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Mourning and manhunt after cyclist killed by hit-and-run driver

Héctor and Mónica
Athletes Héctor Zepeda and Mónica Licona de Zepeda, married in mid-2014. He’s now a widower after she was killed by a hit-and-run driver while riding her bicycle on Avenida Balboa in front of the Hotel Miramar. She was 22 years old. He learned about it while in Colombia for a cycling competition. The tragedy has prompted an outpournig of grief and concern, particularly from the athletic circles of which the young couple were a part. Photo from her Facebook page.

One of Panama’s many aggressive and irresponsible drivers leaves his indelible stain on the nation

Mourning and manhunt over Mónica’s death

by Eric Jackson

On the morning of Sunday, September 20, Mónica Licona and her sister Lianna, along with other members of their Stri Store bicycle racing team, set out on a circuitous route that was to end up in Gamboa. Mónica was a superb racer, having represented Panama in the Caribbean and Central American Games and other international competitions.

About 20 minutes into their ride, a little before six in the morning on Avenida Balboa in front of the Hotel Miramar, a rented Kia ran into Mónica. Despite the attempts of her sister and hotel employees from across the street to help, and with the belated arrival of private SEMM ambulance that was stationed next to the hotel but first had to figure out whether it was their job to respond, Mónica was dead within 10 minutes. The accident was close to the trauma unit at Santo Tomas, underfunded but still the nation’s best, and even closer to the private emergency room at Hospital Nacional.

Meanwhile the driver of the Kia and a passenger fled. They abandoned the car on Calle 32 near Avenida Mexico and took a taxi. Part of that flight was caught on video and served to identify a woman retrieving boxes from the trunk and the cab in question. The next day, when the rental agency opened, police were able to verify who had rented the car. A woman thought to have been the one in the video and a cab driver were quickly arrested, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of Enrique Jaén Chérigo, who had rented the car and is believed to have been the hit-and-run driver. A $20,000 reward has been offered for information leading to his arrest.

The tragedy elicited cries of anguish, concern and indignation from Panama’s various cycling groups, to whom careless or aggressive drivers pose a constant threat. A white bicycle was set up on a road median as a protest and reminder.

“Drive defensively, taking care for the crazy things the other drivers might do” is always good advice for Panama. Cyclists need to take special care. But the reality is that a large percentage of Panama’s traffic fatalities are neither drivers nor passengers of motor vehicles, but are pedestrians. With the construction of pedestrian bridges the percentages are down a bit, but drivers who just don’t seem to care remain a major public safety hazard.


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It does take money for The Panama News to continue, and most of it that comes our way arrives by this circuitous PayPal route — but it does get to us that way. There are other ways to send money, and other sorts of donations that help us get by.

The Panama News, which has been going since late 1994, is editor and publisher Eric Jackson, who works more than full-time without any regular salary, plus a bunch of volunteer contributors who donate their labor in the ways of articles, photography, proofreading, translating, computer advice, help with PayPal transactions and so on. There are things that we ought to do and don’t, but would do if we had the people to do them. We also receive in-kind donations of materials. These words are written on a donated computer, which is aging and ought to be replaced. Most of the photos we take are taken with donated cameras. There are times when The Panama News is in touch with the rest of the world via a cell phone that works with donated minutes. Sometimes the editor even works through the night slugging down donated coffee. We have sometimes taken to the road to cover things without a proper travel budget because people have provided transportation or lodging. There have been emergency times when people have lent the use of their computers and Intrnet access. The editor and crew are eternally grateful for all of this help that has come over many years, from a relatively small portion of our readership.

The Panama News is more than just a website, and for much of this year we operated without a website due to criminal hacking attacks. We are also a Facebook page that is quite bilingual and contains a lot more content than gets onto the website. We have a relatively recent and small-scale but increasingly popular Twitter feed, on which all of the website articles and a few other things, mostly graphics, get posted. Then there is our email list, which includes our website posts and a lot more, and in particular reposts some of the better guides to cultural events in Panama. (Nobody has a very complete cultural calendar here. It would take a coordinator to put a lot of time into it and a team of people regularly covering beats all across the country and online.) To get on the email list, send us an email.

Much of the Facebook page content, and substantially all of our The Panama News blog links feature a selection of other peoples’ work — not pirate-copied with our imprimateur stuck on it, but linked to so that you visit the original websites, see their ads and funding appeals and so on. That makes us a news aggregator, one of many and seen as a hated would-be competitor by Google, the NSA collaborator that wants to have a worldwide monopoly on news aggregation. But Google, hiding behind algorhythms that it falsely pretends are impartial and “objective,” has a corporate US-centric and vendable to hustlers editorial line that rejects any real news coverage in English from Panama by people based in Panama. Look for Panama in Google News and mostly you get stuff from Panama City, Florida. They do include stuff from the likes of International Living that’s actually real estate hype disguised as news. If some far-right US publication spins a conspiracy theory that mentions Panama, there is a good chance that it will be on Google News. But forget about anything in English that is critical of the Panamanian government or the Panama Canal Authority that comes from people here. Forget about any meaningful reports about our rich cultural scenes. And forget about much in the way of coverage of Latin America or the Caribbean that has not gone through a Washington lens.

