The Panama News blog links
a Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas
Canal, Maritime & Transportation / Canal, Marítima & Transporte
AJOT, Tug and infrastructure problems dog expanded Panama Canal
AJOT, Expanded Panama Canal performance exceeds expectations
Handy Shipping Guide, PanCanal issues new clean fuel regs
Argus, ACP plans 10-day outage of Gatun’s east lane
9 News Denver, Denver regains nonstop air service to and from Panama
AFP, Police block protest against Nicaragua Canal
Sports / Deportes
ESPN, Junior lightweight champ Jezreel Corrales signs with Golden Boy
Baltimore Ravens, Rod Carew got the heart of a former Raven
EFE, Panamá tendrá sus primeros juegos ancestrales indígenas
ESPN FC, Seven held in Amilcar Henríquez slaying
Economy / Economía
La Estrella, Ingresos del gobierno están 10% por debajo de la meta
EIN News: Panama beer market 2017 shares, trends and forecast
TVN, Superintendencia de Bancos ordena liquidación de FPB Bank
CTBR, Enel starts operations of new 42MW solar plant in Panama
InSight Crime, Salvadoran crime boss said to launder money via Panama companies
Eyes on Trade, Trump’s trade flip-flops
Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología
Smithsonian’s National Zoo, A vanishing species reappears
Telemetro: Descubren en Panamá un nuevo camarón, lo nombran Pink Floyd
BBC, Massive new spider with red fangs found in Mexican caves
Mosaic, Climate change is turning dehydration into a deadly epidemic
Business Insider, What Earth would look like if the ice melted
CSM, Antarctica’s network of meltwater rivers bigger than thought
The Verge, Uber aroused Apple’s ire over iPhone tagging practices
ALAI, Just Net Coalition opposes Encrypted Media Extensions net standards
News / Noticias
Telemetro, Vicepresidenta se muestra a favor de uniones civiles del mismo sexo
La Estrella, Abad alega anomalías en venta de Epasa
Mi Diario, Católicos y evangélicos se enfrentan en procesión
CBS Denver, Peace Corps worker’s family meets with Varela after tragedy
Reuters, Mossack and Fonseca get bail
The Nation, Sharif wounded by Panama Papers verdict but lives to fight on
NL Times, More Dutch connections found in Panama Papers investigation
El País, Expresidente salvadoreño señalado por recibir US$1,5 millones de Odebrecht
AWID, The women behind El Salvador’s historic environmental victory
The Independent, Former MI6 chief says Trump borrowed money from Russia
The Intercept, Bernie’s Russian campaign adviser speaks out
DW, Americans skip Afghanistan-Taliban conference in Moscow
El País, Legisladores republicanos cuestionan la utilidad del muro
The Intercept: Assange strikes back at CIA director, talks Trump, Russia, and Clinton
Opinion / Opiniones
Rather, Trump’s worst week yet
Skidelsky, Trump’s war policy in Syria
Targ: The neocons, the humanitarian interventionists and the new Trump
Beckman, Secretary Clinton and the Honduran Coup
Boff, Globalization or Planetization?
WOLA, Uribe’s “Message to US Authorities” about Colombia’s peace effort
Vidal Payán, ¿Cómo el incremento de 1,5 °C afectaría a Panamá?
Blades, Sobre los recientes sucesos en Venezuela
Culture / Cultura
Taibbi, New Book brutalizes the Clinton campaign
Trinidad Guardian, Panama Canal stories both connect and divide
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