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Weisbrot, The extreme to which Argentina might go on Sunday

Javier Milei in Spain last year. Wikimedia photo by VOX.

Argentina: “No one so extremist on economic issues has been elected president of a South American country”

by Mark Weisbrot — Center for Economic Policy and Research

The possible election of the extreme-right candidate Javier Milei in Argentina’s election on Sunday poses an unprecedented threat to the people and country, says economist Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

“No one so extremist on economic issues has been elected president of a South American country,” he said.

Milei is on the record saying that he would abolish the Central Bank, a move that would radically go against the consensus of PhD economists worldwide, and that alone could cause economic havoc.

“His extremist views and values go far beyond macroeconomic policy — he hardly acknowledges any legitimate role for government in some of the most important policies that most people have come to see as necessary for a democratic, humane, and stable society,” said Weisbrot.

In an interview last month, Milei stated, “Every time the state intervenes, it’s a violent action that harms the right to private property and in the end, limits our freedom.”

According to Milei, this applies to trying to “fix the problem of hunger” or “fix the problem of poverty,” or employment.

Milei defines socialism to include almost any government action other than military or police functions: “Argentina is a country that has embraced socialist ideas for the last 100 years,” he said.

“Social justice,” not just “socialism,” is “abhorrent” to Milei … “what is social justice, truly?,” Milei asks. “It’s stealing the fruits of one person’s labor and giving it to someone else. So it means two things. First, it’s stealing. The problem with that is that one of the Ten Commandments is ‘thou shalt not steal.’ To support social justice is to support stealing. So one problem is that it violates the Ten Commandments.”

As for climate change, Milei has said, “It’s another one of the lies of socialism.” He’s also said, “There is a cycle of temperatures … a cyclical behavior … and therefore all the policies that blame humans for climate change are false.”

According to Milei, abortion, which was only made legal in Argentina in 2021, is murder: “As a matter of mathematics, life is a continuum with two quantum leaps, birth and death. Any interruption in the interim is murder.”

According to polling data, many Argentines support Milei in the hope that he will fix the economy and bring down high inflation. But historically, it has been his opponents who have followed a progressive agenda that has boosted the economy, after right-wing governments have gotten macroeconomic policies seriously wrong. This has been true over the past 20 years, as can be seen in multiple data series.

For example, Argentines suffered through a depression from 1998 to 2002, comparable to the US Great Depression, under a neoliberal program. More than 65 percent of the population fell below the poverty line, in a country that previously had one of the highest incomes in the region.

As Weisbrot has noted previously, in the 12 years that followed, there was a decline of 71 percent in poverty, and an 81 percent decline in extreme poverty, according to independent estimates. The government instituted one of the biggest conditional cash transfer programs for the poor in Latin America. According to the International Monetary Fund, GDP per capita grew by 42 percent, almost three times the rate of Mexico. Unemployment fell by more than half, and income inequality also fell considerably. There were large increases in living standards for a vast majority of Argentines, by any reasonable comparison.

This was under administrations headed by the Kirchners (Néstor and then Cristina Fernández), whom Milei refers to as “socialist” or “communist,” but are more commonly defined as part of the broad-based Peronist political movement.

The right-wing government of President Mauricio Macri took office in 2015 and did not do well at all, doubling the country’s foreign public debt as a percent of GDP (to 69 percent), including taking out the largest loan ever from the IMF, in 2018. By following the policies specified in the loan agreement, the government pushed the economy into recession. The IMF then doubled down on tightening fiscal and monetary policy, and the economy shrank further. Poverty increased by 50 percent. Inflation rose to 54 percent for 2019.

The Peronists were reelected in December 2019, oversaw a COVID recession in 2020, and then a sharp rebound in 2021, but have run into trouble since the second half of 2022. Annual inflation surpassed 140 percent in October.

“Much of the current crisis in Argentina is a result of what happened during the Macri administration, including unsustainable borrowing combined with large-scale capital flight, as well as an inflation-depreciation spiral that takes on a momentum of its own,” said Weisbrot. “But a crazed, economically suicidal approach would only make things worse — and as Argentina has experienced, things can get a lot worse.

“Milei displays a callous disregard for most people’s living standards, values, and well-being, as well as a commitment to widely discredited economic policies, that is unprecedented.”

A Milei presidency may also pose a threat to human rights in Argentina. He, and more strongly his vice presidential candidate, Victoria Villarruel, have made statements indicating sympathy with the violent military dictatorship that ruled the country from 1976 to 1983.


