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Some neighborhood colors from a weird April

mango blossoms

Colors on a short walk from the bus stop to my home

photos by Eric Jackson
purple and white


my garden


neighbors' fence


fruit on the tree

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¿Wappin? Tortured poets / Poetas torturados

Fessing up
Graphic in the original from the New York Public Library archives.

Gotta pay some dues if you wanna…
Hay que pagar algunas cuotas si quieres…

Mark Knopfler – One Deep River

Jhonathan Chávez y Los Triunfadores – Momentos de magia

Shakira & Wyclef Jean – Hips Don’t Lie

MC5 / JC Crawford – Intro into Ramblin’ Rose

Patti Smith – Summer Cannibals

Rosalía – Motomami World Tour

Dua Lipa – Illusion

The Yardbirds – Heart Full Of Soul

Lenny Kravitz – Human

Taylor Swift – So High School

Maná – Viña del Mar 2024


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¿Wappin? Tortured poets / Poetas torturados (FB version)

FB version
Graphic in the original from the New York Public Library archives.

Gotta pay some dues if you wanna…
Hay que pagar algunas cuotas si quieres…

Mark Knopfler – One Deep River

Jhonathan Chávez y Los Triunfadores – Momentos de magia

Shakira & Wyclef Jean – Hips Don’t Lie

MC5 / JC Crawford – Intro into Ramblin’ Rose

Patti Smith – Summer Cannibals

Rosalía – Motomami World Tour

Dua Lipa – Illusion

The Yardbirds – Heart Full Of Soul

Lenny Kravitz – Human

Taylor Swift – So High School

Maná – Viña del Mar 2024


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Zorrilla-Muñoz et al, Las alternativas a la contaminación agropecuaria

Aplicación de pesticidas para el control químico de nematodos en un campo sembrado de girasoles en Karaisalı, Turquía. Foto de Wikimedia por Zeynel Cebeci.

Menos fertilizantes y más legumbres: estrategias para reducir las emisiones de la agricultura y la ganadería

por Vanessa Zorrilla-Muñoz, Universidad Miguel Hernández; Ana Belén Ropero Lara, Universidad Miguel Hernández; José Manuel Pérez-Pérez, Universidad Miguel Hernández y María Salud Justamante Clemente, Universidad Miguel Hernández

La producción de alimentos es responsable del 26 % de las emisiones totales de gases de efecto invernadero causantes del cambio climático. El sector agropecuario genera la mayor parte de estas emisiones. Por eso en la Unión Europea (UE), las estrategias de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático se centran en la Política Agrícola Común. En este contexto, ofrecen apoyo financiero al sector agrario (ganadería y agricultura) y abordan desafíos del mercado y del desarrollo rural.

A pesar de estos esfuerzos para mitigar las emisiones de las actividades agropecuarias, en la UE no se ha conseguido una reducción eficaz. Según el Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo, el sector agropecuario provocó el 11 % de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en 2021 frente a aproximadamente el 9 % en 2011.

Los últimos datos disponibles del sector agrario en España indican que éste contribuyó a generar cerca del 12 % de emisiones globales en el 2022. Estas emisiones proceden de tres fuentes principales: la ganadería, los fertilizantes y abonos químicos y el uso y gestión de la tierra (tierras de cultivo y pastizales).

En ganadería, estas emisiones están relacionadas directamente con la cría de ganado para dar lugar a productos de origen animal. Proceden casi en su totalidad del proceso digestivo de reses bovinas y ovinas y del almacenamiento de su estiércol. El estiércol produce en su mayor parte nitrógeno que puede contaminar el agua por nitratos y que se emite a la atmósfera en forma de óxido nitroso, y además libera metano.

En España, el Plan Estratégico de la Política Agraria Común propone la adopción de medidas de adaptación de los efectos del estiércol. Entre ellas figura mantener pastos permanentes para absorber el nitrógeno del suelo, lo que evita así la contaminación del agua por nitratos.

Fertilizantes químicos y abono

Un tercio de las emisiones agrícolas de la UE se deben al uso de fertilizantes químicos y abono. Según el Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo, estas emisiones aumentaron entre 2010 y 2018. En España, los principales desafíos agrícolas se relacionan precisamente con el uso de fertilizantes y pesticidas, pero también con la gestión de la tierra.

La aplicación excesiva de estos productos en la superficie agrícola, además, es la más destacada causa de contaminación indirecta de aguas de origen desconocido o no puntual. Esto puede mermar la calidad de las aguas, producir degradación ecológica, así como amenazar la diversidad de los insectos polinizadores. Todo ello afecta a la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas, pero también a la salud de las personas.

