A two-punch combination for Colon’s PRD mayor

Alex Lee
At a time when he had more hope and power, Colon Mayor Alex Lee got saved. At least for the moment. Photo from his Twitter / X feed.

Alex Lee defeated at the polls, arrested at Tocumen Airport

from social media with a note by Eric Jackson

What’s a machine politician in Colon to do, once the voters have become sick of all that and ousted him at the polls?

Mayor Alex Lee had great fun beating up on the queers, putting his family and friends on the payroll, and, it is alleged, dipping into public funds for himself. On May 5 Colonenses expressed their annoyance by ousting Lee in favor of independent Diógenes Galván. Lee ran a distant third behind both Galván and the Martinelista candidate.

Lee’s electoral downfall was from a combination of factors, including a ridiculous PRD presidential candidate who scored only single digits in the election returns, an electorate unimpressed by “family values” political pitches this time, and those seeking political patronage crumbs figuring that the Martinelistas were a more likely bet than the PRD.

Then, on Thursday the 16th, the lame duck mayor was all set to take off for Medellin from Tocumen Airport when he was arrested on a warrant from the anti-corruption prosecutors. Details of the accusation — and remember, it’s just that until and unless he gets his day in court and a charge is proven — are sketchy but have something to do with embezzlement from the junta comunal of Barrio Sur, of which corregimiento he’s also the representante.


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