The Panama News blog links
a Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas
Canal, Maritime & Transportation / Canal, Marítima & Transporte
La Estrella, Nivel de agua superó una de las compuertas de las esclusas de Cocolí
Hellenic Shipping News, The ACP’s unclear surety instruments
gCaptain, Panama breaks ground on new cruise terminal
Seatrade, Panama Registry opens three new technical offices
gCaptain, Maritime piracy down in 2017
Splash 24/7, Disconnect between global car sales and seaborne trade volumes
gCaptain, Alphaliner: digitization won’t be revolution in container shipping
Sports / Deportes
BBC, Wales confirms home friendly against Panama
CBC, Panama’s phantom goal in World Cup qualifying sparks review talk
El Siglo, González gana oro en mundial de la lucha
TVMax, Bravos y Caballos arrancarán la nueva temporada de Probeis en Aguadulce
Economy / Economía
Newsroom Panama, Nidal Waked pleads guilty to laundering bank fraud money
Prensa Latina, Indigenous people most affected by inequality in Panama
TVN, Ventas de autos en Panamá cae en los 8 primeros meses de 2017
La Estrella, Polémico decreto de Varela genera rechazo empresarial
Stiglitz et al, Intellectual property for the twenty-first-century economy
BBC, Rio Tinto charged with fraud by US authorities
Biswas & Hartley, A Chinese model for foreign aid
Subacchi, Why the renminbi won’t rule
Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología
STRI, Tropical tree roots represent an underappreciated carbon pool
UW-Madison News, Tropical trees show coexistence is the path to diversity
ZDNet, 3D-printed sternum and rib cage implanted into patient
Mongabay, Mapping multi-species corridors to conserve threatened carnivores
BBC, Magic mushrooms can ‘reset’ depressed brain
The Guardian, Penguins starving to death in the Antarctic
Business Insider, Google’s Trojan Horse would get into every detail of your life
News / Noticias
TVN, Con acto solemne despiden a los dos policías asesinados en Chilibre
Newsroom Panama, 4975 hit by tropical storm Nate in Panama
La Prensa, Déficit de lluvia en el Canal de Panamá rompe récord
US News, Panama to send immigration envoys to China as visa limits lifted
La Estrella, Ministerio Público retira proyecto sobre ‘cibercrimen’
Telemetro, Diputados desestiman denuncia contra magistrados de la Corte
Telemetro, CSJ no admite demanda contra Martinelli por caso riego de Tonosí
La Estrella, TE decreta alcances y limitaciones de la campaña electoral
El Siglo, Tribunal Electoral puede cerrar cuentas en medios sociales
La Prensa, Roces en la cúpula del PRD por hoja de ruta para las elecciones
BBC, New tests rule out Neruda cancer death
E&N, Rusia abre escuela para policías en Nicaragua
Rodriguez-Dominguez, Brazil’s far right touring the USA
The Independent, Texas city demands pro-Israel pledge for hurricane aid
The Intercept, Democratic Party drama puts Keith Ellison in a tough spot
Nation of Change, Elizabeth Warren calls for accurate Puerto Rico death count
Snopes: Las Vegas shooting rumors, hoaxes and conspiracy theories, Puerto Rican Teamsters stories are bogus
The Intercept, Kelly ordered ICE to portray immigrants as criminals to justify raids
The Daily Beast, Sheriff debunks Breitbart and Alex Jones immigrant smears
Business Insider, Fox News apologizes for featuring a fake pro-Trump ‘war hero’
CNET, Twitter to get ‘more aggressive’ policing tweets
Gizmodo, Lawmakers take action against Facebook election propaganda
The New York Times, States move to upgrade computerized voting systems
Bloomberg, Facebook looking for employees with national security clearances
The New York Times, Google finds accounts linked to Russian ads for US election
The Guardian, Russian troll factory paid US activists for protests during election
Opinion / Opiniones
Varoufakis, Spain’s crisis is Europe’s opportunity
Zabala, The Catalan crisis is not just about nationalism
Gros, Europe’s return to crisis
López Santiago, Decolonize the Caribbean
Denning, How the Chinese cyberthreat has evolved
Moyers & Scott: In the Age of Trump, a chilling atmosphere
Pierce, A rising constitutional crisis no one is talking about
WOLA, Response to Sessions: most asylum seekers have legitimate claims
Palast, I went to school with the Las Vegas shooter
Russell, Truth in an age of post-factual politics
Eyes on Trade, How progressives should engage on NAFTA renegotiations
Blades, Sobre la clasificación de Panamá al Mundial de Futbol 2018
Sagel, Diplomacia y turismo
Culture / Cultura
AFP, Messi’s son indoctrinated with Catalan nursery rhyme
La Estrella, Demolición de iglesia San Isidro Labrador
El Siglo, Fe y devoción para el Cristo Negro de Portobelo
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Estos anuncios son interactivos. Toque en ellos para seguir a las páginas de web.