Para abordar este problema, el Pacto Verde Europeo, a través de diversas iniciativas, busca reducir en un 50 % el exceso de nitrógeno y fósforo en la tierra y en un 20 % el uso de fertilizantes. Para ello se promueven prácticas agrícolas que reducen la transferencia de productos químicos al agua y previenen la erosión del suelo.

En España, el Pacto Verde Europeo en agricultura está promoviendo los suelos sanos, ya que constituyen la base del 95 % de los alimentos que consumimos.

Alimentación sostenible

Uno de los objetivos del Plan Estratégico español de la Política Agraria Común es modificar los hábitos de consumo para alinearlos con las recomendaciones nutricionales y los objetivos de sostenibilidad.

Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, las dietas saludables y sostenibles están basadas en una gran variedad de alimentos muy poco o nada procesados. Además, son coherentes con las recomendaciones de la OMS para reducir el riesgo de enfermedades no transmisibles relacionadas con la alimentación.

Estas dietas incluyen cereales integrales, legumbres, frutos secos, así como muchas frutas y verduras variadas. Las frutas, verduras y hortalizas frescas son los tipos de alimentos de mayor consumo en España según el último Informe de Consumo Alimentario (2022).

Sin embargo, no alcanzamos ni la mitad de la ingesta recomendada por la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria. En cuanto a las legumbres, apenas tomamos un tercio de lo aconsejado y sin visos de aumentar.

Otras formas de mejora

Existen otras formas de mejorar la agricultura con el objetivo de disminuir su impacto ambiental. La conversión a la agricultura ecológica podría ofrecer beneficios a largo plazo, pero su implantación es costosa y laboriosa.

La mejora de la tecnología de riego en la agricultura intensiva puede reducir el uso de agua y productos químicos, pero plantea interrogantes sobre su impacto a gran escala.

Por otra parte, la promoción de un paisaje agrícola diversificado, basado en la sostenibilidad y la agricultura ecológica tiene numerosas ventajas. Entre ellas, la de conservar comunidades de polinizadores, mejorar la polinización de cultivos y plantas silvestres y beneficiar a pequeños agricultores/as.

Las consecuencias del uso de maquinaria en la agricultura son otro de los aspectos que suscita un interés cada vez mayor. Esto se debe a que utiliza, principalmente, combustibles fósiles.

En cuanto al desarrollo de nuevos cultivos, hay abierto un debate sobre los posibles efectos de la biotecnología en relación con el control genético y ambiental en los procesos de diferenciación y crecimiento de los órganos vegetales.

Otros ámbitos que se están debatiendo incluyen las nuevas investigaciones sobre la transformación del sector agroalimentario, la agricultura extensiva transmitida entre generaciones y las buenas prácticas impulsadas por el trabajo de pequeños agricultores. Todos esto forma parte del motor para el desarrollo de una agricultura más sostenible.

En suma, la ganadería y la agricultura se enfrentan a múltiples desafíos en Europa. Para abordarlos, se están promoviendo medidas basadas en dietas más saludables, adopción de prácticas para la gestión del estiércol, reducción de fertilizantes, pesticidas y gestión de la tierra. A su vez, en España se están explorando otras iniciativas como la agricultura ecológica, la mejora de la tecnología agraria y el desarrollo de nuevos y resistentes cultivos. Todo esto nos lleva hacia una agricultura innovadora y sostenible.The Conversation

Vanessa Zorrilla-Muñoz, Innovation Agent – Bioengineering Institute, Universidad Miguel Hernández; Ana Belén Ropero Lara, Profesora Titular de Nutrición y Bromatología – Directora del proyecto BADALI, web de Nutrición. Instituto de Bioingeniería, Universidad Miguel Hernández; José Manuel Pérez-Pérez, Catedrático de Genética, Universidad Miguel Hernández y María Salud Justamante Clemente, Doctora en Bioingeniería, Universidad Miguel Hernández

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en The Conversation. Lea el original.


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Editorial: Maneuvers as Election Day draws nigh; and When Bibi goes off to war

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Instability: thinking the unthinkable. Except that Panama has a history of what happens when we get governments that most people reject but the system doesn’t prevent them. We had coups d’etat in 1903 (the founding of the republic), 1927, 1941, 1946, 1951 and 1968, plus many other attempts. Democracy can fail here, and has done so.

