The Panama News blog links, September 10, 2016


The Panama News blog links

Splash 24/7, PanCanal says it won’t be drawn into a price war with Suez

GCaptain, World’s largest ro-ro ship transits the expanded canal

Washington Post, That pricey Arctic cruise was just the beginning

MarineLink, Cruise ship transits the Northeast Passage

Bloomberg, Arctic shipping still a dream

Splash 24/7, Hanjin Shipping edges closer to oblivion

Metro Libre, Taekwondistas panameños sacaron su casta en Costa Rica, CONCACAF World Cup qualifying tournament schedule

BBC, Brazilian police want to question IOC head

La Estrella, Comercio en la Zona Libre se desploma 36% en cuatro años

BBC, Denmark to buy leaked Panama Papers data

Blades, ¿Ahora se puede comprar lo hurtado impunemente?

Reuters, Spanish ex-minister linked to Panama Papers renounces World Bank job

ANP, El objetivo del préstamo por $300M que el Banco Mundial otorgó a Panamá

Página 12, El FMI vuelve con pedidos de ajuste

Barrios, La geopolítica del crimen organizado y la economía del crimen

Eyes on Trade, TPP is unfortunately not dead

The Intercept, Obama promises lame duck TPP push

Bloomberg: Clinton’s Drug proposals ‘very negative,’ Pfizer CEO says

CSO, Ransomware prevalent in cloud-based malware

Espinosa & Molina, The climate’s low-hanging fruit

Slate, Giraffes are four species rather than the one previously thought

Australian National University, New material to revolutionize water proofing

Mashable, Ticos go two months without burning fossil fuels for electricity

Mongabay, Dam foes say Ecuador criminalizes them

La Estrella: Barro Blanco, un conflicto extendido por todo el país

TVN, Piden bajar niveles de intolerancia por discusión de la educación sexual

InSight Crime, Arrest of Panama drug boss shows gangs’ international ambitions

Ukraine Today, Ukrainian ex-official detained by Panama court for 40 days

El Tiempo, Mizrachi intentó evitar su recaptura

The Independent, What Donald Trump has really been up to in Latin America

EFE, 72% de colombianos votará “sí” en plebiscito sobre paz

CEPR, Have US-funded CARSI programs reduced crime in Central America?

WOLA, Private prisons: a questionable model across the Americas

E&N, Nicaragua otorga asilo al expresidente Mauricio Funes

Real Clear Politics, Latest US polls

McCann, Malheur Part I: Sovereign Feelings

McCann, Malheur part II: Ours But Not Ours

Russell, Two wars for the American West

The Economist, Post-truth politics

Wallace-Wells, The facts and falsehoods of the Clinton Foundation

Taibbi, The unconquerable Trump

Valenti, Schlafly won some battles but lost the war

Green, Dilma’s impeachment and Brazil’s future

Burges, Temer’s presidential dilemma in Brazil

Blades, Brasil y el desgaste de la politiqueria

Fortune, Why Facebook removing a Vietnam War photo is so important

Tegría, Indigenous peoples demand protection of sacred sites

Caribbean News Now!, Black Uhuru’s Duckie Simpson


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