The Panama News blog links
a Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas
Canal, Maritime & Transportation / Canal, Marítima & Transporte
Southwick, The big canal battle – Panama vs Suez
La Estrella, Gatún y Alajuela por debajo de nivel histórico
E&N, Paneles solares flotantes en el Canal de Panamá
Seatrade, Autonomous shipping advances in Denmark and the UK
World Maritime News, No longer sailing south?
Splash 24/7, China’s long game
Tampa Bay Business Journal, Copa increasing flights between Tampa and Panama
La Estrella, Copa y Sielas logran acuerdo
Sports / Deportes
EFE, Carolena Carstens se llevó el primer oro para Panamá
TVN, Nathalee Aranda gana el oro para Panamá en Juegos Bolivarianos
La Estrella, Probeis listo para la temporada de beisbol
Economy / Economía
Prensa Latina, Six sectors create the most jobs in Panama
EFE, Colombia y Panamá buscan acuerdo para frenar comercio ilícito
CityLab, The triumph of the Latin American mall
EIR, China-Latin America Productive Capacity Forum in Beijing
Wallach, The next round of NAFTA talks
Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología
Hoh, The toll of brain aneurysms
EcoPortal, La neurociencia da la razón a las pedagogías alternativas
The Atlantic, Females’ eggs may actively select certain sperm
Smithsonian Insider, Otter families create a distinct sound signature
Mongabay, Tracking sharks and fishing effort
South China Morning Post, Chinese ghost imaging spy satellite in the works
The Intercept, How to protect yourself against spearphishing
The Intercept, Many clandestine trackers found in popular Android apps
News / Noticias
EcoTV: Violencia de género, más allá del crimen una situación de salud pública
Jamaica Observer: Misogynist violence most prevalent in Latin America, Caribbean
La Prensa: Aeon Group, sociedad para distribuir coimas
NBC, A Panama tower carries Trump’s name and ties to organized crime
La Estrella, Juan Carlos Navarro buscará otra vez ser candidato presidencial del PRD
La Prensa, Las quejas de los precandidatos independientes
The Intercept, Court testimony says Honduran security minister is running drugs
Página 12, Una ola de izquierda descoloca a Piñera
CNN, Puerto Rico’s uncounted Hurricane Maria deaths
Haaretz, Report: Trump revealed Israeli operation in Syria to Russians
Mongabay, Nebraska nixes Keystone XL’s preferred pipeline route
AP, FBI didn’t tell US targets as Russian hackers hunted emails
Wallerstein, The unexpected Democratic sweep
Opinion / Opiniones
Anderson, How the tax package could blur the separation of church and politics
Russell, Donald Trump and the great transgender menace
Pierce, Trump hears Mueller knocking
O’Malley: Democratic Party ‘regenerating itself, almost like after a bad forest fire’
Cruz: Trump, shock doctrine and “disaster capitalism” in Puerto Rico
Ramsey, How Latin America is responding to mass Venezuelan migration
Simpson Aguilera, ¿Es Odebrecht un caso complejo?
Blades, Alabama en Panamá
Sagel, Distracción china
Culture / Cultura
Grace, Breakfast with Mugabe: a play, a friend and a tragedy in two acts
The New York Times, Time Inc. sold to group backed by Koch brothers
La Estrella, Presos jóvenes muestran su talento en encuentro de banda musicales
Grammy, Blades wins Latin Grammy album of the year
TVN, Las ‘chivas’ en el Panamá de ayer
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Estos anuncios son interactivos. Toque en ellos para seguir a las páginas de web.