Editorials: Too heavy for credulity to bear; and Denazification after MAGA

him again
He knows NOTHING! Some 600 massive steel girders, parts intended for Bridge of the Americas repairs and upgrades, disappeared from the Ministry of Public Works storage yard on his shift as minister, but Rafael Sabonge has nothing to say about who took them. It’s about a $3 million loss to the Panamanian government and the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation. Wikimedia photo by LinaGil21.

Uh huh

Some 600 steel girders, each about 22 feet long and weighing several tons, were documented to be at the Ministry of Public Works storage yard a year ago. Now they are gone, there are no records about where they went and neither former Minister of Public Works Rafael Sabonge nor the people who worked at the storage yard have anything to say about who took them or where they went.

Maybe Sabonge can go back to his old job as a consultant for the Nicaragua Canal.


take him away
A Russian prisoner who had been pressed into slave labor points the finger at one of his guards in the aftermath of that 13-year nightmare they called the Third Reich.

What would denazification look like in a post-MAGA USA?

Those of us who watched saw it. Too many actually cheered.

Donald Trump praising dictators. Donald Trump spreading racist lies about immigrants that are likely to get people killed. Donald Trump spinning fantasies about history, including his own. Donald Trump misrepresenting the US economy. Donald Trump denigrating elections.

If Americans opt for that, do you think that the new dark age would only last four years? That would be optimistic.

The world gets dangerous when hateful stereotypes and wild delusions gain the force of law. In the wake of such regimes, some individuals never regain their senses. Some never survive to see the nightmare end.

The aftermath of a cruel totalitarian dictatorship is not a pretty thing. It may be a beautiful new dawn to some, but it’s wrenching takedown of society, a forcible erasure of overt symbols and established ways of thinking. Abuse and self-abuse thrive.

That’s the unstated Donald Trump promise, the inevitable end to all those lies. US citizens, wherever we live, need to register and vote. Let’s not leave our choice, and our lives, to delusional fanatics.


The Great Liberator

Our discords have their origin in the two most copious sources of public calamity: ignorance and weakness.

Simón Bolivar

Bear in mind…

Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.

Annie Lennox

To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others.

Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha

They’ll tell you you’re too loud — that you need to wait your turn and ask the right people for permission. Do it anyway.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortéz


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