Editorials: If you believe… and The cash wash chic


Generous Nigerian princes and
Uzbek potassium barons for Trump

If you believe that you probably were not born yesterday – odds are you are middle aged or a bit older.

People who have been taken by con men will go to great lengths to deny it. That’s who the MAGAs are: people who have swallowed the bait offered by a lifelong fraud artist.

US citizens who have not been taken really do need to register and vote, and Donald Trump really does need to move into jailhouse accommodations befitting a man convicted of fraud.


Mulinoo at the UN
Mulino before the General Assembly. United Nations photo.

Mulino at the UN

This was an underwhelming discourse, bound to yield few positive results for Panama. Worse than the speech was some of the praise of it published by Panamanian lawyers afterward. The attempt was made to lead people to believe that those of our law firms that organize corporate shells are some variety of freedom fighters, like the underground railway conductors who helped slaves to escape to free states in the years before the United States had its Civil War.

As in helping the wold’s oppressed millionaires escape from “tax hells” and, for a fee, secrete their wealth in foreign numbered bank accounts. They make it even sound like a patriotic defense of Panamanian sovereignty.

The biggest hole in that line of argument is that the great majority of Panamanians do not share in any of the proceeds of this racket, but do tend to get treated as suspects on those occasions when we try to do business in this world.

Black Skin White Masks illustration by BiLewis.

Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.

Frantz Fanon

Bear in mind…

You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.

Leonardo da Vinci

I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.

Nelson Mandela

All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.



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