papers spark race for tax haven dollars before crackdown

El Confidencial, Dueña del Canal en Iberoamérica es una empresa offshore

Nikkei, Mega Financial hit by US fine

ANP, Para que se equiparen los salarios entre hombres y mujeres

TVN, Contraloría lleva bonificaciones de la UP ante la Corte Suprema

Hoy, Imputaron a dos empresarios por presuntas coimas a funcionarios de Panamá

La Estrella, Préstamos nuevos disminuyeron 3.7%

Epstien & Montecino, Overcharged: the high cost of high finance

Scientific American, What vampire bats can teach us about friendship

PR, Newly discovered multicomponent virus is the first of its kind to infect animals

Mongabay, Dams inevitably result in species decline and losses on reservoir islands

Intercontinental Cry, Varela destroys indigenous communities and claims success

Mongabay, Panama revives stalled dam over strong indigenous opposition

La Estrella, Varela dice que no permitirán que se falte el respeto a las autoridades

Telemetro, Ocho heridos por enfrentamientos tras protestas contra Barro Blanco

TVN, Ana Matilde Gómez busca despenalizar el abandono de bebés

DW, Rousseff impeachment trial resumes after courtroom chaos

The Guardian, Bolivia’s deputy interior minister beaten to death

BBC, GOP governor calls blacks and Latinos enemies to be shot

AP, Trump’s staff talks racism and religious war online

BuzzFeed, Why Europe can’t find the jihadis in its midst

Simpson, Adivinanza

Gandásegui, La corrupción sin control genera más corrupción

Transparency International, Let’s pick up the slow pace of reform in Panama

OFRANEH, La farsa del “acuerdo” de Barro Blanco

Bagama, Fuera Martín Santiago de Panamá

La Estrella, Ministro de Seguridad niega que fotos de Frenadeso sean de Gualaquita

Video, FRENADESO desmiente policía y gobierno

WOLA, Colombia’s 52-year-old conflict with the FARC comes to an end

Perla & Bazak, The Colombia-FARC agreement

Márquez, La mas hermosa de todas las batallas

Ben-Ami, Colombia’s gift to the world

MEV, Manifesto on the Venezuelan situation

Fang, Democratic pundits downplay the Clinton Foundation’s ethical issues

Baker, Fixing Obamacare: the Democrats have to talk about it

Hausmann, Trump’s foreign admirers

América Económica, La herencia de Trump

Digby, The disturbing dawn of the alt-right

Miller, The Great Mexican Wall Deception

Texas Public Radio: “Hands of Stone,” fists of ham

The Undefeated, Usher Raymond IV fighting that good fight

The Tech, Restoration of a tarnished icon


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