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Editorials: They should just leave; and We’re supposed to get upset about…?

Right-wing media played this assassination of two labor activists as a retired American lawyer acting as a gun rights hero. IS Ken Darlington actually a US citizen? Perhaps, but the US government isn’t telling. The guy is Panamanian, and was the Panamanian mob lawyer who advised The Harris Organization financial crime outfit. You don’t get to practice law in Panama if you are not a Panamanian citizen, and the Harris outfit advised Americans to give up their US citizenship. More to the point of the guy’s identity? He worked with PRD legislators to affect laws regulating the “offshore asset protection” business, and his daughter is married to PRD presidential candidate Gaby Carrizo’s brother. NOW this double murder, and the killings of two other protesters, get blown off as anomalies. Just a crazed gringo rather than terrorism by a politically connected Panamanian. Nothing to balance First Quantum’s narrative of violent anti-mining protesters. But who, what, when and where? Who did the protesters kill?

Contempt of court, contempt of Panama

At the end of November, this country’s Supreme Court of Justice ruled – for a second time – that the mining concession under which First Quantum has dug a huge toxic hole in Panama was unconstitutional from its outset. Now there is this complicated environmental mess that will take years to clean, a job that can never be complete.

The second time around the court emphasized that there is no contractual relationship between the giant mining company and the Republic of Panama. That the owner of the original sweetheart concession and another politicians who at one time was a major shareholder are desperately appealing their convictions and prison sentences for other crimes is just gravy.

Yet through government actions, through social media trolling and through corruption of some of the mainstream media, First Quantum is still talking and acting as if they have a contract to do the environmental reclamation job. There are conflicting claims about precisely what’s going on, but the company is still working at that site in Donoso.

Protesters who forced a halt to the illegal operation are being charged with crimes. Showing no evidence, the national ombudsman is hurling accusations against supposed gunmen threatening company employees.

A steady online chatter suggests that Panama is screwed without First Quantum, telling us about all this wealth that the mine generated – but any significant share of which Panama never received.

The PRD / company heroes and villains narrative rises to the defense of those who tried to make the deal and those who voiced support for it, with the aim being the sale of a major part of Panama as a foreign mining colony. HOW DARE the protesters call those folks vendepatrias – country sellers?!? Civility may be lacking in a lot of instances, especially when it’s men responding to or characterizing what women say or do, but the vendepatria epithet is equal opportunity. Leave it to PRD and First Quantum spin doctors to say that the opposition to a mining contract that the great majority of Panamanians and a unanimous high court rejected is just an exercise in sexism, a form of gender violence.

On January 9 we will honor people died to decolonize Panama back in 1964. Earlier this year four Panamanians died to keep Panama from being recolonized. People have a right to opine otherwise about those things but nobody owes them a duty to agree with them. nor to refrain from deprecating what they say or write.

Panama needs to do a massive audit, send in law enforcement to protect the mine site, come up with a reclamation plan and start the years-long cleanup process. First Quantum and the vendepatrias should be excluded from any control, profit or contractual relationship with respect to these processes.

The company should just take its equipment – but not any more minerals — and leave Panama. If the company wants to sue, Panama can defend.

If the vendepatrias want a referendum, the national elections in May will be largely a version of that. Of eight presidential candidates, two of them – the leftist Maribel Gordón and the centrist Ricardo Lombana – have shown clear, consistent and principled opposition to the mining colony. Some of the others jumped off of the mining colony bandwagon, or may say that the real issue is about militant labor unions, hypocritical environmentalists who use copper in their lives or sinister commie radicals with hidden agendas. The voters will sort all of that out on May 5.


They’re not even trying to hide it anymore….

When an ally has lost all sense of proportion and decency

It brings its friends to a critical crossroads as well. This particular politician may no longer be in office, but he well represents a dominant attitude in his government and society. Will he, and they, be allowed to carry on this way on a US dime?

How messy is Israel’s and its supporters’ divorce with reality? Didn’t the United States learn that lesson in the wars that it lost in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, and from the experiences of others? Israel might decimate the ranks of Hamas fighters and kill every Hamas leader. However, they have traumatized Palestinian society and when its kids become adults they will be an even worse enemy for Israel.


The Death of Socrates, painted by Jacques-Louis David in 1787, now at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, photograph of the painting by Wally Gobetz.


By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll be happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.



Bear in mind…


Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.

Erica Jong

He that thinks himself the wisest is generally the least so.

C. C. Colton

All God’s children are not beautiful. Most of God’s children are, in fact, barely presentable.

Fran Lebowitz


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Merry Christmas / Feliz navidad

A wartime nativity, as depicted in a Lutheran church in Bethlehem, Palestine. Photo from the Instagram account of @phcrowther.
Un pesebre de navidad en tiempos de guerra, representado en una iglesia luterana en Belén, Palestina. Foto de la cuenta de Instagram de @phcrowther.