Simplification, polarization, end-game alliances:
normal processes but an abnormal election year

A lot of the usual, and many would-be, “kingmakers” are delaying their bets until we get a court decision about whether José Raúl Mulino is on the ballot. By the plain letters of some constitutional and statutory requisites, he doesn’t qualify. He’s a major party candidate who didn’t make it through the primary process? He has no runnin mate? Reasonable disqualifiers.

Judges might also have reason to call those minor flaws that should be overlooked in favor of a major political force that has been leading in the polls being presented to the voters.

With a Friday deadline some 30 people or organizations have filed arguments pro and con with the Supreme Court. A decision that day would be 16 days before the vote. The timing might be used as an excuse to leave Mulino on the ballot, but that would be a victory for impunity for rich and powerful criminals, who can play exaggerated court delay games, lose on the merits of what they did, yet win political salvation and pardon through procedural manipulation.

Martinelli is a convicted criminal evading a more than 10-year prison sentence, taken in for some weird reason by the government of Nicaraguan strongman Daniel Ortega and, in violation of international law, conducting a political campaign from a diplomatic asylum. He, and now his proxy Mulino, have been campaigning for years by using stolen property – the EPASA newspaper chain – to promote themselves. “He stole, but he got things done” was the slogan at one point, but the general intent of the Panamanian constitution is that one who steals on a grand scale and gets caught and convicted for any part of that process loses political rights.

Let us see what the court decides, and hope that they nor we worry too much about public disorders if the Martinelista ticket gets decapitated. Ricky is great on to assemble rent-a-crowds, but these tend to be wimpish “What’s in it for ME?” opportunists, not folks read to risk very much to support any cause.

The polls, however, suggest that a substantial majority of Panamanians expect Mulino to be elected and then to follow Martinelli’s orders. Polls also suggest that most of the voters who expect that don’t support it.

Is there a timing issue about derailing this approaching calamity? It was entirely of Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal’s creation. The Supreme Court ought to kick him off of the ballot. Respected legal experts are divided, as of course are the usual lawyer hacks. Rubén Blades may be a renowned entertainer and a veteran is less stellar political activist, but he’s also a University of Panama and Harvard educated lawyer and thinks Mulino should be disqualified. In this Blades has the concurrence of locally famous legal scholar Carlos Bolívar Pedreschi. Equally renowned jurist Miguel Antonio Bernal takes the opposite point of view. And Don Ricky’s phalanxes of lawyers, delay specialists and others? We’ve heard enough from the mafia lawyers for too many years. Their big boss man stole more than $70 million from us and we’re supposed to look away toward promises of money in our pockets?

Anyway, get past Mulino and the rest is a disorderly mess. The PRD is split into three, the Panameñistas into two, MOLIRENA into God knows how many fragments and the left is not gaining much traction. The PRD standard-bearer, Gaby Carrizo, is ridiculous and at all levels there are party members willing to write him off in hopes he doesn’t drag the down-ticket candidates to defeat with him. There is an appearance that Roux’s support in large part rests on a Panameñista resurgence led by his running mate, former Mayor Blandón. Lombana’s rises seems to have been slowed by his running mate’s distancing from the notion of a secular state, and his own comments appreciating some authoritarian leaders in sister Latin American republics. Torrijos’s appeal becomes ever less compelling when his 2004-2009 presidency is examined.

Panama must choose and we are not sure of what choices there will be. More certain are the complexity and difficulties of our choice.

Are independents of the Vamos kind advocating a new constitution that includes the death penalty? We do need a new constitution – especially one with a second round of presidential voting when nobody gets a majority in the general election – but barbarous punishments would do nothing to make us safer. The Vamos gaffe reminds us to look more closely at the down-ballot races, and among the independents make distinctions about which independents.

If anybody ever told you that democracy is easy, that person was wrong.


Al Nakba
Al Nakba in 1948: ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, many of whom were forced to move to Gaza at the time. The conflict didn’t begin with that. Was it all provoked by the Biblical times massacre at Jericho? Or Roman times oppression? Or Muhammad times Islamization of Jerusalem? Or the Crusades? Or…? It certainly didn’t begin with the October 7, 2023 Hamas offensive, nor with the Israeli bombing of the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, nor with the Iranian response to that. It’s better to talk about how to stop this violence than about who started it and when. Photo from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace archives.

Neither history nor religion excuse this

It has gotten to the point that there are Republicans in Congress threatening Qatar for trying to broker a peace deal, when some years ago the United States suggested the Qataris as mediators between Hamas and Israel, who would not speak to one another.

It has gotten to the point that the essentially Republican billionaire arms merchant club AIPAC, has immersed itself in Democratic primaries to promote the idea that to question the word of the far-right Netanyahu government is antisemitic.