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Cortizo, Discurso a la nación



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Hightower, The right wing’s shriveled view of an education

We shouldn’t let far-right politicians strip our education system down to what corporate employers demand. Shutterstock photo.

The humanities are priceless

by Jim Hightower — OtherWords

The far-out right-wing’s latest political ploy takes extremism to the extreme. Escalating their divisive series of “culture wars” — banning books, suppressing women’s rights, whitewashing history, demonizing teachers, etc. — their next idea is to declare war on ideas themselves.

Specifically, they’re going after state university programs that teach creative arts and social studies, including history, languages, music, civics, literature, economics, theology, and other courses in the humanities that explore ideas, foster free-thinking, and expand enlightenment.

We can’t have that, can we?

Thus, GOP lawmakers in North Carolina, for example, are eliminating funding for top humanities professors in their universities, shifting those funds to programs in high-tech and engineering that are favored by the corporate hierarchy. Likewise, public universities in Alaska, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, and elsewhere are being made to cancel their humanities programs and puff up their departments of business, finance, and marketing

The right wing’s shriveled view is that a university education isn’t about expanding one’s horizon and enriching America’s democratic society — but solely about training students to fit into a corporate workforce, sacrificing the possibility of a fuller life for the possibility of a fatter paycheck. As a Mississippi Republican official explained, under this minimalized and monetized concept of higher education, state spending on college degree programs will require that they match the needs of the economy.

What? Is America nothing but its economy? Is the value of students measured only by the size of their future paychecks? Is public spending only worthy if it serves corporate interests?

Ironically, the politicians trying to cancel teaching of the humanities are proving that such courses are essential. After all, the humanities strive to humanize today’s social order of corporate domination, exploitation, and inequality. The value of that vastly exceeds its price.

In fact, the humanities are priceless.


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Panamá Vale Más Sin Minería, Preguntas frecuentes



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The editor’s aging eyes, election year games and traffic hazards…

traffic hazard
As I get older I am less nearsighted and need to get new glasses to adapt to the changes. In any case, from decades ago I acquired these Rust Belt bureaucratic eyes from being a historic preservation guy, a lawyer who occasionally dealt with unsafe roads, a building inspection appeals board guy and a young hippie city council member. In my buzzardly old age, having covered the Panama beat for some 29 years now — The Panama News first appeared in December of 1994 — my eyes have become a bit jaded by games I have seen played.

So, walking up the road that goes from Las Uvas de San Carlos to El Valle de Anton, I saw this little street improvement of what was a little dirt lane that lets out at the main road near a mini-super. Is this a preliminary phase to paving, or is THIS the improvement?

It’s campaign season, and given Panama’s habit of ousting the party in power at the next opportunity, also governmental smash-and-grab time, played out in so many ways.

What do I see here? If this is the whole deal, shoddy construction with facile thought, if any, having gone into its conception. If this is a prelude to paving, or not, and even before any of this “improvement,” a dangerous intersection, going up a little hill onto a main road where, notwithstanding a speed bump in front of a nearby school, drivers often to go too fast. Too steep going into the intersection. To make it safer there needs to be a lot more material, or a structure, to greatly reduce the grade up at the top. Probably more than the representante’s or diputado’s dole allows.

Shoddy, unwise or short-lasting construction — WONDERFUL if you are a gravel company, I suppose — is to be seen all over Panama of late. You can read about some of the more massive abuses in La Prensa every day now.

Would some politician stand by this scene for a photo-op to tell the voters what he or she has done for them? Naaah — they’d send in a few of their downscale retainers with rakes to smooth out the gash before snapping the photo.

We have this rotating political patronage system, that over the years has put plenty of good people in public works jobs for a shift until the next election brings in new people. We have lots of competent and honest civil engineers in Panama. Driving safety is an underdeveloped art here in Panama but that’s mostly a political decision about resources, not a lack of qualified personnel.

All of these roadblock protests are about not only a mining colony but also a long list, going way back, of abusive practices. Do we get to a point when graying protesters can tell tall tales about these past few weeks to wide-eyed kids, but the odds of people being slaughtered on the roads have gone down because the government has gotten its act together about things like public spending, hiring contractors and consultants and national traffic safety standards that local Boss Hawgs can’t flout? That would be a nice attribute of The Revolution.

