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SPSP, Frente a la emergencia del virus Zika

El virus Zika. Foto por el Departamento de Salud de la Ciudad de Nueva York.

Comunicado al país frente a la emergencia del virus Zika

por la Sociedad Panameña de Salud Pública (SPSP)


La OMS ha declarado una Emergencia de Salud Pública de Importancia Internacional (ESPII) en respuesta a conglomerados de casos de microcefalia y de síndrome de Guillain-Barré en Brasil, Polinesia Francesa, El Salvador, Venezuela, Colombia, y Suriname, que se han asociado temporalmente con la transmisión del virus del Zika.1 La comunidad científica internacional está intensamente dedicada a buscar evidencias sobre qué está causando el aumento inusual de casos de microcefalia y Síndrome de Guillain Barré y otros desórdenes neurológicos y cómo este aumento puede estar relacionado con los brotes de Zika,2 ya sea para confirmar o descartar el vínculo con el virus.

El Zika es una enfermedad causada por un virus, de la misma familia de los virus Dengue, que es transmitido por el mosquito Aedes aegypti. El virus Zika fue descrito por primera vez en 1952, aislado de un mono Rhesus en la floresta Zika de Uganda, recibiendo de allí su nombre. En 1954 el virus Zika fue aislado de un humano en Nigeria. Desde su descubrimiento hasta 2007, casos confirmados de Zika fueron raros y limitados al continente africano y al sudeste asiático. Del 2007 hasta el 12 de febrero del 2016 el virus Zika ha estado presente en 46 países y territorios. En 2015 y lo que va del 2016, el virus ha estado circulando en 26 países. Se estima que en Brasil han ocurrido 1.5 millones de casos de Zika, seguido de Colombia con 25,000 casos sospechosos y 1,331 casos confirmados y Cabo Verde con 7,000 casos sospechosos de Zika.

El Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) informó, según nota noticiosa,3 que los casos del virus Zika en el país aumentaron a 91 este viernes, 26 de febrero. En Guna Yala se concentran 81 casos, mientras que en sectores de la capital ya se reportan 10. Cinco de estos casos se registran en Tocumen, 1 en el área de Bella Vista, 1 en Las Cumbres, 1 en Paitilla, 1 en San Francisco y otro en Juan Díaz. Mientras persista en casi todo el territorio nacional elevados índices de infestación del vector, el mosquito Aedes aegypti, la transmisión masiva del virus Zika a casi todos los rincones del país es prácticamente inevitable.

Eliminación del mosquito que transmite el virus Zika

El mosquito Aedes aegypti transmite cuatro enfermedades virales:

(1) el Dengue,

(2) el virus Chikungunya,

(3) el virus de Fiebre Amarilla y

(4) el virus Zika.

El Aedes aegypti también es un vector potencial para el virus de la Encefalitis Equina Venezolana y del virus del Oeste del Nilo (West Nile virus).4 Por lo tanto, aún si el virus Zika no resultara ser el responsable de microcefalia u otra afección neurológica, hay razones de sobra para redoblar y multiplicar los esfuerzos nacionales para eliminar del territorio nacional el mosquito Aedes aegypti, tal como fue hecho entre 1971 y 1985.

Panamá ha cambiado mucho desde 1985. La población ha aumentado, hay mayor concentración de la población en las zonas urbanas, se ha generalizado la cultura de “usa y descarta”, donde son lanzados al medio ambiente cantidades masivas de productos plásticos, llantas, y muchos otros que se convierten fácilmente en criaderos de mosquitos Aedes. La crisis en la Autoridad Nacional de Aseo, con graves deficiencias en la recolección y disposición sanitaria de desechos sólidos, deberá ser atendida como un tema de emergencia nacional.

Para reducir a cero los índices de infestación del mosquito es clave eliminar los criaderos del mosquito Aedes aegypti. Dichos criaderos son cualquier recipiente donde se puede acumular agua, desde los más pequeños, como puede ser una tapa de botella, hasta los más grandes y obvios como, llantas y chatarras a la intemperie.

