The Panama News blog links, September 27, 2016


The Panama News blog links

La Estrella, Los ingresos del Canal de Panamá caen 4.3% hasta julio

WorkBoat, Expanded canal and low prices boost US LNG trade

JOC, High ship use doesn’t raise trans-Pacific cargo rates

McClatchey, US State Department will believe Nicaragua Canal when it sees it

The New York Times: Where ice once crushed ships, open water beckons

KTOO, A Frenchman and his hen Monique sailed the Northwest Passage

World Policy Institute, Arctic in focus

CCTV, Feasibility study underway for China-backed railway project

Xinhua, China’s Belt and Road initiatives three years on

GB Times, China completes longest desert highway

Trade Arabia, Suez tunnels to be done in late 2018

AP, Maersk splits into two divisions

Hellenic Shipping News, Hyundai looking to buy Hanjin box ships

Bloomberg, Maersk may move to acquire Hanjin and Hyundai

SunHerald, Greg Litton on the ’89 World Series as a Giant

TVN, Buhoneros de Calidonia dudan sobre su reubicación

CBC, Canadians in Panama Papers shouldn’t expect a tax deal

BBC, European Parliament begins Panama Papers inquiry

Fresh Fruit Portal, Winds destroy banana crops in Panama

Chiriquí Natural, La inundación de mil años en Barro Blanco

Latin American Herald Tribune, Panama neglects its own house about climate change

PR, Retired US Army general to lead deployment of gene-spliced insects

Science Alert, France bans plastic cups and plates

Mongabay, New online biodiversity monitoring manual

Christian Science Monitor, Singing fish and their humming at night

Video, Curiosity never sleeps, Signs of giant water plumes of Jupiter’s moon Europa

Center for Public Integrity, Opioids and the politics of pain

Business Insider, Google helps to save journalist from massive cyber-attack

Reuters, Probe of leaked NSA hacking tools examines operative’s ‘mistake’

Mongabay, International Criminal Court may now hear land grab and ecocide cases

Chiriquí Natural, Destituyen la cacica y rechazan acuerdo de Barro Blanco

Haiti Libre, Panama welcomes US decision to deport Haitians

US Department of Defense, SENAN officer heads multinational force aboard US ship

UN News Centre, Ban: “Colombians bidding farewell to decades of flames”

BBC, Three Catholic priests slain in Mexico in one week

Caribbean News Now!, Caribbean leaders warn of regional economic collapse

El País, La venganza de la Miss hispana a la que Trump humilló

Castsro, El privelegio de la autonomía

Simpson, ¿Xenofobia en Panamá contra venezolanos?

Financial Transparency Coalition, The Bahamas leaks

Semana, Paz en Colombia: por qué votar Sí

Isacson, Colombia’s growing coca crop

Bird, Guatemalan human rights prosecutor arrested on baseless charges

Rosnick, Latin America’s commodities bust? Not exactly

Wallerstein, Secular stagnation — or is it worse?

Frankel, Voting for a better US political system

Drew, Why is the US presidential race so close?

Barrera, La amenaza de Trump continúa

Giroux, The pathology of politics in our warfare state

Huffington Post, Pope calls yellow journalism a form of terrorism

Religion News Service, Leonard Cohen is as Jewish as it gets

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