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Muñoz, La salida legal frente al clamor popular



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¿Wappin? Halloween Special / Especial Noche de Brujas

They’re playing our song!

You Gwine Die
Vas a morir

Alice Cooper – I Love The Dead

Calle Arriba Las Tablas 1995 – La Tulivieja

Iggy Pop – Live in San Francisco 1981

Marianne Faithfull – Witches Song

Peter Tosh – Vampire

Grace Slick & Paul Kantner – When I Was a Boy I Watched the Wolves

Shakira – Loba

Of Monsters & Men – Dirty Paws

X – Live at Rock the Garden

Niagara Detroit – Dark Carnival 2019

Héroes del Silencio – Maldito Duende

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Republicans use aid for Israel as a pawn to slash taxes for the rich

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, official portrait.

House GOP wants to pair Israel military aid with IRS cuts that help rich tax cheats

by Jake Johnson — Common Dreams

House Republicans released legislative text on Monday that pairs around $14 billion in military aid for Israel with steep cuts from Internal Revenue Service funding that has given the agency more capacity to pursue wealthy tax cheats.

The GOP bill would strip $14.3 billion in funds from the IRS, a move that would undercut the agency’s renewed enforcement push and nix efforts to build out a free digital tax filing system to compete with private tax-prep firms, which have lobbied aggressively against the IRS alternative.

While the House GOP’s proposed IRS cuts were widely presented as “offsets” for the new aid for Israel’s military, such cuts would in fact add to the federal deficit by depriving the agency of resources to collect taxes from rich tax dodgers who are costing the U.S. tens of billions in revenue.

“Every $1 you cut IRS funding will lose about $2 of revenue,” noted Marc Goldwein of the conservative Center for a Responsible Federal Budget. “So that means this bill would add about $30 billion to the deficit.”

The IRS said earlier this month that it has collected $160 million in back taxes from millionaires this year thanks to new enforcement funding provided under the Inflation Reduction Act. The agency also recently launched an initiative aimed at cracking down on tax dodging by large corporations.

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) argued on social media late Monday that “House Republicans are using aid for Israel as a political pawn in order to slash taxes for their wealthy donors.”

“Making it easier for rich people to cheat on their taxes isn’t an offset, it adds to the deficit,” Wyden wrote.

House Republicans’ bill comes in response to President Joe Biden’s request for $14.3 billion in military aid for Israel as part of a broader $106 billion emergency funding request that also called for military assistance for Ukraine, disaster relief in the United States, and some humanitarian aid for Gaza that human rights advocates say could bolster Israeli efforts to forcibly displace Palestinians.

The GOP legislation, which is likely dead on arrival in the narrowly Democratic US Senate, only contains funding for Israel.

The bipartisan push to approve new military aid for Israel comes despite warnings from legal experts that the United States could be complicit in genocide and other war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza.

Israel’s bombing campaign has killed more than 8,000 people—including more than 3,400 children—and sparked a humanitarian catastrophe, displacing more than a million Gazans, destroying or damaging roughly 40% of the territory’s housing units, and pushing the enclave’s healthcare system to the brink of total collapse.

The National Priorities Project cautioned in response to Biden’s supplemental funding request that “more military aid to Israel will mean more deaths.”

“In the face of massive suffering in Gaza and disregard for international law by the Israeli government, the US must not provide additional military aid or weapons that would cause more deaths,” the group said. “Instead, the US should use its considerable diplomatic strength to call for an immediate cease-fire.”


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Grupos estudiantiles, Sobre la crisis

da broad masses


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Nito backs down / Nito da marcha atrás

Photo by / Foto por La Presidencia.

“…I will request the Electoral Tribunal to call a referendum on Sunday, December 17, 2023, so that Panamanians can decide with the power of the vote whether or not to repeal Law 406, the mining contract….”

“…Solicitaré al Tribunal Electoral la convocatoria de una consulta popular el domingo 17 de diciembre de 2023, para que los panameños decidamos con el poder del voto si se deroga o no se deroga la Ley 406 del contrato minero”. …











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Sindicatos canaleros: Nuestro país es marítimo, no minero



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Panamá Vale Más Sin Minería, Contrato ilegal



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Ellsberg: A eulogy for my father, Daniel Ellsberg

the Elllsbergs
In the final days, his joy and gratitude were based on the hope that others would carry on the effort for a better, more peaceful future. I pray that his joy may be justified. A photo of Robert Ellsberg with his father, the whistleblower, author, and anti-nuclear and peace activist Daniel Ellsberg. Photo courtesy of Robert Ellsberg and family.