Our Christmas concert for a troubled time
Nuestro concierto de navidad para una época convulsa

Every year since we went online, The Panama News does a musical Christmas presentation. The preferences are the sacred over the popular, specifically Christmas things over songs for other seasons – but these are not hard-and-fast rules. So, for example, we include Johann Sebastian Bach’s Christian classic Wachet Auf – Sleepers Awake – which may well be a crime in Florida under the Republican “Stop Woke Act” and which was originally meant to be played closer to Holy Week. And leave it to more modern times, not sacred scriptures, to make a donkey at the manger way back when an object of popular Spanish-language celebration. This year’s edition starts with an Orthodox chant whose name and origin is subject to debate, most probably an adaptation of a Greek original – but in any case is by now an old and beautiful tradition among the world’s many Arab Christians.


Todos los años, desde que estamos en línea, The Panama News hace una presentación musical de Navidad. Las preferencias son lo sagrado sobre lo popular, cosas específicamente navideñas sobre canciones para otras temporadas – pero no son reglas rígidas. Así, por ejemplo, incluimos el clásico cristiano de Johann Sebastian Bach Wachet Auf – ¡Durmientes, despierten! – que bien podría ser un delito en Florida bajo la ley republicana “Stop Woke Act” y que originalmente estaba pensado para ser tocado más cerca de la Semana Santa. Y dejemos que sean los tiempos modernos, y no las sagradas escrituras, los que hagan del burro en el pesebre de antaño un objeto de celebración popular en español. La edición de este año comienza con un canto ortodoxo cuyo nombre y origen son objeto de debate, muy probablemente una adaptación de un original griego, pero que en cualquier caso ya es una antigua y hermosa tradición entre los numerosos cristianos árabes del mundo.

St. Romanos The Melodist? — The Christmas Troparion in Arabic

J. S. Bach – Wachet Auf (Netherlands Bach Society)

Prokofiev – Troika (Berliner Philharmoniker)

André Rieu – Home for Christmas

Mendelssohn-Hensel – December (Sarah Rothenberg)

Concierto de Navidad – Los Tres Tenores (1999)

Mi Burrito Sabanero – La Rondalla y el Coro Infantíl Suárez

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Rosa Martínez & Berenguer, Diseño urbano y salud mental

Esperando que pase. La vida es más llevadera en este país cuando se abandonan los valores gringos y se entra en la pasividad pana. El tiempo no es dinero. Es sólo el tiempo. Foto por Eric Jackson, al menos a 40 minutos del Puente de las Américas.

Así impacta el diseño de las ciudades en la salud mental

por Eva Mª Rosa Martínez, Universitat de València y Carmen Berenguer, Universitat de València

Las ciudades están cada vez más llenas de gente. La población urbana se duplicó del 25 % en 1950 al 56’2 % en 2020. Es más, se prevé que siga aumentando hasta el 58 % en los próximos 50 años.

Paralelamente, los trastornos mentales han pasado de 654,8 millones de casos en 1990, a 970,1 millones en 2019, lo que corresponde a un aumento de 48,1 %. Y la sospecha de que puede estar relacionado ha hecho que aumenten las investigaciones sobre la relación entre urbanización y salud mental.

Los estudios indican que vivir en la ciudad se asocia con una mayor actividad de la amígdala, pieza esencial de la respuesta al estrés y la ansiedad. De hecho, la tasa de prevalencia de muchos problemas de salud mental es mayor en las ciudades que en zonas rurales: aproximadamente un 40 % más de riesgo de depresión, un 20 % más de ansiedad y el doble de riesgo de esquizofrenia.

Demasiados vértices y patrones geométricos repetitivos nos estresan

En el pasado, las ciudades se planificaban atendiendo a intereses comerciales y productivos, sin tener en cuenta el bienestar de sus habitantes. Pero actualmente es preciso un cambio de paradigma, sobre todo después de las grandes crisis mundiales generadas por el cambio climático y la pandemia del covid-19.

Existen diversos factores de la vida en las ciudades que pueden actuar como estresores: el hacinamiento, el ruido, la contaminación, y, cómo no, el propio diseño urbano.

Foto por Roman Sigaev / Shutterstock

Si al mirar a nuestro alrededor observamos un exceso de patrones repetitivos y geométricos como los de los edificios, eso nos puede generar estrés visual. De hecho, un predictor del estrés urbano percibido es el número de vértices isovistas, es decir, el número de vértices visibles para un individuo situado en una determinada localización.

Por el contrario, el entorno natural parece tener una mayor complejidad fractal, lo que implica un menor número de fijaciones oculares y, por tanto, menor esfuerzo en el procesamiento de la información visual.

No obstante, no todo lo que nos aporta la ciudad es negativo para nuestra psique. Una buena accesibilidad al transporte público, sumado a una estructura urbana densa (en lugar de extendida), aumentan las oportunidades de tener una vida social activa y contribuyen a reducir el riesgo de depresión, especialmente para las personas mayores y con necesidades especiales.