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Murdoch media attack Panama with disinformation, violent racist memes

The New York Post and other Murdoch media, which don’t actually maintain a presence in Panama, exploited some sensational videos to promote stories that misrepresent the context of what was happening and promote a meme about a white American hero with a gun bravely stepping forward to shoot two black men dead. Screenshot of the New York Post.

An attack on Panama

media criticism by Eric Jackson

I saw the body of the ASOPROF teachers’ union leader lying on the pavement while riding by on a bus. The photo I snapped didn’t come out very well. I saw protesters weeping, and the teary expressions on some of the cops’ faces, but it would to me — perhaps to Panamanian law as well — an obscene intrusion into their private emotions to try to photograph that stuff.

Step beyond the sensation of the moment. I am a survivor of gun violence, which happened when I was 12 and gave me nightmares for years. As a local political figure in a small Rust Belt town, I had occasion to discuss the symptoms with the leader of a police union, also studying law when I was, from his deadly gun encounter. As a concerned Panamanian, I think that public policy should address the effects of post-traumatic stress syndrome on its law enforcement people, and to victims and witnesses of violent incidents in general. Hiding it behind bravado may be the usual manly style, but it’s a genuine public health problem.

When I rode past that body with protesters and cops clustered apart, not screaming at one another but as Panamanians who had in common just witnessed a national tragedy, I didn’t know the details of exactly who and what. But it was like a change in atmospheric pressure, a wave of depression descending upon me.

in everyone's face
It was awful, and it got worse the more I learned.

Lawyer blows away generic “enviros” blocking the road, disrupting the country and delaying his passage, the written elsewhere to fit a preconceived script went. Their stories generated the sort of comments they wanted:


They didn’t tell you that the gunman’s daughter was married to the ruling party presidential candidate’s brother, or that the gunman’s sister was married to the notorious Jürgen Mossack of Mossack Fonseca and Panama Papers infamy.

They didn’t tell you that the gunman had been consigliere for a criminal financial outfit, The Harris Organisation, whose boss Marc M. Harris fell into US hands and was ultimately imprisoned by the feds for laundering the proceeds of environmental crimes in the United States.

Gunman Kenneth Darlington. A guy who years ago had advised me of the risks of prison I was taking for writing unflattering things about his boss Marc Harris. Some of the stuff I wrote about him was erased in a 2013-2015 series of malicious hacks on The Panama News website, but some of that remained in The Wayback Machine Internet Archive and other stuff was “rescued” by pirates.

They didn’t tell you that Panamanian rose up against a contract that would allow a foreign company to take Panamanians’ homes. They didn’t tell you that this company bought part of a concession dating back to 1997, which the high court here had declared unconstitutional, and thus what the company had was a remainder of something that’s void. They didn’t tell you that even by the void original concessions terms, the company was cheating Panama left and right and paying no taxes. They didn’t tell you that to force through the revised deal the ruling party had threatened that if the foreign company didn’t get what it demanded then retirees wouldn’t get their pensions. They didn’t tell you about the prolonged and severe looting binge by the current administration, which left hospitals without critical supplies, teacher salaries in arrears and public construction projects slowed down, delayed or halted. 

Yeah, there is that toxic gash in the land, with no serious thought of reclamation. The enviros ARE angry, reasonably so. But to the Murdoch media, those folks are just cutout villains to be portrayed as targets for the righteous.

The Brits have a special loathing for THIS Murdoch rag, which invented a riot when a soccer stadium management created a deadly crush. But hey, why should they care when it’s just Panamanians whom they defame?

So IS this guy actually an American? At first glance, British father, Panamanian mother, born in Panama — not an American. But then, upon further research:


Ken Darlington’s mother, Dalma Alicia Sala, died in Miami in 1991.

Darlington’s mother was a natural born US citizen because at least one of her parents was a US citizen and working for the US government at the time she was born in Ancon in the Panama Canal Zone.

So I guess that does make Darlington a US citizen, unless somewhere along the line he renounced it.

Because Zonians and gringos are the targets of vitriolic rhetoric about this — not actually from the protesters but from xenophobes and fascists — you’d think that the American Embassy would issue a statement about Darlington’s nationality. They have not seen fit to do so.