But what about the progressive news aggregators from the north, who are also chronically asking for donations? Reader Supported News, the Daily Kos, Truthout, Nation of Change and so on do valuable work. They do not, however, cover Panama or very much look at things from a tropical point of view. The Panama News doesn’t reach nearly as many people as those folks do, but we are the place to go for a Panama-centric point of view, not only about Panama but about surrounding regions and the world. (Is a Chinese company’s decision to order Arctic-equipped liquid natural gas tankers obscure and irrelevant? Not if you are thinking of the Panama Canal and its present and future competitition.)

Those are the things we are doing, and we do them better when we have more support from the readers. See the PayPal donation links if you want to help that way, but consider these other things you might do:

Donate cell phone or wireless Internet time via pre-paid cards: Get a Movistar prepaid cell phone card, scratch off the coating so that you can read the numerical code, and email the code to us. To help with our Internet bills, do the same with Claro.com cards.

Send cash by Western Union, MoneyGram or e-pago: You will need to send it in the name of “Eric Lea Jackson Malo” and email us to tell that you have done so and give us the routing number.

Volunteer to do something: Let’s talk about it by email.

Volunteer to donate something: Likewise let’s talk about it by email.



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Budget spray kills GM mosquitoes

Lorenzo Cáceres, an entomologist who is prominent among the region’s vector control specialists, will have to dedicate himself to another project. He has headed the Gorgas Institute’s genetically modified mosquito program, which was eliminated from the budget by the legislature’s budget committee. Photo by the Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud (ICGES).

The principal opposition to the program came from people who are wary of introducing any genetically modified organism into the environment, but they won their argument because of economic factors

Budget spray kills GM mosquitoes

by Eric Jackson

Notwithstanding a public relations campaign by a private British company and various Panamanian public agencies and officials, Panama is about to discontinue an experimental program to control populations of the disease-carrying Aedes egypti mosquitoes by releasing genetically modified (GM) insects into the environment. These gene-spliced mosquitoes would mate with wild ones, passing on a genetic trait that would kill the offspring unless they are fed the antibiotic tetracycline. Aedes egypti carry dengue fever, a serious public health concern throughout much of the tropics and subtropics, and also the emerging disease chikungunya. Aedes egypti also carries yellow fever, which has not been a problem in Panama in recent decades.

Back in the days of the US canal construction process, the yellow fever threat and the malaria that’s spread by the Anopheles mosquito were brought under control by stern sanitary measures to drain and apply oil to the swamps where the Anopheles thrive and to eliminate the small, clear bodies of water — such as rainwater collecting in trash or discarded beverage containers, or used tires — in which Aedes egypti thrive. Fumigating with insecticides was also part of the program, but a combination of adverse environmental side-effects, insects’ acquired resistance to the chemicals used and health concerns has reduced the spraying options.

A major technical problem unaddressed by advocates of the GM mosquitoes is that there is a second dengue vector in Panama, the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes alobopictus) that might just take over the niches vacated by Aedes egypti. There are also uncertainties about just how fast Aedes egypti mosquitoes from nearby areas could recolonize places where the wild populations were wiped out by GM mosquitoes.

The project here was a collaboration between the private Oxford University spinoff company Oxitec and Panama’s public Gorgas Institute. It came during the Martinelli administration and had its advocates within the Ministry of Health and at the University of Panama. Allegations from such quarters that old vector control methods don’t work — that is, taking the failures of successive administrations that have treated public sanitation as a source of political patronage jobs and rigged contracts rather than a critical public service as a given — did raise a few eyebrows on campus. So did the role of the Gorgas Institute, which got contracts with Oxitec for experimental releases in parts of Panama Oeste, as both public science policy researcher and analyst and as advocate of a corporate interest. Were everything to go Oxitec’s way, Panama would hire them for many millions of dollars over a number of years to run Aedes egypti control programs nationwide.

As it turned out, the Gorgas Institute asked the Ministry of Health — under new leadership since the 2014 elections — for $6 million to expand the experimental GM mosquito release program. But although there is hesitance to admit it, Panama faces some serious budget problems after the Martinelli years. Plus a French company, Sanofi Pasteur, is getting promising results in large-scale trials of a dengue vaccine. Of the $22.8 million budget for the 2016 fiscal year that the Gorgas Institute requested, the Ministry of Health submitted a $13.9 million appropriation to the legislature, not including money for GM insects. It does not appear that there is much sentiment in the National Assembly, either as a whole or in its Budget Committee, or among the public at large to rescue Oxitec from the budget ax.