Nuestros paisajes están inundados de productos descartables plásticos, latas, botellas, juguetes, tetra pack, etc., etc., que se venden masivamente, sin responsabilidad empresarial alguna sobre medidas para descartar los envoltorios o envases de forma segura y sanitaria. ¿Qué queremos decir con esto?

Toda empresa que distribuya y venda productos con envases que pueden convertirse en criaderos de mosquitos, debería colocar en cada envase o paquete una clara ADVERTENCIA, indicando el RIESGO de convertirse en un reservorio del vector del DENGUE, CHICUNGUNYA, Zika y FIEBRE AMARILLA; acompañado de indicaciones para su recolección y descarte adecuado y sanitario. A parte de la ADVERTENCIA al consumidor, toda empresa con responsabilidad social debería sumarse a los esfuerzos gubernamentales y comunitarios, creando centros de acopio y unidades de recolección de envases y paquetes descartables de sus productos, además, apoyar campañas masivas en medios de comunicación, así como educación sanitaria en escuelas públicas y privadas.

Por otro lado, se debe aprovechar nuestra estructura político administrativa para educar a la comunidad y fortalecer la organización de esta, que permita acciones más efectivas contra el mosquito, casa por casa, calle por calle, barrio por barrio, corregimiento por corregimiento, distrito por distrito y cada una de las provincias. Con participación intersectorial coordinada y con presencia de la sociedad civil, clubes de padres de familia, Iglesias, etc.

La recientemente promulgada Ley de Emergencia por el virus Zika que, entre otras cosas, garantiza asignación presupuestaria, debe además constituirse en una herramienta para lograr la articulación efectiva todos los actores sociales, tanto públicos como privados, en un gran haz de voluntades y acciones que lleven a la “eliminación” del mosquito Aedes aegypti del territorio nacional.

Lo hicimos una vez. ¡Hagámoslo otra vez!

Dr. Claude D. Betts, Presidente, SPSP
Dr. Carlos Cupas, Secretario General, SPSP
Elaborado con aportes de miembros de la SPSP


1. # Maurice J. WHO reveals its shopping list for weapons against Zika. The Lancet 2016; 387: 733

2. # Heymann DL, Hodgson A, et al. Zika virus and microcephaly: why is this situation a PHEIC? The Lancet 2016; 387: 719-21

3. http://www.tvn-2.com/nacionales/Aumentan-casos-Zika-Panama_0_4424557545.html; acceso el 27 de febrero, 2016

4. http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/healthtopics/vectors/mosquitoes/Pages/aedes-aegypti.aspx; acceso el 21 de febrero, 2016.



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The Panama News blog links, March 26, 2016


The Brand New Testament will be showing at the Panama International Film Festival

The Panama News blog links, March 26, 2016

American Journal of Transportation, PanCanal opens scale model training facility

Logistics Management, June 26 opening set for canal expansion

ANP, Sorteo para el primer buque que transitará por las nuevas esclusas

Taipei Times, President-elect to give Panama Canal invitation priority

Business Insider, Beijing’s unhappy about invitation to China and Taiwan

Vice News, Ships bypassing both Suez and Panama due to cheap oil

Scout, Colombia ousts Panama in World Baseball Classic qualifier

Telemetro, Panamá rescata empate frente a Haití en Puerto Príncipe

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Fayetteville Observer, Vélez testifies about death of Panamanian woman

STRI, New golden frog species discovered in Colombia

Reuters, CDC urges waiting period before conception after Zika infection

Prensa Latina, Panamá: crecimiento económico vs muertes por tuberculosis

Toronto.com, Ancient Panamanian treasures at a Toronto museum

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Aumann, Beyond the Beaches of Bocas del Toro

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TVN, Procurador solicita a Humbert que audite las obras de Odebrecht

Prensa Latina, Lawyer says Panama needs a new immigration law now

Right Wing Watch, Former GOP congressman threatens to move here

Stiglitz, The new generation gap

The Guardian, Che Guevara’s son on Obama in Cuba

Blades, Obama en Cuba

Indiewire, Panama: the next big country for Latin American films?