It is way beyond the point of brazen hypocrisy in the UN Security Council.

It’s becoming a national security issue in Panama, where neutrality is the main defense of our canal and where Israel has repeatedly attacked us – via the Mossad guy who organized Noriega’s UESAT death squad, via Israeli Pegasus electronic surveillance systems being deployed against all manner of journalists, dissidents and public officials in Panama, via Shin Bet veterans instructing Panamanian cops and presidential guards in racism, via Israeli backing for hoodlums who ran weapons to Colombian death squads through the Panamanian vessel Otterloo…. Yet there are would-be media kingmakers angling for a presidency aligned with Israel.

There are no saints to be found among the combatants, but there are war criminals to be brought to justice and punished. For the Israel massacre of Gaza civilians, for the Hamas violation of Islam’s prohibition against making war against noncombatant women, children and old people.

Mr. Netanyahu? Perhaps it would suffice to have him disgraced, tried and punished for mere financial crimes, over which he took his country to war as a distraction.

Let the United States not be dragged into a war with Iran. Let Panama not be hoodwinked into an alliance with Israel against Iran. The biggest possible step in the process is for Biden to cut off Netanyahu’s money and arms stream from the USA. For Panama the important thing is to be a dignified, principled, independent country that’s nobody’s partner in crime, that takes foreign policy orders from no other country.


who's afraid?
Virginia Woolf in London in 1939, a couple of years before her death.

        The older one grows, the more one likes indecency.

Virginia Woolf        

Bear in mind…

Rage is the only quality which has kept me, or anybody I have ever studied, writing columns for newspapers.

Jimmy Breslin

I’ve always said that in politics, your enemies can’t hurt you, but your friends will kill you.

Ann Richards

We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves.

Francois de la Rochefoucauld


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Zimet, Culture Cold War?

From The Ladies Home Journal in 1948.

First they came for my appliances: we are here for the Refrigerator Freedom Act

by Abby Zimet

Okay all you naysayers whining shambolic House GOPers aren’t doing their job just ’cause they’re blocking border solutions, ignoring infrastructure, enabling Ukrainian deaths and barely keeping the government afloat: Listen up. Boldly showcasing their astute priorities, they will fight Monday to liberate your dishwashers, dryers, fridges and other home gizmos from a Marxist “avalanche” of new “Libby Boogyman” rules aimed at keeping the planet from vaporizing into air, and c’mon who cares about that?!

Ever-steadfast in upholding their tradition of chasing fictional ills – Mike ‘Election Chicanery’ Johnson is now vowing to require proof of citizenship to prevent (brown-skinned) non-citizens from voting even though it’s already illegal, also “not a thing” – the GOP-led House Rules Committee meets Monday to discuss six bills to prep them for final votes on the House floor. The six bills are the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act, the Liberty in Laundry Act, the Affordable Air Conditioning Act, the Clothes Dryer Reliability Act, the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act and the Refrigerator Freedom Act. Yes. They are real. They’re in response to a number of Biden regulations or proposals aimed at addressing climate change, part of a $369 billion Inflation Reduction Act that seeks to lower costs, reduce energy use, cut pollutants and move to more green-energy practices.

To Republicans, however, they’re aimed at letting tyrants “control everything Americans are able to do on a day-to-day basis,” part of an insidious plot to allow “others” to come for their stuff, their choices and their God-given rights, evidently including the right to get a back-alley abortion with a coat hanger. (One sage: “REPUBLICANS: ‘Keep gubmint OUT of our toasters and dish washers!’ ALSO REPUBLICANS: ‘We need surveillance cameras inside every cha-cha so we can keep an eye on what women are doing!'”) Thus did Arizona’s Rep. Debbie Lesko, declaring she is “proud (to) stand on the side of choice for American consumers,” devise the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act to prohibit “federal bureaucrats” from issuing an aforementioned “avalanche” of new energy standards “not technologically feasible and economically justified.”

In March, Iowa’s Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks echoed her, introducing and eventually passing the Refrigerator Freedom Act to prohibit the same offenses – now “not cost-effective or technologically feasible” – because Biden has “done nothing but implement outrageous regulations” that only limit choice, increase prices, disenfranchise toilets and blenders, and move us toward dictatorship. MAGA-ites, of course, applaud these red-meat efforts to rescue heat pumps, gas stoves, washing machines, showers and air fryers from domination. “Finally, following American and not Globalist priorities,” said one. “I am sick and tired of the government telling us what we can and cannot buy and use.” And after 11 GOP-run states sued over some of the changes, a judge dismissed the rules as “arbitrary and capricious.”