Ah but the good people of Liverpool, and their musical defender Billy Bragg, did respond to Murdoch-style defamation in a pretty good way:


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Editorials: Not a threat but an observation; and End the Gaza War

in everyone's face
In everybody’s face, from a passing bus: a slain ASOPROF teachers’ union leader in the middle of the road, gunned down by a veteran organized crime consigliere whose family is intermarried with that of Vice President and PRD presidential candidate Gaby Carrizo. Photo by Eric Jackson.

There must be consequences. Issues
must be resolved in Panama’s favor

‘Can’t do anything about that, because he’s a professional, he’s related to the Carrizos and the Mossacks, he’s too old to be punished and it was time to teach organized labor a lesson….’???

‘Can’t shut the mine, because even though they have been cheating us for years they make all these fabulous projections about how rich they will make Panama and we MUST take their word for it….’???

‘If the rape of our protected environmental corridor doesn’t continue, the PRD says that they won’t pay retirees their pensions, so we have to do what they say….’???

‘If we invoke Panamanian law and expel the foreigners who live here and are taking to the Internet to cheer the gunman in violation of our laws, we will only annoy those individuals’ embassies here….’???

‘If we don’t give the company control over the airspace above their operations and the Caribbean Sea off of their mine, they might sue us….’???

Is it time for Panama to lay down the law? ACTUALLY the laws are long established. It’s time to apply them to people and companies who think that they are above them.

If everything gets arranged so that the gunman gets off and the company that bought an unconstitutional concession and beyond that abused the situation by its terms, Panama is likely to explode. It’s not good for anybody if that happens. A crime spree needs to end, with people, companies and political parties held accountable for their actions.


arabs and jews
Hundreds of Israeli citizens, both Jews and Arabs, gather in Jerusalem to demand an end to the Gaza War and the beginning of real peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Photo by Alon-Lee Green of the Standing Together Movement.

There is no big secret about what needs to happen

“…children, women and men have been victims of unimaginable atrocities that deeply shocked the conscience of humanity….”

That was the standard set forth in the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court, echoing the words of the world’s top prosecutors of a generation before in the Nuremberg war crimes trials.

The use of the International Criminal Court in The Hague has been discriminatory. Third World government and insurgent leaders have been brought to the bar, while so many of the “advanced” countries have declined to sign the treaty, calling themselves the good guys by definition. But there is no master race and there are no chosen people. By prevailing custom now, everybody is liable to be held to the same standard.

The children slaughtered in the Gaza offensive are counted in their thousands now. Do we want to hear any arguments about “…but Hamas….” The proper response to any such argument, and knowing well the religions and customs involved, can only be “You pigs….” Really. No insult is too vile for the people who have committed these crimes.

Nor is there any justification for the murders, abductions and grievous wounds, physical and psychological, that Hamas inflicted in its October 7 offensive. It was a clear violation of Islam’s Sharia legal system, one that would have made The Prophet Muhammad cringe — and order stern punishment of those responsible.

Once there was a peace agreement that would have gradually set up two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side and cooperating to keep the peace. A vicious religious fanatic murdered the Israeli co-architect of this, Yitzhak Rabin, and ever since then it has been the policy of the State of Israel to ratify, amplify and extend the assassin’s verdict. Sometimes the targets of this, the Palestinians, have tried to respond in kind but these attempts to fight back have been pitiful.

What to do? In the perverse political jargon of the main Western powers, the movement to boycott, divest and sanction Israel is treated as a racist hate crime. It’s not. It’s complementary to what needs to be done.

There are sufficient records. Certain Israeli settlements should be treated as terrorist organizations, with criminal penalties for anyone who does business with them and any government that lays hands on any of their members having the same “enemy of all humanity” jurisdiction to treat such persons as they might deal with maritime pirates or slave traders.

Better, though, to have the International Criminal Court try all of the criminals in this war — Palestinians, Israelis, US citizens despite their country’s objection, ANYBODY with bloody hands from a Gaza or nearby crime scene — so that the whole world watches and the record lasts as long as the Book of Joshua, the cuneiform Assyrian atrocity boasts, the transcripts of the Nuremberg and Tokyo war crimes trials. 

The world should never forget, nor ever allow it to happen again.

It might take a United Nations force to occupy the entire Holy Land and restore order. So be it.


the original goth?
Ann Radcliffe, pioneer of the Gothic novel

When the mind has once begun to yield to the weakness of superstition, trifles impress it with the force of conviction.

Ann Radcliffe

Bear in mind…

If you don’t have a strategy, you’re part of someone else’s strategy.

Alvin Toffler

What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine.