Con zonas verdes nos sentimos mejor

Las condiciones ambientales urbanas, como la falta de luz natural o el escaso contacto con la naturaleza, pueden afectar al estado de ánimo y las emociones. Los beneficios de incorporar zonas verdes en los entornos urbanos han sido repetidamente demostrados. Dichos beneficios están relacionados principalmente con la posibilidad de desarrollar actividades físicas en espacios verdes. Es más, la mera exposición a elementos naturales, como el cielo, los árboles, el agua, la luz natural o la brisa reducen la percepción del estrés.

Y no es solo algo que verbalicemos (lo que en la jerga se conoce como medidas de autoinforme): hay marcadores fisiológicos que lo corroboran. Ver el cielo o pasear entre árboles es suficiente para disminuir la presión arterial, la frecuencia cardiaca, los niveles de la hormona del estrés (cortisol) y la actividad neuronal en áreas cerebrales vinculadas a las enfermedades mentales.

¿Qué dosis de naturaleza necesitamos exactamente? Sorprendentemente, con solo cinco minutos de exposición a zonas verdes se produce una recuperación significativa del estrés.

¿Cómo pueden contribuir la psicología y la neurociencia al diseño urbano?

Las soluciones arquitectónicas que alivian el estrés urbano se consideran parte de la estrategia sostenible para planificar ciudades amigables con los seres humanos, lo cual está en línea con el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 11
que la Organización Mundial de la Salud se ha fijado para 2030. En concreto, con la meta 1.3 (urbanización inclusiva y sostenible), y la meta 11.7 (proporcionar acceso a espacios verdes públicos, seguros e inclusivos).

Investigar el impacto que los distintos factores del entorno construido tienen sobre la respuesta de estrés de las personas, en particular las más vulnerables, es imprescindible para definir unos criterios de urbanización saludables. La psicología y la neurociencia disponen de las herramientas adecuadas para evaluar la percepción del entorno a través de las respuestas conductuales de los individuos, de técnicas de seguimiento de movimientos oculares, de respuestas fisiológicas como la tasa cardiaca o la presión arterial e incluso de la actividad fisiológica del cerebro medida con técnicas como la resonancia magnética.

Existen iniciativas como la de la Fundación 7 Senses, en Australia, que trabaja para desarrollar vecindarios más saludables exigiendo el diseño multidisciplinar de los espacios públicos.

Lo que parece indiscutible es que el estrés urbano es un problema multifactorial que puede prevenirse con la colaboración entre los responsables de la planificación urbana y los investigadores de la psicología y la neurociencia para diseñar ciudades que promuevan la salud mental a través de elementos protectores.The Conversation

Eva Mª Rosa Martínez, Profesora Titular del Departamento de Psicología Básica de la Universitat de València, Universitat de València y Carmen Berenguer, Profesora del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Universitat de València

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en The Conversation. Lea el original.


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Jackson, For Biden not to go down the tubes with Netanyahu…

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) leaflet, from 1967. Lyndon Johnson staked his presidency on ideology, lies, stereotypes and fear of appearing to be weak – and we got a right-wing period in US politics that began with Richard Nixon and has either been in power or constrained the United States in many different ways ever since. Surely Joe Biden knows this sad story – it’s one of the lessons he invoked when cutting short the losing US effort to run Afghanistan.

What can an embarrassed White House do about Israel?

by Eric Jackson

Horrendous things have been done that indelibly stain the Biden administration’s record. But Joe can begin to walk things back. He could, in a brief series of moves:

– Use Clinton List bans against violent settlements and members of those communities, prohibiting any US person or entity from doing any business or financial transactions with them.

– For violent settlers who are US citizens, they could come back to the USA and be surprised to be arrested pursuant to sealed terrorism indictments.

– There are all of these Israeli “security consultant” and “security guard” businesses that ought to be looked at. Certainly the ones that send out Shin Bet veterans to instruct Latin American law enforcement and presidential guards in racism ought to be proscribed as terrorist organizations and the companies and individuals involved put on Clinton List bans.

– It would be a mostly symbolic act, as there wouldn’t be two-thirds of the US senators to ratify, but he ought to sign the Treaty of Rome that created the International Criminal Court. It would strengthen the case that although a country may not be a ratified treaty signatory, there are international norms that still apply as now customary laws against war crimes and crimes against humanity.

– The United States aids the Israeli war machine in so many ways – gifts, subsidies, special discounts on arms sales and so on – and some rejections of requests for some of these are now in order.

– Biden could avoid meeting with AIPAC officers, agents or representatives and let that rejection be known to the public. Yes, they have given a lot of money to his campaigns over many years, but a show or ingratitude, a demonstration that he has not been and will not be bought, would help him at this moment.

– IDF and Israeli law enforcement commanders whose units attacked journalists or health care workers should at least be barred from entering the United States for that reason.

– He could point out multiple lies that the Netanyahu government has told Washington and the world, and lament that Bibi, the people around him and the State of Israel when it’s under their control are unreliable sources.

– He and his emissaries have been warning Netanyahu of the negative consequences of massive retaliation against noncombatant civilians. He could just jump off of that bandwagon.