That could also apply to a House focused on fighting to be able to buy a $7 toaster even if, okay, so it may burn your house down but FREEDUMB! Of course, confronting issues like national security or infrastructure require actual, unflashy, conciliatory, negotiating, attention-to-detail legislative work, and they’re barely able to co-exist with their colleagues, never mind opponents, and anyway it’s probably about time for another two-week recess, so let’s go with hair dryers and ceiling fans. Along with the petty stupidity is the economic irony: Most appliances are made in China, so they’re protecting Chinese companies from US regulations, and for things made here, they’re ensuring big business can be left alone to make over-priced, planet-killing, deliberately-soon-obsolete crap. Your tax dollars at work!

Predictably, the cognitive dissonance drew its share of mockery, with Digby noting, “We all know the GOP likes to focus on kitchen table issues, but this is ridiculous.” Others argued that, “Insurrectionists are now GOP Congresspersons” and that, thanks in part to such diversionary tomfoolery, “The GOP has Ukrainian blood on their hands.” “First they came for my appliances,” one intoned. “I was not an appliance, so I said nothing.” Another suggested a key addition to the GOP agenda: a “Stop Wasting Our Time on Meaningless Legislation Act.” There were also triumphant stories of deliverance born of the GOP’s hard and noble work. “In honor of the Refrigerator Freedom Act, I just opened my front door and set my newly liberated Frigidaire free,” one reported. “Needless to say, it’s running.”


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Empieza mañana – El Festival Internacional de Artes Escènicas

French dance
Desde Prólogo (Francia).

Francia abrirá el miércoles El Festival Internacional de Artes Escènicas

por Roberto Enrique King

PRÓLOGO, de la Compañía de danza Resodancer de Francia, una intensa coreografía inspirada en el mundo de Alfred Hitchcock, que ha girado con éxito por gran parte de Europa, llega a Panamá este miércoles 17, a las 7:30pm, al Ateneo de la Ciudad del Saber, para abrir el 13º FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE ARTES ESCÉNICAS (FAE PANAMÁ 2024), máximo evento del teatro y la danza contemporánea con que cuenta el país que llega a sus 20 años de creación en esta edición, y que se extenderá hasta el sábado 20, con el auspicio principal del Ministerio de Cultura, Iberescena, MIDES, Banconal, el GECU de la Universidad de Panamá y la Alianza Francesa, entre otras entidades.

El festival inició como bienal en 2004, para pasar a ser un evento anual en 2019, y en este período de tiempo de dos décadas, además de convertirse en relevante vitrina artística de alto nivel, ha creado y desarrollado segmentos sociales gratuitos que son cada vez más populares y esperados.

El FAE PANAMÁ 2024 continuará el jueves 18 en el Teatro Nacional, también a las 7:30pm, con Argentina y la obra teatral LA CELESTINA, TRAGICOMEDIA DE LITA, de Rey Marciali Producciones, adaptación de la conocida pieza clásica que en esta versión contemporánea presenta a una actriz que lucha por su vida al quedar atrapada por una escenografía, mientras que en la franja nacional se presentará, a las 9pm, en el Teatro Anita Villalaz, DIARIO DE UN LOCO, adaptación del cuento clásico de Gogol sobre un funcionario obsesionado con la hija de su jefe, escrita, dirigida y actuada por Abdiel Tapia.

El viernes 19, a las 7:30pm, en el Ateneo de la Ciudad del Saber seguirá la programación con Brasil y danza por la Compañía Giro 8, con la pieza COMENZARÍA TODO OTRA VEZ: MARÍA BETHANIA, que incursiona en los vericuetos del amor y sus distintas manifestaciones, con el fondo de canciones y poemas de esta famosa cantautora brasileña, y a las 9pm, en la Fundación Espacio Creativo de Santa Ana, disfrutaremos con dos obras de danza de Panamá, HRS, de Andrea González, en la que dos personas esperando a alguien o algo se desesperan, y BRUTA, de Carla Lozano, que cuestiona quiénes somos y cómo se supone que debemos ser. Los boletos para las obras de sala están de venta en Tustiquetes.com a $15 las internacionales y $10 las locales, más impuestos, y también estarán en taquilla.

Desde La Celestina (Argentina).

El Laboratorio Formativo FAE presentará en la Ciudad de las Artes los talleres teatrales gratuitos: de Clown Teatral, con artistas de Mexico y de Psicodrama, por las especialistas venezolanas radicadas en Panamá, Patricia y Ariadne Betancourt. Y clases maestras de danza con los coreógrafos de las compañías de Francia, de Brasil y de Panamá. También habrá un conversatorio con la Compañía Resodancer de Francia, en la Alianza Francesa.