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The world neither forgot nor trembled in silence





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Corporate continuity, new skills for the ACP board

ACP nominations
The cabinet approves the nominations of engineer and educator Óscar Ramírez and corporate lawyer Ricardo Arango to serve on the Panama Canal Authority board of directors. Photo by by the Presidencia.

Ramírez and Arango picked for ACP board

by Eric Jackson

On March 22 President Juan Carlos Varela nominated Óscar Ramírez and Ricardo Arango to serve eight-year terms as members of the Panama Canal Authority board of directors. The nominations must be ratified by the National Assembly and it appears that there will not be any problem with that.

Ramírez, the rector of the Tecnologico (Technological University of Panama, the Universidad Tecnológico de Panamá or the UTP), is a UTP and SUNY-Buffalo educated engineer whose research and teaching has specialized in structural engineering for earthquake resistance. His doctorate from the State University of New York at Buffalo — for which he was assisted by a Fulbright scholarship — is in structural and seismic engineering.

The UTP has its origins in the engineering department of the University of Panama seceding over campus politics and low academic standards. Led by Dr. Víctor Levy Sasso, the engineering department gained a measure of autonomy in 1973 and an independent charter in 1981. Although it was a US military target in the 1989 invasion — American soldiers arrested Levy and although he was never accused of any wrongdoing he was stripped of his job and the car and other possessions that were seized by the US Army were never returned — the university continued on its independent way, growing to its present seven campuses and gaining a reputation as Panama’s academically best institution of higher learning. After the brief invasion interregnum Héctor Montemayor was elected rector and served in that post from 1991 to 2003. Salvador Rodríguez succeeded him and in 2009 Marcela Paredes de Vásquez became the first female rector of any Panamanian university worthy of the name. Ramírez, a native of Gualaca in Chiriqui province, was elected rector for the 2013-2018 term.

During the canal expansion work, the previously known Pedro Miguel Fault, which crosses the canal, was found to be a bigger and more active threat than was thought. There has been some thought about measures to strengthen the canal’s earthquake resistance, with one worrisome scenario being an event that breaches the Pedro Miguel Locks. Were that to happen Gatun Lake could empty out through Culebra Cut and the broken locks. It would take years for the lake to refill. One possible emergency response system would be strategically placed explosives along Culebra Cut that would cause landslides that dam up the cut to keep the water in. It’s an engineering problem fitting Ramírez’s specialty, expertise about which is otherwise missing on the ACP board.

Ricardo Arango, son of one of the prominent Creole families, has his undergraduate degree in law from the University of Panama and master’s degrees (LLMs) from Harvard and Yale in corporate law and financial law respectively. Part of his US studies were also on a Fulbright. A partner in the law firm of Arias, Fabrega & Fabrega, he is on the boards of directors of Panama’s scandal-plagued Bolsa de Valores stock and bond market, Banco General, the Latin American Export Bank (BLADEX) and the La Prensa newspaper.

Arango represents continuity on a scandal-plagued ACP board dominated by construction people (including Alejandro Moncada Luna’s alleged money laundering and bid fixing partner Nicolás Corcione), people in the maritime services sectors other than shipping itself, bankers and corporate lawyers. No PanCanal retiree or employee has ever served on the board since Panama assumed full control of the canal. A number of political appointees have, mostly people who had been involved in the negotiations over the waterway’s transfer from US to Panamanian administration.