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Pope Francis in Cuba: “Small signs of God’s presence in our neighborhoods”

Pope Francis in Havana. Photo by Granma.

“Small signs of God’s presence in our neighborhoods”

Pope Francis in Holguín’s Plaza de la Revolucion

an official Vatican transcript of his homily during his Cuba visit

We are celebrating the feast of the apostle and evangelist Saint Matthew. We are celebrating the story of a conversion. Matthew himself, in his Gospel, tell us what it was like, this encounter which changed his life. He shows us an “exchange of glances” capable of changing history.

On a day like any other, as Matthew, the tax collector, was seated at his table, Jesus passed by, saw him, came up to him and said: “Follow me.” Matthew got up and followed him.

Jesus looked at him. How strong was the love in that look of Jesus, which moved Matthew to do what he did! What power must have been in his eyes to make Matthew get up from his table! We know that Matthew was a publican: he collected taxes from the Jews to give to the Romans. Publicans were looked down upon and considered sinners; as such, they lived apart and were despised by others. One could hardly eat, speak or pray with the likes of these. For the people, they were traitors: they extorted from their own to give to others. Publicans belonged to this social class.

Jesus, on the other hand, stopped; he did not quickly take his distance. He looked at Matthew calmly, peacefully. He looked at him with eyes of mercy; he looked at him as no one had ever looked at him before. And this look unlocked Matthew’s heart; it set him free, it healed him, it gave him hope, a new life, as it did to Zacchaeus, to Bartimaeus, to Mary Magdalene, to Peter, and to each of us. Even if we do not dare raise our eyes to the Lord, he looks at us first. This is our story, and it is like that of so many others. Each of us can say: “I, too, am a sinner, whom Jesus has looked upon.” I ask you, in your homes or in the Church, to be still for a moment and to recall with gratitude and happiness those situations, that moment, when the merciful gaze of God was felt in our lives.

Jesus’s love goes before us, his look anticipates our needs. He can see beyond appearances, beyond sin, beyond failures and unworthiness. He sees beyond our rank in society. He sees beyond this, to our dignity as sons and daughters, a dignity at times sullied by sin, but one which endures in the depth of our soul. He came precisely to seek out all those who feel unworthy of God, unworthy of others. Let us allow Jesus to look at us. Let us allow his gaze to run over our streets. Let us allow that look to become our joy, our hope.

After the Lord looked upon him with mercy, he said to Matthew: “Follow me.” Matthew got up and followed him. After the look, a word. After love, the mission. Matthew is no longer the same; he is changed inside. The encounter with Jesus and his loving mercy has transformed him. He leaves behind his table, his money, his exclusion. Before, he had sat waiting to collect his taxes, to take from others; now, with Jesus he must get up and give, give himself to others. Jesus looks at him and Matthew encounters the joy of service. For Matthew and for all who have felt the gaze of Jesus, other people are no longer to be “lived off,” used and abused. The gaze of Jesus gives rise to missionary activity, service, self-giving. Jesus’s love heals our short-sightedness and pushes us to look beyond, not to be satisfied with appearances or with what is politically correct.

Jesus goes before us, he precedes us; he opens the way and invites us to follow him. He invites us slowly to overcome our preconceptions and our reluctance to think that others, much less ourselves, can change. He challenges us daily with the question: “Do you believe? Do you believe it is possible that a tax collector can become a servant? Do you believe it is possible that a traitor can become a friend? Do you believe is possible that the son of a carpenter can be the Son of God?” His gaze transforms our way of seeing things, his heart transforms our hearts. God is a Father who seeks the salvation of each of his sons and daughters.

Let us gaze upon the Lord in prayer, in the Eucharist, in Confession, in our brothers and sisters, especially those who feel excluded or abandoned. May we learn to see them as Jesus sees us. Let us share his tenderness and mercy with the sick, prisoners, the elderly and families in difficulty. Again and again we are called to learn from Jesus, who always sees what is most authentic in every person, which is the image of his Father.

I know the efforts and the sacrifices being made by the Church in Cuba to bring Christ’s word and presence to all, even in the most remote areas. Here I would mention especially the “mission houses” which, given the shortage of churches and priests, provide for many people a place for prayer, for listening to the word of God, for catechesis and community life. They are small signs of God’s presence in our neighborhoods and a daily aid in our effort to respond to the plea of the apostle Paul: “I beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all lowliness and meekness, forbearing one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (cf. Eph 4:1-3).

I now turn my eyes to the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, whom Cuba embraced and to whom it opened its doors forever. I ask Our Lady to look with maternal love on all her children in this noble country. May her “eyes of mercy” ever keep watch over each of you, your homes, your families, and all those who feel that they have no place. In her love, may she protect us all as she once cared for Jesus.