EL FAE llega a las escuelas del barrio, llevará a los centros primarios públicos: República de México y Simón Bolívar en Catedral, Justo Arosemena en Santa Ana y Pedro J. Sosa en Calidonia, los espectáculos POLI AQUATICS, de Poli Cuenta Cuentos, de Venezuela/Panamá; PERIPECIAS: VIAJE CON LUCA, de México y CERRADO MUNDO MÁGICO, de Brasil, sin costo para las escuelas.

Y con El FAE al aire libre cerrará el Festival, el sábado 20, desde las 4pm, en la plaza Catedral, con las obras que se presentarán en las escuelas, para ofrecer gratuitamente a toda la familia una tarde artística y cultural, que se complementará con una feria artesanal y gastronómica.

Más información sobre el festival en los teléfonos 6535-0795 y 6948-0124, en FAE Panama en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, en info@faepanama.org y en la web www.faepanama.org



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A scene not to relive – don’t be an ass like Jack Oliver

Once upon a time this wall completely cut off Panama City’s Casco Viejo, and in front of it there was a moat. There was a drawbridge that was hauled up at the end of each day. By custom the only black people allowed to stay in the neighborhood were domestic servants and government workers – some of the latter being cops. Photo by Eric Jackson.

168 years ago today…

by Eric Jackson

Back then, slavery – never a strict color-line thing here – had only been formally abolished for five years, and five years had yet to come before the United States burst into sectional warfare that was the most awful calamity, still denied by much of the mainstream US culture and largely ignored by the rest.

Back then – April 15, 1856 — there were these would-be American conquerors from the southern slave states, looking to imitate what had happened in Texas by conquering parts of Latin America and turning them into new slave states to affect the balance of power in the US Senate.

The most infamous of these men, called filibusters, was a “gray-eyed man of destiny,” William Walker. To have a Casco Viejo in which the only black people welcome at night were domestic servants must have looked like an attractive prospective capital of a new slave state to men like this. MOST of the Americans passing through here, however, were just on their way to California.

To the cruder Americans at a time when popular and legal US opinion was that black people had no rights that whites were bound to respect, a Panama without slavery was a place for constant insults and fights. It came to a head in April of 1856 in the slums outside the Casco Viejo walls, when a white American named Jack Oliver took it upon himself to argue about the price of a piece of watermelon with a black vendor, José Manuel Luna. The latter asserted his right to be paid a dime and the former introduced a pistol into the argument. When the smoke cleared dozens were dead and US forces invaded Panama not long afterward.

A shot was fired in the argument. Nobody was hit, but a crowd gathered and someone began to ring the bell at the Santa Ana Catholic Church, which attracted an even bigger crowd. The Americans fled back to the old train station, which is no longer used for that purpose but is on Plaza Cinco de Mayo. The governor – this was part of the Republic of New Granada then – sent in the police to protect the Americans.

But as the cops arrived in formation, accompanied by the governor, all the Americans saw was a formation of black men with guns. The Americans opened fire on the cops and the governor and police withdrew. An angry mob surged to the station and around 60 people, most of them Americans, were killed.

Back in the States racially charged, inflammatory press stories were published and soon Washington sent in the Marine Corps to collect an indemnity from New Granada for wrongful deaths and injuries, and property losses to the Americans among the casualties. Uncle Sam didn’t reimburse Mr. Luna for his watermelon slice.

American press depiction of the event in Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, May 1856, as in black savages attack innocent Americans. Today’s MAGA types would believe it, too.

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Varoufakis, What he intended to say in Berlin before the police stepped in

how do you say The Heat in German?
German cops bust up the antiwar Palestine Congress, sponsored by among others Jewish Voice for Peace, because the German government accused it of being “Islamist.”

Proud, decent people led down a
perilous road to a heartless society

by Yanis Varoufakis


Congratulations, and heartfelt thanks, for being here, despite the threats, despite the ironclad police outside this venue, despite the panoply of the German press, despite the German state, despite the German political system that demonizes you for being here.

“Why a Palestinian Congress, Mr, Varoufakis?,” a German journalist asked me recently? Because, as Hanan Ashrawi once said: “We cannot rely on the silenced to tell us about their suffering.”

Today, Ashrawi’s reason has grown depressingly stronger: Because we cannot rely on the silenced who are also massacred and starved to tell us about the massacres and the starvation.