The problem with continuity is that while La Prensa and the banks were deeply involved in the largely state-funded 2006 “yes” campaign based on many questionable premises, the financial plan for the canal expansion that was sold to those voters who showed up has been a failure from the start. This has never been acknowledged, and indeed you will find few in the ACPO or at La Prensa who will now admit that their projection was an increase in US imports from Asia to increase geometrically by the rate of increase in those between 2000 and 2005, through 2025. That would have meant that by now all US industrial production would have been exported to Asia but US wealth and purchases of Asian goods would still be climbing on a nearly vertical path. That didn’t happen so the ACP borrowed money for an expansion that had been billed as “self-financing” and ship tolls were raised high enough to prompt some shippers to move to other routes. If the new locks work — if not they will be adapted at whatever cost so that they do work — PanCanal finances will still be a mess and toll revenues won’t cover it. Thus we have the ACP seeking to get into the ports, oil pipeline, fossil fuel electric generation and other business because the institution needs new revenues to stay afloat. But this has set off rumbles among various interested parties, and has not gone down well with governmental institutions like the Panama Maritime Authority that would have the ACP grabbing some of their turf.

So does Banco General get a new interlocking directorate with the Panama Canal Authority? That would tend to indicate that if a new port is created under ACP auspices at Corozal and Diablo, the concession will go to the Mottas.


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PanCanal draft restrictions

Gatun Locks
Going into Gatun Lake. Photo by MICI.

Canal restricts drafts as of April 18

Due to the El Niño drought, the Panama Canal Authority has issued draft restricions. In a statement, the ACP said:

The maximum allowable draft of 11.89 meters will (39.0 feet) in freshwater tropical, effective from April 18, 2016. The maximum authorized draft is defined by the deepest point of immersion specific to each ship in Gatun lake. These measures are applied to ensure the continued safe operation of the waterway.

Vessels with a greater draft to 11.89 meters (39.0 feet) before or on March 21, will not have to follow the draft restriction, subject to security considerations. Ships loaded after March 21 must comply with the measure.

Draft restrictions will be implemented decreasingly 15 centimeters (six inches) with each restriction announced at least four weeks in advance.


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Barack Obama in Cuba


Obama in Cuba

by Eric Jackson

It was all carefully choreographed symbolism, and some of it very real. However, one has to look at several long-developing contexts to make full sense of the Obama visit to Cuba.

Most of all, the context of US relations with the rest of the Western Hemisphere set the stage. Over decades, starting with countries like Mexico that never went along with the US policy of isolating Cuba and by the 70s including places like Argentina and Panama that refused to restrict their trade with Cuba according to US orders, the political opposition to US Cuba policy solidified in the Caribbean countries and by the end of the 20th century gained an overwhelming majority in Latin America. As so much of the region went left with the “Pink Tide” that washed over the region in the first decade of the 21st century, the US habit of giving right-wing Cuban exiles in South Florida a veto power over US policies toward all of Latin America was taken as a special annoyance even by countries that had not suffered the Cuban American National Foundation’s wrath. US policy was an anachronism and it was left up to Panama’s moderately conservative President Juan Carlos Varela to inform the Obama administration that Cuba was invited to the 2015 Summit of the Americas in Panama City and the United States could deal with that fact as it pleased.

A bad economy — a sluggish recovery from a stagnant status quo for all but the richest Americans, China in a steep downturn and Latin American countries devastated by low prices of the commodities that they sell — shaped Cuba’s motives. Whether or not the left can hang on in Venezuela, the oil wealth is gone and will probably never come back. There is a chance of an ultra-right government in Caracas that delights in baiting leftist Cuba, but that would be ephemeral. Venezuela had strong economic and cultural ties with the Caribbean, particularly its Spanish-speaking lands, well before the rise of Hugo Chávez and those will continue. But the high volume of trade on favorable terms and the aid are features of the Cuban-Venezuelan relationship that are over and won’t be back anytime soon. The alternative ALBA economic bloc never did prosper and was taken as a mortal threat by Washington, as if US trade hegemony is likely to be restored through political domination anytime soon. The days of Latin America consuming mostly US-made products are over, but on the other hand — much to the chagrin of many Americans on both the left and the right — there is a multinational integration of the world’s oligarchs, with London bankers, Saudi oil sheikhs, Latin American death squad politicians, German manufacturers, Asian absentee sweatshop lords, sports mafia thugs and the corporate-backed US political glitterati rubbing elbows at many a private gathering. The Chinese have been the partners and competitors who were never entirely part of the club. China’s economic power has displaced that of the United States across most of Latin America and the Caribbean. Cuba was one of the early Chinese beachheads in the region. But now the Chinese economy is in a bad way and aid from or trade with China is not going to fill the hole that the Venezuelan oil collapse has left in Cuba. Yes, Cuba survived the “Special Period” following the Soviet Union’s fall but Cubans would rather not go through that again. Adding some US business tie cards to its weak economic hand became a political imperative for Cuba.

