The Panama News blog links, February 20, 2018


The Panama News blog links

a Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas

Canal, Maritime & Transportation / Canal, Marítima & Transporte

La Estrella, Tránsito de buques por el Canal aumentó 5% durante el 2017

Seatrade, Panama Canal LNG transits to increase by 50%

EFE, Librería flotante más grande del mundo llegará a Panamá

The Independent, First ship crosses Arctic in winter without an icebreaker

MacauHub, Brazil gives up on train line project suggested by China

Sports / Deportes

El Comercio, Bolillo preocupado por la condición física de Panamá

Telemetro, Cinco años en prisión para Celestino Caballero

La Estrella, Baloncesto: Panamá se afila para ser ganador

Economy / Economía

Xinhua, Colon Free Zone sees 24.7 percent rise in trade in January

La Estrella, Grado de Inversión de Panamá es calificado como ‘estable’ por Fitch

PR, First Quantum Minerals to expand copper mine

TI, Panama’s money laundering evolution

International Adviser, Panama Papers to net UK taxman extra £100m

The Economist, Why it’s hard to reduce informality in Latin America

Prensa Latina: Despite all, women’s workforce participation up in region

Telemundo, Pocos estadounidenses trabajan como temps de Trump

The Hill, Unilever threatens to pull social media ads

Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología

Smithsonian, Celebrating the Tupper Library’s 50th birthday

Hakai Magazine, Caution: Whale Crossing

Science Magazine, Genes of ‘extinct’ Caribbean islanders found in living people

El País, La ciudad milenaria en México con tantos edificios como Manhattan

The Conversation, Prehistoric wine discovered in Sicilian caves

Science Magazine, Major mental illnesses share brain gene activity

The Conversation, How witnessing violence harms children’s mental health

Newsweek, Climate change: Animals have stopped turning white for winter

PNAS, Climate-change–driven accelerated sea-level rise detected

News / Noticias

Newsroom Panama: Fishermen’s double hit, snakes and bombs

Telemetro, PRD pospone su intento a reconfigurar Comisión de Credenciales

La Estrella, CSJ admite demanda contra la veda electoral

TVN, TE reconoce al FAD como partido político

Newsroom Panama, Gang shootout in polyclinic ER

La Prensa, Vertedero de Macaracas emite humo tóxico

Climate Liability News, Court rules that a safe climate is a human right

The Guardian, The Mexican bishop who negotiates with cartel bosses

Prensa Latina, AMLO ahead but it’s a long way from Mexicos’s elections

AFP, El presidente Temer militariza a Rio de Janeiro

El País, Fujimori será procesado por masacre

AFP, Marco Rubio dice que el mundo apoyaría un golpe en Venezuela

Politico, See how much your representative gets from the gun lobby

Huffington Post, Pennsylvania court redraws congressional map

The Intercept, Elizabeth Warren on the political changes she has been through

Opinion / Opiniones

Ben-Ami, The politics of national memory

Reich, Your three choices with Trump

Sachs, Ending America’s disastrous role in Syria

Gustafson, New energy empires

Gale, The State Department’s selective indignation

Isacson, White House budget reveals priorities for Latin America

Sylvester, Defending hope and freedom against fear and repression in Honduras

Chen Barría, Odebrecht era el poder dentro de Panamá

Beluche, Sobre despenalización de la marihuana

Blades, Apuntes desde La Esquina

Gómez, Lo que Martinelli nos dejó

Gandásegui, The silent US invasion of Panama

Sagel, Apostando a la paz

Culture / Cultura

AFP, Congos y Diablos en Nombre de Dios

ClaraMENTE, Año Nuevo Chino en Panamá


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