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Another blog post while our access to Facebook is limited
Dry season in Panama? Not yet.
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Footnotes to the screaming headlines:
* Panama has seen a recent rise in the homicide rate. Mostly it’s gangsters killing one another over who controls which part of which racket. If you are a worried expat, do not go out and acquire an arsenal of firearms. Just stay away from the rackets and from racketeers.
* Some people had interpreted President Mulino’s campaign trail rhetoric about him not investigating anyone as a free pass for previous corruption. It seems like what he really meant was that this stuff is not the president’s job and he’s loathe to interfere. View the various news organizations’ scandal stories with the historic partisan alignments of those media reporting them in mind. There has been generalized corruption and you don’t need American Embassy pronouncements about it to understand. So far, there is no big witch hunt and no party membership is a stay out of jail card.
* Are the commie radicals about to take over Panama and make it into the next Venezuela? Outside forces might lean on Panama and provoke more widespread economic suffering on Panama, for whatever reason. The opposition Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) is part of the Socialist International. Those folks are not very socialist, democratic or revolutionary. Their caucus can play games in the legislature but will not come to power anytime soon. Even farther away from power are the actual communist factions, which are important factors in the labor movement and will be in the streets this week to oppose a jam-through of worker-unfriendly changes to the public pension system. Some sort of compromise is more likely than another national strike.
* These are not boom times. Christmas shopping will drive a little spike in business but we still have a weak economy.
* Has Syria fallen to horrible terrorists who are now pillaging and massively murdering innocent people? Maybe. Hold off on judging such reports until more information, from more reliable sources, comes in.
President Mulino addresses the MERCORUR summit in Ayacucho, Peru.
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