Shin Bet veterans instructing Panamanian presidential guards in anti-Arab racism. Netanyahu’s global reputation is not only in shreds but it taints every country that attaches itself to it. This training session was under the Martinelli administration, but the same sort of stuff was going on here under the current Panamanian administration, until the ugliness of using Arab targets in National Police training caused Nito to order a stop to the practice. Archive photo by the Presidencia. 

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Zavis, Kuttab, Lerner, Azar et al: A peace letter

For wronged Israelis. Photo by Hillel Steinberg.

Solidarity with Palestinians and Jews

This statement is written and signed by Palestinians, Jews, and others who are committed to holding complex truths and striving to overcome polarization. We feel the pain of our people, identify with their pain, and need to work together to uplift our shared humanity.

The unfolding horror in Israel and Gaza is an escalation of decades of state-sanctioned violence by Israel against Palestinians. We condemn the horrific actions of Hamas against Israeli civilians. We likewise condemn Israel’s unbridled bombing and cutting off access to all basic needs, including food, water, electricity, and medical care. Attacks on Palestinian and Israeli civilians are repugnant.

Israeli violence against Palestinians has been intentionally hidden, slow, and steady. Contrary to what the media is reporting, this attack was not unprovoked. The Israeli and American governments have worked together to suppress and deny the inhumane acts against Palestinians that have led to this moment. There are Palestinians and Jews who have been raising red flags and warning about this inevitable outcome for decades, only to be dismissed and ignored.

The world’s failure to challenge Israel’s ongoing occupation, apartheid, and unbridled violence by settlers and soldiers in the West Bank provides the context for what is happening now. The recent Israeli government’s escalation of violence, encroachment of Al Aqsa Mosque, and its 16-year siege of Gaza has led to the current explosion.

We repeat: the brutality of Hamas’ attack on Israeli civilians is unjustified.

As we watch the violent attacks and rallying of xenophobia on both sides, we are brokenhearted. Although it feels like a time to stand with “our people,” we know this is a time to come together. This is a time of great suffering for all; a time of painful emotions. It is only by recognizing our shared fears and our shared tears that we will find our way through this nightmare. It is a struggle we need to undertake jointly.

When we fall back into our separate and distinct identities we risk becoming part of the problem, not the solution. Both peoples suffer from ongoing trauma. We are all on high alert. The fear is palpable. And it is easy for us to objectify the ‘other.’

We seek a third path that neither perpetuates a xenophobic response nor sustains an unjust status quo. This moment calls us to slow down, sit with the pain and complexity, and grapple with our discomfort. It is a moment for digging deep, seeing across differences, and remembering our deep yearning for peace and justice. It is only through compassion and empathy that we will find a different way.

We recognize and uplift the humanity of all peoples in Israel/Palestine.

We call for an immediate ceasefire from Hamas and Israel.

We demand that basic needs be provided to Gazans.

We demand that the United States provide only humanitarian support to Israel and Gaza.

We support the creation of a movement that recognizes and affirms the humanity, dignity, and desire of both peoples to live in peace through reconciliation and justice.

For wronged Palestinians. Photo by Alisdare Hickson.

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¿Wappin? A busy shoplifting weekend / Un fin de semana de hurto ajetreado


Merry Christmas – and keep the spirit of the man for whom it’s named
Feliz Navidad y conserve el espíritu del hombre que le da nombre

Rubén Blades – Pedro Navaja
Los Bukis – Ladrón de buena suerte
Hello Seahorse! – Criminal
Shakira – Loba
Alma Sufi Ensamble – Solo le Pido a Dios
Of Monsters & Men – Hunger
Peter Gabriel – Blood of Eden
Dixie Chicks – Not ready to make nice
Dolores O’Riordan & Sinead O’Connor – No need to argue
Natalie Merchant – Sister Tilly
Carole King – You’ve got a friend
Kafu Banton – Vamos pa la playa
Frank Zappa – Don’t Eat Yellow Snow Suite

Contact us by email at / Contáctanos por correo electrónico a fund4thepanamanews@gmail.com


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Ben-Meir, Netanyahu needs to go

Khan Younis
October 16 in the ruins of Khan Younis, Palestine. Prime Minister Netanyahu is accused of betraying his oath of office, and the litany of his mishaps and acts of corruption make him a dangerous liability to Israel. He must leave office now before he inflicts further irreparable harm on top of the greatest tragedy that Israel has endured under his watch. Photo by Mahmoud Fareed – Wafa.

Netanyahu must go before he causes
further irreversible harm to Israel

by Alon Ben-Meir

Regardless of how the Israel-Hamas war is concluded, no one in Israel should ever forget how, under his watch for nearly 15 consecutive years, Netanyahu pushed Israel downhill toward the abyss. Despite its miraculous achievements since its establishment in 1948, today’s Israel has reached its nadir, and no one has contributed to its present darkest chapter more than Netanyahu. Sadly, Netanyahu, who could have emerged as one of Israel’s greatest leaders ranked with Prime Ministers David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Rabin, squandered his impressive early economic and national security achievements. His ideological bent against the Palestinians, inborn dishonesty, and insatiable lust for power blinded him to a point where he could no longer decipher what was best for the country, instead placing his self-interest above that of the nation.

