The Panama News blog links
a Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas
Canal, Maritime & Transportation / Canal, Marítima & Transporte
Seatrade, Panama’s Colon is region’s top-volume container port
Insurance Marine News, Another draft reduction at Panama locks
InSight Crime, Drug gangs corrupt Panama’s shipping industry
Chambers, Shipping’s lost generation
Reuters, US sanctions on ships and companies moving Venezuelan oil
Seatrade, In Europe a growing interest in autonomous ships
Sports / Deportes
US Soccer: USA, Panama, Guyana and Trinidad-Tobago in first round Gold Cup group
La Prensa, Piscina sin fondo
Economy / Economía
ICIJ, How the Panama Papers changed South Korea
BBC, El mito de movilidad social
Eyes on Trade, What will the International Trade Commission report show?
Coyle, How the market is betraying advanced economies
Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología
STRI, Cloud habitat
Bouman, How to take a picture of a black hole
La Prensa de Florida, Foto del agujero negro demuestra que Einstein tenía razón
Mongabay, Arctic sea ice melt falls to record lows for early April
Gizmodo, Hackers steal and publish data on law enforcement officers
Mongabay, El precio ambiental de la fiebre del litio en Argentina, Bolivia y Chile
News / Noticias
La Prensa, Gente de Yanibel Ábrego atacan a periodistas
La Estrella, Resumen del estudio de factibilidad del tren es incompleto
Newsroom Panama, Panama’s ongoing history of narco-politics
García Castro & Peña Barrios, Cuba has a new constitution – what happens next?
BBC, The Chilean rebels who took on Catholic abuse
BBC, Papa retira el obispo nicaragüense más crítico de Ortega
The Guardian, Steve Bannon ‘told Italy’s populist leader: Pope Francis is the enemy’
Reuters, Kamala Harris carves distinct early state primary path to the presidency
Opinion / Opiniones
CPJ, Why the prosecution of Julian Assange is troubling for press freedom
Ramonet, Las redes sociales es un ejército
Ben-Meir, The election will obliterate the face of Israel as we know it
Nye, Does China have feet of clay?
Stiglitz, Trump’s most worrisome legacy
Sagel, 80 años del fin de la guerra civil española
Blades, Panamá y el futuro de la democracia
Hughes: Sobre debates, ofertas y políticos electoreros
Eisenmann, Fondo turístico internacional –¿sin fondos?
Beluche, Los conflictos sociales del próximo gobierno
Culture / Cultura
Luisito El Gordillo, Probando comida callejera en Panamá
Remezcla, 12 new songs you need to hear, Trump blasts fake Mexican Beto and fake alien Chewbacca
Variety, Panamanian filmmakers set eyes on international market