Eulogy for My Father, Daniel Ellsberg

by Robert Ellsberg — Common Dreams

Peacemaker and whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg died on June 16, 2023, four months after his diagnosis with inoperable pancreatic cancer. In March, he shared news of his prognosis with friends and supporters in the peace movement in a letter posted on Common Dreams. On October 22 his family hosted an online Celebration of Life which featured testimonials by his wife, Patricia, his children, Robert, Mary, and Michael, his grandchildren, and a wide range of friends, fellow peacemakers, and whistleblowers, including Edward Snowden, Jane Fonda, Barbra Streisand, Rev. John Dear, Norman Soloman, Rep. Barbara Lee, Gov. Jerry Brown, Tom Reiffer, Richard Falk, and Randy Kehler. Dan’s son Robert, the Publisher of Orbis Books, delivered this opening eulogy:

During a phone call in February, Dad mentioned—almost as a side note—“If I had a potentially serious condition, would you want to know about it?” I answered with words to the effect: Hell yes! Thus, I learned of a possible mass on his pancreas, which was later confirmed to be pancreatic cancer and was deemed inoperable. He was told he had three to six months to live. He lived for four.

I had known that Dad was never particularly worried or anxious about the prospect of his own death. Since surviving the car accident that killed his mother and sister when he was 15, I think he had always felt he was living on borrowed time. He admitted to me that this probably accounted for his ability to take risks that others might have feared—some of them, arguably reckless, such as driving through the countryside of Vietnam in his Triumph Spitfire. Others, like his willingness to risk life in prison for releasing the Pentagon Papers, served a higher purpose. That lack of fear was one of his superpowers.

[My father] believed that the danger facing humanity came not just from our technology and our policies but from the tragic defect that allowed so many humans not to identify with the sufferings and fate of others far away, not of their tribe.

Yet if the prospect of his own death did not concern him, he spent a lifetime warning against the prospect of mass death hovering over the earth. He stared into the heart of darkness, envisioning a scale of death for which most people have no adequate language or capacity to contemplate. In countless hours in his study, he scratched out thoughts about this danger on one of his yellow legal pads, trying to conceive of words or actions that could arouse humanity to avert the death of our species and the creatures we would take with us.

Compared with that prospect, he accepted his own demise with calm detachment, thus foregoing all the preliminary stages of grief that Elisabeth Kübler Russ famously outlined: denial, grief, bargaining, and depression.

What surprised us was something we would not have predicted: his evident happiness, or what my brother Michael termed “ebullience.”

This was not because he felt any optimism about the state of the world. “I am not generally an optimist,” he told me. “No,” I said, “you are generally a catastrophist.” In fact, he foresaw nothing but sadness and suffering for the future. In light of the dangers posed by the war in Ukraine, he said, “I feel I’m leaving just where I first came in.”

My father was capable of joy and laughter. Often our conversations were a sustained laugh fest. He saw the humor and absurdity in so many things. But none of us had ever witnessed the sustained happiness and enjoyment of life that he showed in the three months following his diagnosis. How to explain what even he acknowledged was a mystery?

I think it came from the sense, as he confided to Patricia, that “a tremendous burden has been lifted from my shoulders.”

He was not alone in his mission, and it gave him great joy to be around those he called his “tribe”—the peacemakers and resisters, the whistleblowers, the fellow prophets like Greta Thunberg—those he said who care about the others.

He had often spoken of his identification with the mythical seer Cassandra: who received the gift of seeing the future, but also the curse that no one would believe her. For most of his life, he had struggled with this dubious gift and the driven sense that he must find some way to make people see and act appropriately. He believed that the danger facing humanity came not just from our technology and our policies but from the tragic defect that allowed so many humans not to identify with the sufferings and fate of others far away, not of their tribe.

He was not alone in his mission, and it gave him great joy to be around those he called his “tribe”—the peacemakers and resisters, the whistleblowers, the fellow prophets like Greta Thunberg—those he said who care about the others. It was that kind of deep empathy that had helped him turn against the war in Vietnam, whose people, he said, “had become as real to me as my own hands.”

And yet the burden of this responsibility definitely dimmed his capacity for sustained happiness—the feeling that somehow the fate of the world depended on him.

I tried at various times, with limited success, to lighten this burden. Using a sports metaphor that I knew was meaningless to him, I once told him that his job was not to get the ball across the goal line—just to move it down the field. Others would carry on.

It was a message he wanted and needed to believe. One time when he was feeling particularly down, I wrote him a letter saying, “Dad, you should never feel you have to do anything—give another interview, spend another night in jail, write another book. You helped end a war. And you set an example of heroic action for peace that will inspire and challenge generations to come. I couldn’t be prouder to be your son.”

After his death I found that message taped to his computer.

I had the great privilege of working with him for two years on his book, The Doomsday Machine. He once told me that he would be happy if his book could prolong the survival of the planet for 43 seconds—the time between the release of the first atomic bomb and its detonation over Hiroshima. “Forgive me,” I told him, “if I hope to aim a little bit higher.”

In his last months, I believe it was given to him to raise his eyes and see a little higher—beyond the doomsday scenarios on his yellow legal pad: to sense that he had done what was given to him to accomplish; the rest was out of his hands. In a letter he sent to friends, he wrote, “I’ve always known that I work better under a deadline. It turns out that I live better under a deadline!”

His horror at the dangers of nuclear war and climate change were fueled by his love for the earth—nature, the ocean, flowers, animals, children, music, poetry, beauty in all is forms, and what it would mean if we were never to see and enjoy these things again.