The litany of Netanyahu’s disastrous policies and personal conduct is long and most troubling. Given the current state of affairs in Israel, his continuing stewardship could steer the country to an even darker alley from which it will not exit without sustaining irretrievable damage to its future while betraying the very reason behind its being. Netanyahu is accused of the following egregious political and immoral conduct, for which he must be held accountable.

Forming the most extremist government

In December 2022, Netanyahu formed the most extremist right-wing messianic government in Israel’s history. This government precipitated the alienation of Israel from its allies, harassing and forcing many Palestinians out of their land, polarizing the Israeli public, increasing the threat of its enemies, weakening its national security preparedness, and trying to rob the judiciary of its powers to save his skin from the three pending criminal charges against him. The government includes several ministers with criminal records, including Ben-Gvir and Deri, whose conduct and policies have harmed Israel more than any other ministers in Israel’s history.

Subordinating the judiciary

From the first day Netanyahu formed his current government, he exerted every ounce of his energy to “reform the judiciary,” a code for subordinating the Supreme Court to elected politicians, especially allowing them to appoint judges. The judiciary, especially the Supreme Court, is the guardian of Israel’s democracy, without which the government can do whatever it pleases with no accountability, which de facto spells the end of democracy and the start of authoritarianism, which he sought with vigor. Thus far, Netanyahu has successfully passed the reasonableness clause that prevents the Supreme Court from striking down any government policy deemed unreasonable.

Compromising National Security

To justify the continuation of the occupation, Netanyahu has systematically portrayed the Palestinians as an implacable foe that poses an existential danger to Israel. He masterfully brainwashed the Israelis to believe that only by sustaining the occupation would Israel’s national security be guarded. To that end, he needed to keep the Palestinians as a perpetual enemy to justify the occupation, when in fact, Israel would have been far more secure by ending it. And he persuaded Trump to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, allowing Tehran to come within reach of the nuclear threshold, further endangering Israel’s security more than any time before.

Polarizing the Israelis

To serve his political agenda, Netanyahu cozied up to the right-wing and ultra-orthodox parties while widening the schism between secular Israelis and the Haredim, intensifying the distrust between Jewish and Arab Israelis, increasing the discrimination against Sephardic/Mizrahi Jews, and widening the divide between political parties while offering preferential treatment to loyalists and cronies. To be sure, the Israeli public has never been as divided between different political leanings and ethnic backgrounds as under Netanyahu’s leadership.

The building and expansion of settlements

Netanyahu has focused on building, expanding, and legalizing illegal settlements to serve his scheme to annex much of the West Bank and hammer another nail in the coffin of a two-state solution. He is allowing the settlers to harass Palestinians and confiscate their farmland and is appropriating hundreds of millions to protect the settlers while abandoning poor communities inside Israel to rot. For Netanyahu, the settlers represent the first line of defense and a central means of preventing the Palestinians from ever returning to their land.

Intensifying antisemitism

Although antisemitism has existed from time immemorial, Netanyahu’s brutal treatment of the Palestinians over the years in the West Bank has significantly contributed to the rise of antisemitism in recent years, especially in the wake of the Israel-Gaza war. The administrative detention of Palestinians, the demolishing of homes, the widespread night raids, and the use of disproportionate force to quell violent resistance while the whole world is watching have sharply contributed to the rise in antisemitism. Only a fool would assume that Netanyahu’s policies in the West Bank did not lend a hand to the upsurge of antisemitism from which Jews around the world are suffering.

Alienating the United States

No Israeli prime minister has antagonized successive American administrations more than Netanyahu. Given the unshakable US commitment to Israel’s national security, its consistent political backing, and substantial military and financial aid, it is shocking how Netanyahu dares to defy the United States and challenge its policy, especially toward Iran’s nuclear program. He often interfered in US domestic policies while openly siding with the Republican party, aligning himself with evangelical Christians and alienating Democratic presidents. He found his match with a deranged and morally corrupt Trump, who abandoned US values, which are the bedrock of bilateral US-Israel relations. The Hebrew word chutzpah (roughly translated to brazen audacity) applies more to Netanyahu than anyone else, especially concerning the United States. Earlier this year, Netanyahu stated that “Israel is a sovereign country which makes its decisions by the will of its people and not based on pressures from abroad, including from the best of friends,” which is the height of chutzpah.

Buttressing Hamas’ power

Netanyahu’s policy of playing Hamas against the Palestinian Authority and vice versa was a terribly dangerous strategy. He has allowed hundreds of millions of dollars to be funneled from Qatar to Hamas because he deliberately wanted to strengthen Hamas and weaken the PA to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, telling Likud lawmakers in 2019 that ”whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for” Qatar’s funding. His tragic mis-assessment of Hamas’ capabilities and intentions, believing that the PA is a liability and Hamas is an asset, and his misplaced confidence that he had complete control over Gaza and that Hamas was incapable of undertaking a massive attack against Israel was tragically negligent, especially in light of numerous warnings from IDF surveillance soldiers. Netanyahu’s preoccupation with “judicial reforms” and the criminal charges against him, and his reassignment of some of the Israeli forces that were tasked to protect Israeli communities adjacent to Gaza to the West Bank, made it possible for Hamas to commit its savagery against Israelis, for which he never apologized.