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Harrington, Descentralización: un cambio para nada cambiar

El presidented presenta su Proyecto de Descentralización a alcaldes, representantes, diputados, ministros y directores de entidades. Foto por la Presidencia.
Juan Carlos Varela presenta su proyecto de descentralización ante alcaldes, representantes, diputados, ministros y directores de entidades. Foto por la Presidencia.

La pereza de periodismo panameño en investigar no informa que se puede “descentralizar”, sin la propuesta en ciernes

Un cambio para nada cambiar

por Kevin Harrington-Shelton
Sin ideología — ¿qué son los partidos sino meros colectivos de atracadores?
San Agustín

Los administradores de la antigua Roma tenían como norma iniciar sus mandatos, especificando cuáles leyes iban a hacer cumplir. Lamentablemente, acá no heredamos tan sana costumbre, para que los administrados supieramos a qué atenernos. Ejemplo. Como podrá corroborarse en su transcripción a continuación, nuestra Constitución “manda” que el Presupuesto de Inversiones lo prepare –y fiscalice– no el municipio –ni los diputados– sino un poco conocido “Concejo Provincial de Coordinación”.

Tal contradicción no mortifica a nuestros políticos, con pánico de abrir a una constituyente para democratizar una Carta Magna heredada del golpe militar. Hoy los militares sin casaca prefieren convocar a conversaciones sobre (solamente) una propuesta que riñe con el marco constitucional supuestamente vigente — porque así no arriesgan que el pueblo les limite sus blindajes ni prebendas. Pero lo más curioso es que, ni uno sólo de los 450 MIL ADHERENTES del Partido Democrático Revolucionario (quienes se vanaglorian de ser herederos espirituales del general Omar Torrijos) haya dicho ni pío contra esta violación de esa institución que el propio PRD innovó en 1972 y que mantuvo “vigente” en todos sus reformas aprobadas desde entonces.

La actual propuesta debilita el control contra una corrupción endémica en nuestro clima tropical.

La ilustra el reciente amago de permutar el terreno de la escuela en mero centro de Paso Canoa (que vale $4 millones) por un terreno de $53 mil distante a 7 kilómetros — con la bendición del Ministerio de Educación y el voto favorable del señor alcalde y los 5 ediles, por casualidad, todos Panameñistas. (Allí está la documentación). Luego que en marzo 2015 la televisión mostró cómo los indignados moradores cerraran durante 4 días la frontera con Costa Rica, en su Consulta C-54-15 de 23 de junio 2015, el Procurador de la Administración encontró ONCE fallas en los procedimientos. Si tal “inversión” la hubiera decidido los 110 integrantes del Concejo Provincial de Chiriquí, sería (menos) probable que prosperara semejante atraco. Y, desde un punto de vista menos teórico, en la práctica a una Contraloría de por sí ya recargada le resultará mucho más difícil vigilar a 95 municipios, que a 10 concejos provinciales.

Porque al escurrir el bulto la oligarquía política en la capital, desconoce la realidad que “con la bóveda del banco abierta, ningún hombre es honrado”.

ARTICULO 253. Las Provincias tendrán el número de Distritos que la Ley disponga.

ARTICULO 254. En cada Provincia funcionará un Concejo Provincial, integrado por todos los Representantes de Corregimientos de la respectiva Provincia y los demás miembros que la Ley determine al reglamentar su organización y funcionamiento, teniendo estos últimos únicamente derecho a voz. Cada Concejo Provincial elegirá su Presidente y su Junta Directiva, dentro de los respectivos Representantes de Corregimientos y dictará su reglamento interno. El Gobernador de la Provincia y los Alcaldes de Distritos asistirán con derecho a voz a las reuniones del Concejo Provincial.

ARTICULO 255. Son funciones del Concejo Provincial, sin perjuicio de otras que la Ley señale, las siguientes:

1. Actuar como órgano de consulta del Gobernador de la Provincia, de las autoridades provinciales y de las autoridades nacionales en general.

2. Requerir informes de los funcionarios nacionales, provinciales y municipales en relación con asuntos concernientes a la Provincia. Para estos efectos, los funcionarios provinciales y municipales están obligados, cuando los Concejos Provinciales así lo soliciten, a comparecer personalmente ante éstos a rendir informes verbales. Los funcionarios nacionales pueden rendir sus informes por escrito.

3. Preparar cada año, para la consideración del Órgano Ejecutivo, el plan de obras públicas, de inversiones y de servicios de la Provincia y fiscalizar su ejecución.