That letter, which he posted in March, was a great step on his final journey. I believe it will stand as part of his legacy, a message about his own life, about what it means to be a responsible person, and the message of realism and encouragement he hoped to pass along. He described the risk he had undertaken in releasing the Pentagon Papers, and the unexpected results it had achieved, even contributing to the end of the Vietnam War. He was spared a lifetime in prison and allowed to spend the subsequent years attempting to alert the world to the perils of nuclear war. He regretted that his efforts to dismantle the Doomsday Machine had not shown better results. And yet, he wrote, “As I look back on the last sixty years of my life, I think there is no greater cause to which I could have dedicated my efforts.”

He acknowledged and thanked his fellow peacemakers for their efforts. “Your dedication, courage, and determination to act have inspired and sustained my own efforts.” He said he could depart this life knowing that others would carry on.

And he concluded: “My wish for you is that at the end of your days you will feel as much joy and gratitude as I do now.”

His letter evoked an extraordinary response, and I think for the first time he realized how much he was loved. This came as a surprise: yes, people had told him he was admired—but loved?

His message: That you can’t know what you will accomplish, and you may not ever know the results of your actions—but the chance that you can make a difference is worth taking and at the end of the day that is a good way to use your life.

The last time he left the house was for an outing we shared to Stimson Beach, one of his favorite places in the world. It was too cold to dip our toes in the water, but we lay on the sand, surrounded by seagulls and the sound of the surf. It reminded me that his horror at the dangers of nuclear war and climate change were fueled by his love for the earth—nature, the ocean, flowers, animals, children, music, poetry, beauty in all is forms, and what it would mean if we were never to see and enjoy these things again. We talked for hours.

Many of his interviewers, he said, wanted to talk about his “legacy.” He didn’t know exactly what that meant. But he told me that maybe this was his message: That you can’t know what you will accomplish, and you may not ever know the results of your actions—but the chance that you can make a difference is worth taking and at the end of the day that is a good way to use your life.

When we drove home he told me, “This has been a marvelous day.”

That was his final gift to me, the memory of a marvelous day, the example of a marvelous life. To the extent that his joy and gratitude were based on the hope that others would carry on, I pray that his joy may be justified by the way we remember him and by the way we use our lives.


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¿Wappin? Last Friday in October / Último viernes de octubre

Pamamanians march for Panama.
Panameños desfilan por Panamá.

A perfect storm
Una tormenta perfecta

Los Mozambiques – El Niño y El Perro

Bruce Springsteen – Murder Incorporated

Alanis Morissette Live World Tour — 2023 Documentary Version

Natalie Merchant – Sister Tilly

Mairead Nesbitt – The Ballad of the Perfect Storm

Bob Marley – Live in Santa Barbara 1979

Ceferino Nieto – Las Penas y las Olas

Roger Waters – Amused to Death

Manley López & Jahaziel Arrocha – Sesión ONJMX

Melissa Aldana – Concert with the Frankfurt Radio Big Band

Jefferson Airplane – Greasy Heart

Los Tucanes de Tijuana – El Diablo

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Jackson, A lost cause for the guys who had all the angles figured

It’s not like one of those Colombian “armed strikes” when gunmen keep people off of the roads. It’s that because they are on strike or because strikers may be blocking the roads, there are few buses and the roads are nearly deserted. Photo by Eric Jackson.

Nito: cut your losses and back down

by Eric Jackson

Your Excellency, you and your party have reached too far.

Business groups and labor unions that rarely agree on anything all think that this contract — really a colonial concession — stinks as any sort of business deal from any Panamanian perspective.

(Did somebody take a bribe along the way? If purporting to act for Panama we will say, like in the long-ago case of Mr. Bunau-Varilla, that person by his or her actions isn’t Panamanian.)

Cut your losses to cut Panama’s economic losses. Cut them right away before anybody’s life is lost in a needless confrontation between police and protesters.

The best thing would be for the Supreme Court to summarily rule that they had already decided the constitutionality of the original concession and that a sale and subsequent renegotiation can’t cure the defect. Were the magistrates to be brutally honest, they’d look at the legislative process of THIS version of the deal and find it both legally wanting and insulting in terrible ways.

If the court blocks this latest and wildly unpopular move, it’s an opportunity for you — one that you should have taken on the occasion of the ruling that the original concession was unconstitutional. You can say that the courts have decided and it’s your job to uphold the law, even when you don’t like it.

You have one regular legislative session before your time in office ends, and a country with a lot of problems. Some of the problems might be laid at your or your party’s doorstep, but most of them are not your fault. It’s still your job to address those issues regardless of where blame might be assigned.

Drop this contract, get back to work, and let the country get back to work.



Mostly teachers misbehaving at a roadblock in Anton.


National shutdown.


Hmmmm — was this a back channel meeting between SUNTRACS and the government, aimed at maintaining some semblance of peace on the highway in Anton? Photo by Eric Jackson.


Reguesero on strike!


It was so calm in places.
The national anthem on the Bridge of the Americas.



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