But there is another reason too: Because a proud, a decent people, the people of Germany, are led down a perilous road to a heartless society by being made to associate themselves with another genocide carried out in their name, with their complicity.

I am neither Jewish nor Palestinian. But I am incredibly proud to be here amongst Jews and Palestinians – to blend my voice for Peace and Universal Human Rights with Jewish Voices for Peace and Universal Human Rights – with Palestinian Voices for Peace and Universal Human Rights. Being together, here, today, is proof that Coexistence is Not Only Possible – but that it is here! Already.

“Why not a Jewish Congress, Mr. Varoufakis?”, the same German journalist asked me, imagining that he was being smart. I welcomed his question.

For if a single Jew is threatened, anywhere, just because she or he is Jewish, I shall wear the star of David on my lapel and offer my solidarity – whatever the cost, whatever it takes.

So, let’s be clear: If Jews were under attack, anywhere in the world, I would be the first to canvass for a Jewish Congress in which to register our solidarity.

Similarly, when Palestinians are massacred because they are Palestinians – under a dogma that to be dead they must have been Hamas – I shall wear my keffiyeh and offer my solidarity whatever the cost, whatever it takes.

Universal Human Rights are either universal or they mean nothing.

With this in mind, I answered the German journalist’s question with a few of my own:

• Are two million Israeli Jews, who were thrown out of their homes and into an open air prison 80 years ago, still being kept in that open air prison, without access to the outside world, with minimal food and water, no chance of a normal life, of traveling anywhere, and bombed periodically for 80 years? No.
• Are Israeli Jews being starved intentionally by an army of occupation, their children writhing on the floor, screaming from hunger? No.
• Are there thousands of Jewish injured children no surviving parents crawling through the rubble of what used to be their homes? No.
• Are Israeli Jews being bombed by the world’s most sophisticated planes and bombs today? No.
• Are Israeli Jews experiencing complete ecocide of what little land they can still call their own, not one tree left under which to seek shade or whose fruit to taste? No.
• Are Israeli Jewish children killed by snipers today at the orders of a member-state of the UN? No.
• Are Israeli Jews driven out of their homes by armed gangs today? No.
• Is Israel fighting for its existence today? No.

If the answer to any of these questions was yes, I would be participating in a Jewish Solidarity Congress today.


Today, we would have loved to have a decent, democratic, mutually-respectful debate on how to bring Peace and Universal Human Rights for everyone, Jews and Palestinians, Bedouins and Christians, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea with people who think differently to us.

Sadly, the whole of the German political system has decided not to allow this. In a joint statement including not just the CDU-CSU or the FDP but also the SPD, the Greens and, remarkably, two leaders of Die Linke, joined forces to ensure that such a civilized debate, in which we may disagree agreeably, never takes place in Germany.

I say to them: You want to silence us. To ban us. To demonize us. To accuse us. You, therefore, leave us with no choice but to meet your accusations with our accusations. You chose this. Not us.

• You accuse us of anti-Semitic hatred
• We accuse you of being the antisemite’s best friend by equating the right of Israel to commit war crimes with the right of Israeli Jews to defend themselves.

• You accuse us of supporting terrorism
• We accuse you of equating legitimate resistance to an apartheid State with atrocities against civilians which I have always and will always condemn, whomever commits them – Palestinians, Jewish Settlers, my own family, whomever.
• We accuse you of not recognizing the duty of the people of Gaza to tear down the Wall of the open prison they have been encased in for 80 years – and of equating this act of tearing down the Wall of Shame – which is no more defensible than the Berlin Wall was – with acts of terror.

• You accuse us of trivializing Hamas’ October 7th terror
• We accuse you of trivializing the 80 years of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and the erection of an ironclad apartheid system across Israel-Palestine.
• We accuse you of trivializing Netanyahu’s long-term support of Hamas as a means of destroying the Two-State Solution that you claim to favor.
• We accuse you of trivializing the unprecedented terror unleashed by the Israeli army on the people of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

• You accuse the organizers of today’s Congress that we are, and I quote, “not interested in talking about possibilities for peaceful coexistence in the Middle East against the background of the war in Gaza”. Are you serious? Have you lost your mind?

• We accuse you of supporting a German state that is, after the United States, the largest supplier of the weapons that the Netanyahu government uses to massacre Palestinians as part of a Grand Plan to make a two-state solution, and peaceful coexistence between Jews and Palestinians, impossible.
• We accuse you of never answering the pertinent question that every German must answer: How much Palestinian blood must flow before your, justified, guilt over the Holocaust is washed away?