4. Supervisar la marcha de los servicios públicos que se presten en su respectiva Provincia.

5. Recomendar a la Asamblea Nacional los cambios que estime convenientes en las divisiones políticas de la Provincia.

6. Solicitar a las autoridades nacionales y provinciales estudios y programas de interés provincial.


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The Panama News blog links, September 22, 2015


The Panama News blog links, September 22, 2015

Reuters, Risk of delay to PanCanal expansion finish

Splash 24/7, Locks maintenance to halve PanCanal capacity in coming week

Big News Network, Canal rivalry between Panama and Suez to increase

Cruising World, Guo Chuan sets sailing record for Northeast Passage

World Maritime News, CMES to invest in five Arctic LNG carriers

The Maritime Executive, Arctic cruise ship first for France

AFP, Warming Arctic ice cap

The Diplomat: China, South America and regional integration

PR, Copa woos American business travelers

Prensa Latina, Panama-Cuba agricultural agreement

DFN, BNP Paribas lowers First Quantum Minerals limited price target

Investing.com, Copper prices fall on China fears

The Inertia, Exploring Panamanian surfing

MLS Soccer, Panama calls up Godoy and Torres for October friendlies

Caribbean News Now!, Trinidad to proceed in Warner extradition

Reuters, Petrobras graft scheme origin tied to Lula’s ex-chief of staff

Video, Volkswagen admits cheating on US diesel emissions tests

BU Today, Embryonic frogs can exit eggs early in times of danger

STRI, 72-year-old Boy Scout relives fossil discovery

Mechi Cri, Los ríos de Chiriquí en concesión

Reuters, Solar powered mobile phones for disaster situations

Khor, When so many lives are at stake

Ring of Fire, The CEO who raised AIDS drug from $13 to $750

Baker, Will President Obama stand up to the drug thugs?

El Mundo, Acuerdos entre Venezuela y Colombia para normalizar relaciones

EFE, Uribe se muestra crítico con la reunión entre Santos y Maduro

Reuters, Haitian-Dominican border crisis grows

Martínez, Guatemala celebrates the resignation of Otto Pérez Molina

Hetland, The truth about Hugo Chávez

Video, Bernie Sanders: DNC’s debates rigged

Infobae.com, “Todos somos mexicanos”: artistas latinos responden a Trump

Atwood, We are double-plus unfree

Cordero, La mujer del bate y el eterno mito de los roles de género


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Editorials, Accountability for an illegal campaign; and War loses — sort of

Sexual Buffalo
Legislator Sergio Gálvez, who notoriously proclaimed that “He who doesn’t give doesn’t go,” distributing gifts to voters at public expense. He now faces proceedings in the Supreme Court for an alleged role in overpriced food purchases with kickbacks, a part of his and Ricardo Martinelli’s strategy of buying the 2014 elections using public funds. Photo by the Asamblea Nacional.

Accountability for a flagrantly illegal campaign: slow and in a major case absent

How can we say that the campaign that Ricardo Martinelli and his followers waged in 2014 was “flagrantly illegal?” Isn’t there much to be determined? Isn’t there a presumption of innocence?

Yes, we have heard all that, incessantly, from the former president’s phalanxes of lawyers, even if mostly what they argue is that as a specially privileged person Martinelli himself is not accountable before the law.

Now his erstwhile president of the National Assembly is also facing charges before the Supreme Court, this time over clearly overpriced no-bid government purchases of rice, beans and lentils, allegedly with kickbacks that went toward funding the Martinelista shower of gifts on the voters.

Just an allegation? Can’t prove any intent? Can’t get a witness to a specific agreement that “you get this bag of groceries and in return we get your vote?” Can’t show what Gálvez knew and when he knew it? It’s up to a magistrate appointed as prosecutor to prove the details, but much of this work has been done before other tribunals.

In a by-election for representante in the Tonosi corregimiento of El Bebedero, there was a massive distribution of gifts to voters to buy the election for Martinelli’s candidate. The money for that vote-buying campaign came from a man who got overpriced no-bid highway construction contracts. The Electoral Tribunal held a trial about the matter, determined that in reality it amounted to the use of government funds to sway the electorate and ordered new elections.

At the time Gálvez said that El Bebedero was the model of how the 2014 election would be contested, and infamously declared that “He who doesn’t give doesn’t go.” Then the entire nation saw that kind of campaign waved in all of our faces. The nature of what happened was demonstrated in more than a dozen more Electoral Tribunal trials. There are many adjectives properly applied to Sergio Gálvez, but “subtle” is not one of them.

In any case, the charges now before the Supreme Court are about one small part of the enormous crime, the legislators’s alleged role in some corrupt purchases. The court should really investigate the context and bring further charges for the larger crime.

The infamous 2014 Martinelista campaign went on in large part because Martinelli’s appointee as Electoral Prosecutor, Eduardo Peñaloza, refused to enforce the election laws. He taunted the nation about it. Now a criminal complaint against him for malfeasance in office has been discounted by Attorney General Kenia Porcell. Was the complaint, for some reason or another, technically deficient? Perhaps, but it did have the backing of the nation’s principal bar association, the Colegio Nacional de Abogados. Let us hope that Porcell’s ruling is not the end of the matter.

