The Panama News blog links, August 9, 2015



Bernie Sanders in Seattle last night, speaking before 12,000 people in the hall with another 3,000 outside listening
Bernie Sanders in Seattle last night, speaking before 12,000 people in the hall with another 3,000 outside listening

Video, Luci & The Soul Brokers – Surprise

BBC, Panama Canal to limit ship size due to drought

EFE, Trabajadores de la ampliación del Canal de Panamá anuncian huelga

Prensa Latina, Unions warn of privatization in the Panama Canal

Ministerio de Seguridad Pública, Decreto Ejecutivo 503 (the gun decree)

E&N, Por qué jubilados estadounidenses eligen vivir en el extranjero

Valdiva & Sellwood, Not so “peacefully” green energy projects

Frankel, The right time to reform fuel pricing

Asian Tribune, Plummeting oil price: the near-prophetic words of Sheikh Yamani

Video, Night vision

STRI, Beeline flights through the dark

Mongabay, Scientists urge ban on US salamander imports, Panama challenged by GM rice decision

El País, Los peligros de la edición genómica

DW, Juan Pablo Escobar: “El mundo deberá declarar la paz a las drogas”

EFE, Santos vaticina que Colombia está “ad portas” de la paz

Radio Temblor, Otra violación a los derechos humanos costarricense

Turati, México: un fotógrafo “incómodo” para el gobierno

Ali, Trinidad – Tobago: education reform and social mobilization

ADITAL: Elecciones en Haití comienzan después de 3 años de atraso

Weisbrot, Brazil will need to reverse course to revive economy

Stiglitz, America in the way

Susan the Bruce, Fauxlifers

Pilger, New developments in Julian Assange’s struggle for justice

Motta, Menos políticos y más hombres y mujeres de Estado

Zárate, La región del Darién en la integración de las Américas

El País: Rubén Blades, un sabio muy ocupado

Donald Trump at his campaign launch. He reportedly paid actors $50 each to assemble this crowd, but now all the polls have him leading the Republican primary field.
Donald Trump at his campaign launch. He reportedly paid actors $50 each to assemble this crowd, but now all the polls have him leading the Republican primary field.


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