Manipulating the political landscape

No Israeli leader has as masterfully manipulated the political landscape to stay in power as Netanyahu. He regularly colludes with political leaders from within or outside his government to promote his political interests. He often reneges on promises he makes, even to his coalition partners, only to pursue his schemes to stay in power. Just like a despot, he controls the national agenda so that nothing bypasses him. He uses every parliamentarian trick to get his way while allegedly following his wife Sara’s commands on how to sideline his political rivals and punish his adversaries. To be sure, political manipulation and Netanyahu became synonymous.

Alienating World Jewry

Although Israel was created to embrace Jews from every corner of the world and offer a home, a refuge to any Jew to live freely in peace and security regardless of their political leanings, religious affiliation, or country of origin, Netanyahu betrayed all that. His policy of siding with rabbinical institutions to prevent women’s prayer at the Wailing Wall, his brutal treatment of the Palestinians, and the imposition of religious laws on secular/reform Jews have dramatically alienated world Jewry. The mutually complementary relationship between Israel and world Jewry has sunk under Netanyahu’s leadership to a level unseen since Israel’s creation.


Netanyahu’s political and personal corruption is a characteristic that defines him. He still faces several corruption charges, including bribery, fraud, and breach of trust, raising serious questions about his leadership ethics and trustworthiness. At least in part, he made supreme efforts to “reform” the judiciary to rid himself of the criminal charges against him. Netanyahu often acts like a mafia boss, ordering his hitmen to do his dirty work. He generously rewards his loyal cronies and never shies away from shelving anyone who disagrees with him. His deviousness is common, and very few people take his word for granted. Netanyahu’s misleading statements and lies have become his hallmark.

Defying the international community

Under Netanyahu, Israel consistently opposed international efforts to recognize Palestinian statehood and defied just about every UN resolution, whether from the General Assembly or Security Council, that criticizes Israel. He strained Israel’s relations with the European community, especially in connection with the Israeli occupation. In defiance of the United States, he tried to cozy up to Russia’s Putin and refused to come to Ukraine’s aid in its war effort against Russia. He managed to be invited to China to signal to President Biden that he could always turn to the US adversary. His slimy behavior on the international stage, hopping from one European capital to the next, made him look like a second-hand salesman who tries to outsmart his would-be clients.

Writing the darkest chapter in Israel’s history

It is sadder than sad that Netanyahu, who led Israel for nearly 15 consecutive years and could have left the political scene with pride while leaving behind remarkable achievements, must now leave his office in disgrace. He has written the darkest chapter in Israel’s history by forming his current fascist government that was prepared to destroy Israel’s democracy and by bringing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a breakdown unlike any other since Israel’s establishment. The blood of the 1,200 Israelis whom Hamas brutally murdered and the thousands of Palestinian women and children buried in the rubble of Gaza is on his hands.

Netanyahu has lost his credibility and legitimacy to lead the country, especially in a time of unparalleled crisis, due to his dereliction of duty, misguided policies, self-absorbed character, and his desperation to cling to power to save his skin. He already wants to own the prospective win against Hamas by claiming that “This is our second War of Independence” and “This is the mission of our lives and my life.” How pathetically self-conceited can Netanyahu be in his efforts to shamefully capitalize on the greatest disaster Israel has experienced?

I disagree with those who claim that given the intensified war against Hamas and the uncertainly sweeping region, this is not the right time to force Netanyahu out of office. On the contrary, I maintain that it is precisely the right time to compel him to resign for all the above reasons and some. He must be forced to leave office now to prevent him from manipulating the conduct of the war or even prolonging it to cover his fatal mistakes and emerge like a “war hero” when he is nothing but a self-absorbed coward and a cheat.

If Netanyahu has any ounce of dignity left in him, he should resign before he is forced out of office in utter disgrace.


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Paxton, The biology of shipwrecks

Fish and corals on and around a sunken military vessel in the Red Sea off of Egypt.

Shipwrecks teem with underwater life, from microbes to sharks

by Avery Paxton, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Humans have sailed the world’s oceans for thousands of years, but they haven’t all reached port. Researchers estimate that there are some three million shipwrecks worldwide, resting in shallow rivers and bays, coastal waters and the deep ocean. Many sank during catastrophes – some during storms or after running aground, others in battle or collisions with other vessels.

Shipwrecks like the RMS Titanic, RMS Lusitania and USS Monitor conjure tales of human courage and sacrifice, sunken treasure and unsolved mysteries. But there’s another angle to their stories that doesn’t feature humans.

I have studied the biology of shipwrecks in the United States and internationally for 14 years. From this work, I have learned that shipwrecks are not only cultural icons but can also be biological treasures that create habitat for diverse communities of underwater life.