Peñaloza’s role as a key operative in the illegal 2014 Martinelista campaign should not go uninvestigated and unpunished. We can’t have a truly fair election with him in charge of enforcing election laws. We won’t have much respect for our election laws until Panamanians see Peñaloza taken away to jail in handcuffs.


Syrian war
Bombed-out Syria. Photo by Peter Stevens

War loses — sort of

The extension of the filibuster power to the point that now a large enough minority in the US Senate can block any measure from even coming before the body in a formal debate is unfortunate, and all the more so because greed and extreme partisanship have a stranglehold on Congress in particular and US politics in general. But the bad system worked well enough when enough senators banded together to block an Israeli government attempt to nullify an agreement that Barack Obama and the leaders of several other major powers made with the government of Iran with respect to nuclear development that could lead to an Iranian nuclear arsenal.

Do we hear howls about what an anti-Semitic thing it is to allege such a thing about the government of Israel? The Panama News is on a bunch of Israeli email lists, and the editor reads what they write. He also from time to time peruses Ha’aretz and The Jerusalem Post online. Then there was the online exchange in which an Israeli citizen — and not a US-Israeli dual citizen — chortled that “We control Congress.” Mr. Netanyahu, who wants a war with Iran that would certainly follow on the heels of the Iranian nuclear proliferation agreement’s failure, was told by his own military and intelligence establishment that Israel could not succeed in an attack on Iran, so he tried to browbeat the Americans into partaking of that disaster instead. But a large segment of American Jews, including many of the Jews in Congress, spurned the Israeli government’s appeals. We shall see what the political fallout will bring, both in Washington and Tel Aviv.

So a roadblock was interposed along the way to a US war with Iran. It was a victory for peace, to be sure, but do we have peace?

Millions of refugees streaming out of war-torn Syria answer that question. So do the thousands of people killed in the Yemeni civil war, in which the Saudis and other Gulf Arab states are directly intervening with US support. So does the unresolved 14-year war in Afghanistan.

Calls from the Republican base to remove the millions of American Muslims, “constitutional theories” that would cancel the citizenship of US-born children of immigrants (except for Donald Trump), and hideous misrepresentions of people fleeing wars as invaders bent on conquest — aren’t these, after all, arguments in favor of provoking new wars? Moreover, when an Australian billionaire who — along with his Saudi partners — likes to play kingmaker in US politics through his media empire slams proposals to rebuild America’s infrastructure, educational system and standard of living as prohibitively expensive, isn’t the unstated number beneath his dubious calculations the cost of the United States fighting never-ending wars all over the planet?

War has lost a round in the US Senate. That’s no reason for antiwar voters to stay home and shut up.


Bear in mind…

Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. They ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. I knew that age well; I belonged to it, and labored with it. It deserved well of the country. It was very like the present, but without the experience of the present.
Thomas Jefferson


Let the authority of the people be the only power that exists in the world! And let the name of tyranny itself be erased and forgotten from the language of the nations!
Simón Bolívar


If it is the function of the public realm to throw light on the affairs of men by providing a space of appearances in which they can show in deed and word, for better or worse, who they are and what they can do, then darkness has come when this light is extinguished by “credibility gaps” and “invisible government,” by speech that does not disclose what it sweeps under the carpet, by exhortations, moral and otherwise, that under the pretext of upholding old truths, degrade all truth to meaningless triviality.
  Hannah Arendt


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Chittister, A letter to Pope Francis


Sister JoanA letter to Pope Francis

by Sister Joan Chittister

Dear Pope Francis,

Your visit to the United States is important to us all. We have watched you make the papacy a model of pastoral listening. You have become for us a powerful reminder of the Jesus who walked among the crowds listening to them, loving them — healing them.

Your commitment to poverty and mercy, to the lives of the poor and the spiritual suffering of many — however secure they may feel materially — gives us new hope in the integrity and holiness of the Church itself. A church that is more about sin than the suffering of those who bear the burdens of the world is a puny church, indeed. In the face of the Jesus who consorted with the most wounded, the most outcast of society, all the time judging only the judgers, your insistence is the lesson of a lifetime for the self-righteous and the professionally religious.

It is with this awareness that we raise two issues here:

The first is the dire poverty to which you draw our attention ceaselessly. You refuse to allow us to forget the inhumanity of the barrios everywhere, the homeless on bank steps in our own society, the overworked, the underpaid, the enslaved, the migrant, the vulnerable and those invisible to the mighty of this era.

You make the world see what we have forgotten. You call us to do more, to do something, to provide the jobs, the food, the homes, the education, the voice, the visibility that bring dignity, decency and full development.