And what of the Cuban Counter-Revolution? There are two parts to that. Those Miami exiles — as well as a substantial Cuban community in Puerto Rico and smaller ones throughout Latin America — who dreamed of returning to the island and restoring their power and glory days of the 50s? The Castro brothers outlived them. The younger generations of Cuban-Americans aren’t like that. Maybe US elections are the best indicator. The Florida “Hispanic vote” is not nearly so Cuban as it once was. Now there are a lot of Puerto Ricans and Mexican-Americans in the state, and people from all over Latin America in Miami. Among the Cuban-Americans there is a generation gap. The young Great Cuban-American Hope, Marco Rubio? He got stomped in the Florida primary and after he leaves the US Senate at the end of this year we probably won’t hear much from him again. Ted Cruz? As far as most Cuban-Americans are concerned he’s a foreigner, a weird religious fanatic from another place. The one US presidential candidate who offers any hope at all to the remnants of the Miami Cuban exile leadership, Hillary Clinton, would face a resurgent left within her own party if she makes it to the White House and that would stand in the way of restoring the influence that the old exile leaders used to have. Barack Obama went to Cuba because he could, because the old opponents to such a move are gone or too feeble to resist.

When Obama visited Cuba he met with a few carefully designated and not particularly powerful Cuban dissidents. The rowdier, more capable and more dangerous to the Castro brothers dissidents were rounded up and sent out of town to avoid any demonstrations for the TV cameras. The world media got to interview men and women on the street who were wary of the minders present. But time dictates a generational change in Cuba. Even if there are some quite capable replacements waiting in the Communist Party wings it’s hard to see how there can be a generational change without a procedural makeover and a reaching out beyond the party’s narrowed base. The communists have the Soviet, Eastern European, Chinese, Vietnamese and North Korean examples to instruct them, mostly about what not to do. But it’s Cuba, which among other things has always had cultural component in Florida, from even before there were English-speaking people in North America. The Castros gave Cuba the only period of stability that the island ever had as an independent republic and that legacy will serve future leaders well if they have to stave off the long-existing but generally minor current in Cuban thinking that favors some sort of annexation by the United State. But a measure of change, a bit of economic prosperity and more options in personal lives are likely to be the prices demanded and paid for any post-Castro political mandate in Cuba. The Communist Party may have to go into opposition. The Cuban Revolution is a fact that won’t be changed, but for most Cubans on and off the island it’s also history that is somewhat beside the point of where to go next.

The banter between Obama and Castro about human rights? Both governments have dirty laundry. From a press freedom point of view, Cuba has freed almost all of its jailed journalists and bloggers while the United States has seen a crackdown, such that there are more imprisoned journalists in the USA than in Cuba these days. The government-restricted Cuban press gets better all the time, as the corporate-dominated US press sinks to ever new lows. Cuban police round up peaceful dissidents. American cops use stinging chemical sprays on such protesters. Violate Cuban airspace on an anti-government mission and Castro’s people may well shoot you down. Show insufficient obeisance to the cops on a US street and you may well be shot dead, particularly if black. Cuban prisons are not fun places. Neither are US prisons, and the United States incarcerates a much larger percentage of its population than does Cuba. Obama and Castro complained about the human rights records of each others’ countries and they were both right. The exchange was a political requirement for both men, but neither government is going to change the other in this field. In each case, world and domestic opinion might.


