Bernal, The Panamanian spring and those who would chill it


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Degradation continues

by Miguel Antonio Bernal

The shameful and despicable spectacle offered by the head of the Public Ministry and the (interim) president of the Supreme Court of Justice confirm the unstoppable degradation of legality that exists in Panama.

Their performance shows us that deinstitutionalization progresses and gains more ground here, day by day. The rampant absurd nit-picking only serves to displace and discredit the need for a democratic and constitutional rule of law.

Their uncommon zeal goes hand-in-hand with lies and deceit, and confirms to us that those who run the courts did not read and did not get the signs that thousands of indignant citizens, scarcely seven months ago, raised at the demonstration on the Cinta Costera. It summed up the state of mind of the great majority of citizens: “NOW WE HAVE AWOKEN!”

The rot of those who have hijacked democratic hopes make them not to want to know about the citizen awakening. It’s a result of the growing malaise that prevails thanks to populism, ambiguity contrived for deceit and a desire to degrade the concept of legality for their own benefit.

The “Panamanian spring” is being sketched out, notwithstanding all the rhetoric and the insulting, slanderous and dismissive attacks that continue to pour from high-ranking public officials.

So far they have managed to topple legality in the use of their regulatory and limiting powers. Thus they turn their backs on any constitutional order and pose as the only legitimate owners of the truth. They have eroded the few mechanisms of citizen control over the irrationality that prevails in the exercise of political power, in order to strengthen their personal interests against public institutions.

Today we are shown the links in a chain of fallacies and demagoguery: the Presidency, the Attorney General’s office, the Supreme Court and the legislators are trying to sell to us that the constitution is them. They have completely forgotten the part about how “the Public Power only emanates from the people.”


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