But there is a second issue lurking under the first that you yourself may need to give new and serious attention to as well. The truth is that women are the poorest of the poor. Men have paid jobs; few women in the world do. Men have clear civil, legal and religious rights in marriage; few women in the world do. Men take education for granted; few women in the world can expect the same. Men are allowed positions of power and authority outside the home; few women in the world can hope for the same. Men have the right to ownership and property; most of the women of the world are denied these things by law, by custom, by religious tradition. Women are owned, beaten, raped and enslaved regularly simply because they are female. And worst of all, perhaps, they are ignored — rejected — as full human beings, as genuine disciples, by their churches, including our own.

It is impossible, Holy Father, to be serious about doing anything for the poor and at the same time do little or nothing for women.

I implore you to do for the women of the world and the church what Jesus did for Mary who bore him, for the women of Jerusalem who made his ministry possible, for Mary of Bethany and Martha to whom he taught theology, for the Samaritan Woman who was the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, for Mary of Magdala who is called the Apostle to the Apostles, and for the deaconesses and leaders of the house churches of the early church.

Until then, Holy Father, nothing can really change for their hungry children and their inhuman living conditions.

We’re glad you are here to speak to these things. We trust you to change them, starting with the Church itself.

Sister Joan Chittister, OSB


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Beluche, El jarabe de la muerte


jarabeEl jarabe de la muerte y las víctimas del capitalismo neoliberal

por Olmedo Beluche

El amigo y colega Pablo Asís Navarro Icaza ha publicado recientemente su última novela: “El Jarabe de la Muerte o los inconvenientes de no saber chino”, en la que aborda de una manera amena el drama vivido por cientos, tal vez miles, de familias panameñas envenenadas por un “jarabe para la tos sin azúcar”, elaborado con refrigerante industrial. Como un Sherlock Holmes criollo, el periodista Luis Quintero, principal personaje de la obra y personificación del propio Pablo Navarro, va indagando y reconstruyendo la verdad de esta tragedia nacional.

Como explicara Pablo Navarro en la presentación de la novela, en el Salón de Profesores de Humanidades de la Universidad de Panamá, el impacto emocional que le causara el destape de este absurdo asesinato masivo, lo llevó a realizar una investigación exhaustiva, como buen sociólogo, que incluyó entrevistarse con muchas de las víctimas y sus familias, trabajo del que surgió esta versión novelística de la investigación. Así que, a los futuros lectores, a quienes recomiendo la novela de Pablo Asís, sepan que aunque el género es ficción, lo que se describe es cruda realidad.

¿Cómo es posible que una licitación para la compra de glicerina para la elaboración de medicinas del laboratorio de la Caja de Seguro Social, que pasó por tres empresas y tres países, acabe transmutada en “Dietileneglicol”, refrigerante de automóviles y veneno para las personas? La respuesta más simple e individualista es: la avaricia, combinada con ineptitud.

Pero esa interpretación, que focaliza en un par de individuos la responsabilidad por tamaño “genocidio” (como señala uno de los personajes), satisface a las autoridades del sistema, pero no a la sociedad, menos a las víctimas y muchos menos a quienes deseamos que nunca se vuelva a repetir. Porque en pocos años, vemos multiplicarse los crímenes masivos en la salud pública panameña que pudieron evitarse, en los casos de: dietileneglicol, poco después en las víctimas de la bacteria KPC y en los niños envenenados con heparina.

Es la avaricia, pero no la individual, aunque individuos concretos son los responsables ante la ley, si es que esta funciona alguna vez. Es la avaricia sistémica del capitalismo decadente en su fase neoliberal para el cual sólo importa el mercado y el lucro privado, a los que debe supeditarse incluso la vida humana. Es la aplicación de 30 a 40 años de políticas neoliberales que promueven el “libre comercio”, pero no el libre tránsito de personas. Esas políticas económicas, para facilitar la ganancia privada, han ido eliminando los controles aduaneros, fitosanitarios y de salud.

¿Cómo un producto que pasó por empresas de Panamá, España y China nunca nadie cotejó que lo dicho en la factura coincidiera con el contenido de los bidones? ¿Cómo es posible que la Caja de Seguro Social panameña no verificó la veracidad del producto que recibía en sus bodegas? ¿Por qué no se enviaron muestras al Instituto Especializado de Análisis antes de elaborarse el jarabe? La única respuesta a tanta negligencia es el neoliberalismo, que ha removido todas las trabas posibles al comercio.

La otra pregunta que la novela plantea muy bien: ¿Cómo es posible que un jarabe cuya distribución pertenecía exclusivamente a la Caja de Seguro Social envenenó personas que compraron en farmacias privadas? ¿Qué mafia a lo interno de la institución lucraba robándose los medicamentos y revendiéndolos en qué farmacias cómplices? La única respuesta posible e la corrupción generalizada que corroe al sistema capitalista panameño, de la que participan no solo los grandes funcionarios al servicio de los grandes capitalistas, sino también funcionarios de mediano y bajo rango.