The USS Monitor, which sank off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in a storm on Dec. 31, 1862, is now a center for sea life.

Recently, I led an international team of biologists and archaeologists in disentangling the mysteries of how this transformation happens. Drawing on scientific advances from our team and international colleagues, our new study describes how wrecked vessels can have second lives as seabed habitats.

A new home for underwater life

Ships are typically made of metal or wood. When a vessel sinks, it adds foreign, artificial structure to the seafloor.

For example, the World War II tanker E.M. Clark sank on a relatively flat, sandy seabed in 1942 when it was torpedoed by a German submarine. To this day, the intact metal wreck looms over the North Carolina seafloor like an underwater skyscraper, creating an island oasis in the sand.

In this video narrated by NOAA research scientist Avery Paxton, sand tiger sharks hover above the wreck of the E.M. Clark off North Carolina, with vermilion snapper schooling nearby. Jacks and an invasive lionfish also appear.

The creatures that reside on and around sunken ships are so diverse and abundant that scientists often colloquially call these sites “living shipwrecks.” Marine life ranging from microscopic critters to some of the largest animals in the sea use shipwrecks as homes. Brilliantly colored corals and sponges blanket the wrecks’ surfaces. Silvery schools of baitfish dart and shimmer around the structures, chased by sleek, fast-moving predators. Sharks sometimes cruise around wrecks, likely resting or looking for prey.

The origin of a second life

A ship’s transformation from an in-service vessel into a thriving metropolis for marine life can seem like a fairy tale. It has a once-upon-a-time origin story – the wrecking event – and a sequence of life arriving on the sunken structure and beginning to blossom.

Tiny microbes invisible to the naked human eye initially settle on the wreck’s surface, forming a carpet of cells, called a biofilm. This coating helps to make the wreck structure suitable for larval animals like sponges and corals to settle and grow there.

Shellfish, deepwater coral and anemones cling to the surface of a sunken wreck.Diverse sea creatures living on the 19th-century, wooden-hulled Ewing Bank wreck, which lies 2,000 feet (610 meters) deep in the Gulf of Mexico. Photo by NOAA.

Larger animals like fish sometimes appear within minutes after a ship sinks. Small fish hide in the structure’s cracks and crevices, while large sharks glide around it. Sea turtles and marine mammals such as fur seals have also been spotted on wrecks.

Hot spots for biodiversity

Shipwrecks host quantities and varieties of marine life that can make them hot spots for biodiversity. The microbes that transform the wreck structure into habitat also enrich the surrounding sand. Evidence from deep Gulf of Mexico wrecks shows that a halo of increased microbial diversity radiates outward anywhere from 650 to 1,000 feet (200-300 meters) from the wreck. In the Atlantic Ocean, thousands of grouper, a type of reef fish highly valued by fishers, congregate around and inside shipwrecks.

Fish hover above a wrecked ship's surface.Groupers and a conger eel, bottom center, on the wreck of the German submarine U-576 off the coast of North Carolina. Photo by NOAA

Shipwrecks can also serve as stepping stones across the ocean floor that animals use as temporary homes while moving from one location to another. This has been documented in areas of the world with dense concentrations of shipwrecks, such as off North Carolina, where storms and war have sunk hundreds of ships.

In this part of the ocean, popularly known as the “Graveyard of the Atlantic,” reef fish likely use the islandlike shipwrecks as corridors when moving north or south away from the equator to find favorable water temperatures as climate change warms the oceans. Scientists have also observed sand tiger sharks traveling from one wreck to another, possibly using the shipwrecks like rest stops during migration.

In the deep sea, life growing on shipwrecks can even generate energy. Tube worms that grow on organic shipwreck materials such as paper, cotton and wood host symbiotic bacteria that produce chemical energy. Such tube worm colonies have been documented in the Gulf of Mexico on the steel luxury yacht Anona.

Biological mysteries abound

Despite their biological value, shipwrecks can also threaten underwater life by altering or destroying natural habitats, causing pollution and spreading invasive species.

When a ship sinks, it can damage existing seafloor habitats. In a well-documented case in the Line Islands of the central Pacific, an iron shipwreck sank on a healthy coral reef. The iron infusion substantially decreased coral cover, and the reef was overcome by algae.

Ships may carry pollutants as fuel or cargo. As shipwrecks deteriorate in seawater, there is a risk that these pollutants may be released. The level of risk depends on how much of the pollutant the ship was carrying and how intact the wreck is. One recent investigation revealed that effects from shipwreck pollutants can be detected in microbes up to 80 years after the wreck.

Ships and planes wrecked in wartime can leak toxic materials for decades after they come to rest in the ocean.

Shipwrecks may also inadvertently assist the spread of invasive plants and animals that wreak biological havoc. Wrecks are new structures that invasive species can settle on, grow and use as a hub to expand to other habitats. Invasive cup coral has spread on World War II shipwrecks off Brazil. In Palmyra Atoll in the Pacific, a type of anemone called a corallimorph rapidly invaded a shipwreck and now threatens healthy coral reefs.