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¿Wappin? We naah leggo

Robbie Shakespeare. Photo by Nils Petter Molvaer.

¿Wappin? We naah leggo

Aisha – Raise Your Voice

The Rolling Stones – Hang Fire

Cage9 – Everything You Love Will Someday Die

Café Tacvba – Aprovéchate

Zoé – Sombras

The Supremes – My World Is Empty Without You

Adele – When We Were Young

Berita, w/ Oliver Mtukudzi & Hugh Masekela – Mwana Wa Mai

Across fhe Crystal Sea – Danilo Pérez

Melissa Aldana – Pasos

Rahsaan Roland Kirk – We Free Kings

Javiera Mena – Yo No Te Pido La Luna

Enya – Only Time

Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers – Naah Leggo

Sly & Robbie, Taxi Gang & Bunny Rugs in Shrewsbury


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Bernie sweeps the Democrats Abroad Global Primary

In Panama: Sanders 107 - Clinton 43. In the world: Sanders 23,779 - Clinton 10,689
In Panama: Sanders 107 – Clinton 43.
In the world: Sanders 23,779 – Clinton 10,689

Sanders wins Panama with more than 71%

Barring any challenges — and as in 2008 the Dominican Republic totals are large and anomalous, so that the Sanders campaign may yet challenge them — Bernie Sanders has won the Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary with 68.79 percent of the vote as against Hillary Clinton’s 30.92. According to official figures, Sanders beat Clinton everywhere except for Singapore, Nigeria and the Dominican Republic. It was a record turnout for a DA primary, both worldwide and in Panama. In Panama, turnout was about one-third of Democrats Abroad members, the uncertainty being that people die or move away without local Democrats being notified so there are always a few names on the membership list that need to be removed at any given time. In December DA Panama submitted a “cleaned up” list of jmust under 300 members, and as of the March 1-8 voting that membership roll had been increased to about 440.

By federal law US citizens living abroad have a right to vote in the states where they are from, or in the case of young Americans who have not lived in the USA, generally in the state where their parents are from. Democrats Abroad holds a primary according to Democratic Party rules, and sends a delegation to the Democratic Convention whose pledged delegates are determined by the global primary results. But US voters living abroad can also opt to vote in their home states’ primaries instead of the DA primary. It should be expected that there will be some votes cast in the April 19 New York Primary out of Panama given the historic relationship between the Afro-Panamanian community and Brooklyn.

While Democrats ran the DA primary, in November the voting is by absentee ballot to the states and there is no count by country about how Americans living abroad voted. To vote absentee in the USA from abroad, US federal law requires people to re-register every year. IF one only votes for federal offices — President of the United States, US Senator and US Representative — by federal law that does not make a person a citizen of the state in which she or he votes for tax purposes. However, voting for state and local offices or ballot issues may be taken by a state as evidence of state citizenship for tax purposes.

To US citizens to get registered to vote from abroad, there are three major websites through which one might seek assistance: Vote from Abroad, the Federal Voting Assistance Program and the Overseas Vote Foundation.


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Otra vez, la privatización…

Ya hay otro estudio, éste pagado por el gobierno conservador del Reino Unido, abogando por un esquema de privatización de la educación panameña.

Otra vez, la privatización

Vea la presentación de Powerpoint tocando aquí.


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Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s hoax

Your editor never signed up to be a member of “End Citizens United.” He is an active Democrat, a member of the Democrats Abroad – Panama board of directors. The Democratic National Committee gave the list of Democrats that rank-and-file party volunteers across the USA and around the world built to this shadowy group of Clinton-aligned operatives for their fundraising. “End Citizens United” has no specific proposal to overturn that court decision, no participatory membership with democratic structures and few reporting requirements. They are just a fundraising scam that pays salaries to operatives for the corporate wing of the Democratic Party, in that faction’s patently insulting ways.


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