Corrupción también es la manipulación y el ocultamiento de la verdad que practicaron tanto los directivos de la CSS, como del Ministro de Salud y del gobierno de Martín Torrijos, desde que se empezó a conocer la magnitud de las muertes esparcidas por todo el país. La novela de Pablo Navarro describe cómo se cambió el diagnóstico de muchas defunciones para atribuirlos a otras causas y reducir el número de víctimas admitidas.

También describe la novela cómo la CSS le pidió a las víctimas que devolvieran los frascos de jarabe dejándolas sin evidencia de haber sido envenenadas. Incluso en casos de defunciones ocurridas en los hospitales se ha denegado la solicitud de informar los tratamientos que se suministraron a los pacientes.

Incluso la novela de Pablo Navarro nos lleva a analizar la responsabilidad del Ministerio Público que, más de un lustro después, no aclara dudas como las siguientes: si se elaboraron hasta 260 mil frascos de jarabe y se admite haber distribuido 60 mil frascos, ¿Cuántos se recuperaron de verdad? ¿Cuántos siguen por ahí? ¿Cómo es posible que solo se admiten 300 afectados con tantos jarabe suelto por las calles, si con dos o tres cucharadas basta para matar a una persona? La única respuesta posible: más corrupción neoliberal.

La novela, que maneja muy bien la ironía, nos advierte desde el título una realidad absurda: en China, un irresponsable sastre, Wang Guiping, siguiendo la consigna “socialista” de “enriqueceos”, descubrió que era buen negocio suplantar la glicerina por el refrigerante industrial, pues le permitía ganar unos yuanes o dólares más. El hombre alega que lo probó y que vio que no hacía daño, por lo que procedió a venderlo, envenenando a decenas de personas en su país. Por lo cual fue juzgado y ejecutado.

Pero, aquí la ironía, en el caso del veneno enviado a Panamá “no hay delito”, pues la etiqueta exterior de los bidones tenía claramente las letras “T.D.”, cuyo significado nadie entendía por acá, pero que en chino significan “tidai”, o sea, “sustituto” (de la glicerina). Así estamos: avaricia capitalista, enriquecimiento rápido, libre comercio, eliminación de conroles, envenenamiento masivo, denegación de justicia, corrupción generalizada, en fin, el funcionamiento “normal” de este capitalismo neoliberal que nos acerca a la barbarie.

Finalizamos recomendando al público panameño leer “El Jarabe de la Muerte o los inconvenientes de no saber chino”, de Pablo Navarro, que nos hará reflexionar sobre la época trágica que nos ha tocado vivir en este Panamá y, ojalá, la novela nos impulse a la acción política, la única capaz de barrer esta basura genocida que gobierna al mundo.


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Waiting for the bus that never stopped

The light at the end of the tunnel: walking under the Rio Hato airport to Santa Clara.

Sunday bus service can be bad,
but this was truly ridiculous

Running ever so slightly late to be in Santa Clara for a 3 p.m. appointment — out the door at about 1:20 and no wait at all for the mini-bus to the highway. At the bus stop on the Pan-American Highway at 1:30, and then the wait begins. As 3 p.m. approaches, a call to the person I was to meet — but insane traffic and crowds at the bus terminal make her late, too. Coming out from the city, there were several bad accidents slowing things down. But the heavy traffic going toward the city, with buses all packed and even those that weren’t refusing to take a passenger who wasn’t going all the way into the city? It was the sort of thing that one expects on a Sunday at the end of a holiday weekend, buy why this Sunday?

As 5 p.m. approached, your editor did what he could have done hours earlier — got on a Penonome to Farallon minibus, got off at the entrada, and walked the couple of miles or so to the designated place in Santa Clara. That stroll was instructive about Martinelli-era construction work. Yes, there is a pedestrian walkway on one side of the tunnel under the airport — but between the bus stop and the walkway one must walk either on the road or in a ditch that’s perilously close to the road and is likely to be the stuff of which traffic fatalities are made. Just past the seafood market — closed on a high-traffic Sunday when a lot of folks might be interested in picking up something for dinner on their way home — there is a bridge over the little stream that separates Rio Hato from Santa Clara, with a safety walk on one side. The other side of the road from the walkway in the tunnel. There is no pedestrian bridge and the highway is divided by a deep ditch that’s overgrown with weeds. Thus, the walk across the unprotected side of the bridge, with maybe a foot and a half between the pedestrian and traffic. Perfect design, if the goal is to build as much as possible as quickly as possible and skim as much as possible from the transactions. Typical design, in a country where those who use public transportation and pedestrian walkways are not those who make the decisions and those who do decide have utter disdain for those unlike themselves.


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