from the dispora…
The Panama News blog links
a Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas
Canal, Maritime & Transportation / Canal, Marítima & Transporte
Prensa Latina, Panamá inaugurará primer hub humanitario en las Américas
Seatrade: Tideworks, UMIP, MIT-Panama, CMU maritime education agreement
gCaptain, Trade war finally hits commodity shipping
Seatrade, Seafarer officers wages have stagnated over the last decade
Splash, Ultrabulk tries sail technology
Hellenic Shipping News, On course towards carbon-neutral shipping?
NBC, Rising seas threaten Norfolk Naval Shipyard
La Estrella, Panamá regula pesca y el comercio de medusa
Mongabay, Panama & Namibia plan to put fishing fleet data online
Sports / Deportes
ESPN: Elisa Williams, the boxer who’s also a cop and grandmother
Marlin, Panama Black Marlin fishing action
El Siglo, Panorama turbio en el cuadrilátero
Economy / Economía
TVN, Panamá y China entran a cuarta ronda de negociaciones comerciales
Finance Feeds: Iran, Panama, Russia highest financial crime risks say UK banks
Prensa Latina, Panamanian business concerned about failed state image
E&N, Los empresarios que asesorán a AMLO
Guzman & Stiglitz, Disaster capitalism comes to Puerto Rico
Business Insider, Canada and Mexico trade deal may face problems in Congress
South China Morning Post, The China Hustle
Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología
STRI, Study of humpback whale survivors of killer whale attacks
Secretaria General Iberamericana, Informe sobre cambio climático
CBC, An asteroid impact on Greenland left a massive crater under the ice
La Estrella, Anfibios: la lucha por su sobrevivencia en cautiverio
STRI, Drop your weapons — or body parts
Ecoportal, Arquitectura bioclimática
News / Noticias
Newsroom Panama, Lawmakers charged in bus compensation scam
La Estrella, ‘Incongruente’ informe sobre proyecto de hospital
AFP, Rights group calls for US reparations over 1989 Panama invasion
IHRC, Report on the Salas v United States (1989 invasion) case
AFP, Panama’s prisoners build confession boxes for papal visit
DW, Is Brazil turning into a military state?
AFP, Cuba set to debate constitution legalizing same-sex marriages
Newsweek, NRA tells doctors to “stay in their lane” on gun issues
Univisión, Los médicos se defienden de las burlas de la NRA
Atlantic, How the Democrats won Michigan
Opinion / Opiniones
Toobin, How voting rights fared in the midterms
Blades, El asno en jefe y otras glosas
González Tejeira, La corrupción golpea al deporte
Porras, Experiencias de una candidata independiente
Bernal, 30 mil firmas
Sagel, Entretenimiento político
Culture / Cultura
La Prensa, La mujer en las artes
Los Angeles Times, Panamanian filmmakers in Hollywood and Panama
La Estrella, Renovación del Teatro Variedades
Remezcla, Reflection on the Crown Heights Panamanian community
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Estos anuncios son interactivos. Toque en ellos para seguir a las páginas de web.