The future of shipwreck exploration

Shipwrecks create millions of study sites that scientists can use to ask questions about marine life and habitats. One of the greatest challenges is that many wrecks are undiscovered or in remote locations. Advances in technology can help researchers see into the most inaccessible areas of the ocean, not only to find shipwrecks but to better understand their biology.

Maximizing discovery will require biologists, archaeologists and engineers to work together to explore these special habitats. Ultimately, the more we learn, the more effectively we can conserve these historical and biological gems.The Conversation

Avery Paxton, Research Marine Biologist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


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The teak trees are fruiting, and…

Don’t see any kids throwing stones. What’s are those hard things hitting the zinc roof of the bus stop? Photo by Eric Jackson.

The sounds and silences of teak

by Eric Jackson 

This teak tree, probably planted long ago as part of somebody’s fence line, is dropping its hard fruit. It does not, however, mean a quick and easy spread of new teak trees. The fruit are basically seeds with a thick outer covering pericarp – that will leave the seeds dormant for a long time, usually years, if left to themselves. A process of repeated wetting and drying of teak fruit is needed to get the seeds ready to germinate and transplant.

This tree is in a mixed secondary growth forest fragment. Birds and animals will eat the fruit and seeds of other plants nearby, but you never see them eating teak fruit. The trees are native to south and southeast Asia, and nothing in Panama’s natural environment will eat them. If you walk into a planted teak forest here the silence is noteworthy – the wildlife doesn’t eat or nest there.

For a number of years there was a lot of noisy hype aimed mostly at foreigners about investing in teak plantations in Panama to get rich. The wood does have some value but our climate conditions were such that it was not as good as the Asian product. The problem was that Panama had too short a dry season to produce the best quality of logs.

Will this El Niño drought presage a more permanent change in our seasons? Might this raise the value of Panamanian teak? Surely you could find some hustler to tell you that, but it would be a risky bet, a ticket in a years-from-now lottery. 


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Baydoun, How to make America more affordable

LOC chart
A US inflation chart from more than a century ago, Library of Congress graphic.

Regulation and public investment are a better response
to high prices than more interest rate hikes

by Bilal Baydoun — OtherWords

For the last two years, the debate on the economy has centered around inflation.

After reaching a 40-year high last summer, inflation as measured by economists is now approaching normal levels. But despite the rapid slowdown, millions still feel squeezed by a decades-long affordability crisis.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans struggled to afford sky-high prices for homes, child care, college, and health care, as wages lagged far behind the rising cost of living. Treating all this as “inflation” does more harm than good.

In conventional economic theory, inflation is a “demand side” problem — a polite way for economists to say people have too much money. Too much money chasing too few goods, the theory goes, leads to higher prices.

It’s hard to look around this country and conclude that our main economic challenge is people having too much money. Seventy percent of Americans report feeling “financially stressed,” and nearly a third report having paid a late bill in the last six months.

But there are other drivers of high prices that rarely make it into our conversation about inflation.

We know, for example, that homes are getting more expensive because there aren’t enough homes being built. We also know that decades of corporate consolidation in certain industries has led to less competition and higher prices. The solutions to these cost barriers are relatively obvious: build more homes and enforce antitrust laws.

But instead, for the last year and a half, we’ve largely looked to the Federal Reserve to lead our response to high prices. Unfortunately, the Fed wields one tool to deal with inflation: interest rate hikes. And they work more like a sledgehammer than a scalpel.

Since May 2022, the Fed has aggressively raised interest rates to slow the economy by making it more expensive to borrow money. When businesses can’t borrow, the story goes, they’re less likely to expand operations and hire people — and when families can’t borrow, they buy less. This leads to layoffs and lower wages, ensuring that workers have less money to spend “chasing goods.”

The Fed sees higher unemployment, which can be catastrophic for already struggling families, as a positive sign that these rate hikes are working.

There are at least two major issues with the Fed’s theory. First, inflation is coming down, our economy is growing, and unemployment is near record lows. As it turns out, you don’t have to grind the economy to a halt and sacrifice millions of jobs to slow down inflation.

More importantly, these rate hikes fail to address the core drivers of rising prices today — and in many cases make the problem worse. The Fed can’t build more homes, break up price-gouging corporate monopolies, or lower the cost of prescription drugs. But it can make life even more expensive.

We see this clearly in the housing market. Very few people are eager to buy a home at 7 percent interest, and still fewer want to sell homes that they’re financing at 3 or 4 percent. These high rates push more people to rent, which drives up the cost of rent, and discourages the construction of new homes.

To address the true drivers of higher prices, we must bring the concept of inflation back down to earth. Manipulating interest rates can’t make life more affordable for struggling families — but public investment and sound regulations that rein in corporate price-gouging can.

Congress and statehouses must be in the driver’s seat of the affordability agenda, as only these democratic institutions can fund long-overdue investments in child care, health care, housing, and education. These investments are the seeds of a stronger, more inclusive economy.

Deferring responsibility for this future to the Fed is a colossal mistake.


Bilal Baydoun is the director of policy and research at the Groundwork Collaborative.



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