So, let’ s be clear: We are here, in Berlin, with our Palestinian Congress because, unlike the German political system and the German media, we condemn genocide and war crimes regardless of who is perpetrating them. Because we oppose apartheid in the land of Israel-Palestine no matter who has the upper hand – just as we opposed apartheid in the American South or in South Africa. Because we stand for universal human rights, freedom and equality among Jews, Palestinians, Bedouins and Christians in the Ancient Land of Palestine.

And so that we are even clearer on the questions, legitimate and malignant, that we must always be ready to answer:

Do I condemn Hamas’s atrocities?

I condemn every single atrocity, whomever is the perpetrator or the victim. What I do not condemn is armed resistance to an apartheid system designed as part of a slow-burning, but inexorable, ethnic cleansing program. Put differently, I condemn every attack on civilians while, at the same time, I celebrate anyone who risks their life to TEAR DOWN THE WALL.

Is Israel not engaged in a war for its very existence?

No, it is not. Israel is a nuclear-armed state with perhaps the most technologically advanced army in the world and the panoply of the US military machine having its back. There is no symmetry with Hamas, a group which can cause serious damage to Israelis but which has no capacity whatsoever to defeat Israel’s military, or even to prevent Israel from continuing to implement the slow genocide of Palestinians under the system of apartheid that has been erected with long-standing US and EU support.

Are Israelis not justified to fear that Hamas wants to exterminate them?

Of course they are! Jews have suffered a Holocaust that was preceded with pogroms and a deep-seated antisemitism permeating Europe and the Americas for centuries. It is only natural that Israelis live in fear of a new pogrom if the Israeli army folds. However, by imposing apartheid on their neighbors, by treating them like sub-humans, the Israeli state is stoking the fires of antisemitism, is strengthening Palestinians and Israelis who just want to annihilate each other and, in the end, contributes to the awful insecurity consuming Jews in Israel and the Diaspora. Apartheid against the Palestinians is the Israelis’ worst self-defense.

What about antisemitism?

It is always a clear and present danger. And it must be eradicated, especially amongst the ranks of the global left and the Palestinians fighting for Palestinian civil liberties –around the world.

Why don’t Palestinians pursue their objectives by peaceful means?

They did. The PLO recognized Israel and renounced armed struggle. And what did they get for it? Absolute humiliation and systematic ethnic cleansing. That is what nurtured Hamas and elevated it the eyes of many Palestinians as the only alternative to a slow genocide under Israel’s apartheid.

What should be done now? What might bring Peace to Israel-Palestine?

  • An immediate ceasefire.
  • The release of all hostages: Hamas’s and the thousands held by Israel.
  • A peace process, under the UN, supported by a commitment by the International Community to end apartheid and to safeguard equal civil liberties for all.
  • As for what must replace apartheid, it is up to Israelis and Palestinians to decide between the two-state solution and the solution of a single federal secular state.


We are here because vengeance is a lazy form of grief.

We are here to promote not vengeance but peace and coexistence across Israel-Palestine.

We are here to tell German democrats, including our former comrades of Die Linke, that they have covered themselves in shame long enough – that two wrongs do not one right make – that allowing Israel to get away with war crimes is not going to ameliorate the legacy of Germany’s crimes against the Jewish People.

Beyond today’s Congress, we have a duty, in Germany, to change the conversation. We have a duty to persuade the vast majority of decent Germans out there that universal human rights is what matters. That Never Again means Never Again. For anyone, Jew, Palestinian, Ukrainian, Russian, Yemeni, Sudanese, Rwandan – for everyone, everywhere.

In this context, I am pleased to announce that DiEM25’s German political party MERA25 will be on the ballot paper in the European Parliament election this coming June – seeking the vote of German humanists who crave a Member of European Parliament representing Germany and calling out the EU’s complicity in genocide – a complicity that is Europe’s greatest gift to the antisemites in Europe and beyond.

I salute you all and suggest we never forget that none of us are free if one of us is in chains.


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¿Wappin? Esta vez en sábado / This time on Saturday

Cantante panameña Sandra Sandoval, 2012 en Chitré. Foto de Wikimedia por Ayaita.

Knocked out by the sun so this time it’s on a Saturday
Noqueado por el sol, así que esta vez es sábado

Peter Tosh – Equal Rights / Downpressor Man

Samy y Sandra Sandoval – Concierto Mundial 2012

Buenos Vampiros – Puedo ver el mar en tus ojos

The Gladiators – Festival de Verão Salvador 2000 (Brasil)

Celia Cruz & La Sonora Matancera – Tu Voz

Cienfue – Monstruo

Kany García & Natalia Lafourcade – Remamos

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