Susan Sontag

If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.

Ludwig Wittgenstein


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Las quejas de First Quantum

The enemy
En el Área Protegida de Donoso. Esta es una parte del área no concesionada #firstquantum usa desde el 2013 y que ahora la convertirán en una enorme laguna de aguas y lodos envenenados. Foto por Panamá Vale Más Sin Minería a través de Raisa Banfield.




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Keller, An Israeli peace activist on this year’s Kristallnacht anniversary

Nazis round up Jews in Stadthagen, Germany, November 1938.

Remembering the Kristallnacht
at the time of the Gaza War

by Adam Keller – Gush Shalom

A few days ago I corresponded with a German friend, who told me that every year on Novemeber 9 he is involved in a local memorial ceremony for the Nazi Kristallnacht pogroms. But, he said, this year he is full or trepidation as to how the memorial will proceed, becuase “the discussion at the moment is extremely difficult and complicated” and people in Germany are so polarized about the war in Gaza (and the wider issues involved in it). I have tried to help him by offereing the following text. (I did not yet hear how it actually go at the ceremony).

What happened on November 9, 1938 (and the even worse things which happened between 1938 and 1945) is a lesson for all human beings – and for Germans in particular – on how terrible racism and prejudice can be. This lesson needs to be learned again and again, every year, every day, because the danger is never over. It is very important to go on commemorating November 9 in Germany, to look openly and honestly at the horrors of the German past, and to apply the lessons to the events of the present and to the prospects for the future.

An important element of remembering and commemorating November 9 should be that no one – no individual person, no ethnic or religious group – is immune to racism and prejudice. Racism is always present somewhere deep in the mind, always seeking an outlet. A religious person might say it’s Satan tempting us into evil, a secularist would look for psychological reasons. However you explain it, racism is there, it is never completely defeated, however much you strive against it and try to provide the best of Humanist and Universalist education.

A very important specific thing to remember is that having yourself suffered racism and oppression in no way makes you immune to becoming yourself a racist and oppressor – like a person who suffered abuse as a child might well grow up to abuse his own children. This is applicable especially to the situation in the Middle East, between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs – a wound which has been long festering and is now terribly bleeding.

We see that Jews, who had suffered from racism and oppression more terribly than any other people, are not immune to racism. Shamefully, it can be seen that racism is flourishing in the Jewish state of Israel, that there are organized Jewish racist parties which even gained representation in the government of Israel, parties led by demagogues who are busy spreading hatred and calling for the unrestrained killing of Palestinians, and actually – under this government – Israel is involved in bombing Gaza and killing thousands of civilians, including many children.

We see that Palestinians, who over decades suffered very much oppression and cruelty, are not themselves immune to oppression and cruelty. Shamefully, when some Palestinians for a single day this year found themselves in control of Israeli Jewish towns and villages, they perpetrated a series of terrible barbaric crimes, very shocking to anyone who sees the films which these Palestinians themselves made.

Of course, not everybody is caught up in terrible bloodlust. On both sides there are many decent people of good will. It is the duty of people of good will everywhere – and in particular, in Germany with its specific history – to do all they can to end the bloodshed and help create a better future for Israelis, Palestinians and everyone in the Middle East. This better future must be based on the principle that Israelis and Palestinians alike have rights which must be respected, including the right to sovereign statehood, and that neither one of them has a “right” to oppress or kill; no amount of suffering can confer such a “right.”

This year, when November 9 fell on a time when passions from the Middle East are affecting German society, such should be the message and the lesson of the commemoration,


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¿Wappin? Para los caídos / For the fallen

Abdiel Díaz, board of directors member of the ASOPROF teachers’ union, slain by an asshole with a pistol.
Abdiel Díaz, miembro de la junta directiva del sindicato docente ASOPROF, asesinado por un pendejo con pistola.

Tristeza y reveses, pero la causa brilla

Sadness and setbacks, but the cause shines on

Paul Robeson – Joe Hill

Victor Jara — Manifiesto

Joan Baez — Motherland

Rubén Blades, Wynton Marsalis & The Lincoln Center Orchestra – Patria

WAR – Deliver The Word

Mujeres de Panamá – Triste Adiós

AOC Town Hall – Solidarity Forever

Roque Cordero – Adagio Trágico

Yomira John – Madre Tierra

Roberta Flack – Oh Freedom

Jefferson Airplane – Wooden Ships

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