Another special day over the holidays…
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Jackson, Approaching an unlit but probably short tunnel
Panamanian flags fly over The Bridge of the Americas, and Chinese soldiers didn’t put them there. From a Panamanian government video.
An approching descent into madness
by Eric Jackson
“…others see a strategic play related to furthering U.S. national security….”
If you think that the USA is a target for international terrorism now, pick on “easy targets” to be bullied — WHICH, HOWEVER, have friends in the world. Bully Denmark and all of a sudden you have almost all of Europe against you. Bully Panama any you may still retain the support of a few rogue asshole regimes, but virtually all of Latin America will be alienated rather than attracted to buy US products. Bully Canada and to control the terrorism infiltrating into the USA, cops may be stopping random white people and making them say “about,” “schedule” and “lieutenant.”
Some of us may die, some of us may become acquainted with the insides of prison cells. But this is a modern-day Caligula, headed for a brief rein. I might imagine Republicans who can see what’s looming would be trying to rig the midterms before a period of divided government sets in.
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THAT kind of hazy day… / ESE tipo de día nebuloso
Dry season is not yet here
El verano aún no ha llegado
Jimi Hendrix — Purple Haze
Alexa Torrex — Morado
Prince — Purple Rain
The Who — Tommy
Eric Clapton — Let It Rain
Annie Lennox — Here Comes the Rain Again
Patti Smith — Hard Rain
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Feliz Navidad / Merry Christmas
Kids celebrating in Anton / Niños festejando en Antón
Christmas Joy
Alegría navideña
Bach – Christmas Oratorio
Reggae Christmas
Handel – Messiah
Ladysmith Black Mambazo – Silent Night
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Christmas Eve classics
1914: against orders, German and British soldiers took a break from the fighting of World War I, greeted one another, and exchanged gifts on no man’s land along the Western Front.
Have a peaceful one this time
Rimsky-Korsakov – Christmas Eve
Tchaikovsky Christmas
Christmas with Bach
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Editorials: Trump’s threat against Panama; and The Awakening of Malcolm X
The sovereign and independent Republic of Panama
As a matter of law, as a matter of sensible and orderly relations among nations, the Panama Canal belongs to Panama. Relatively few Americans physically labored on the late 19th and early 20th century building of the original Panama Canal, the preceding Panama Railroad, the 21st century expansion or the building, maintenance or operation of the associated port infrastructures. Donald Trump, scion of his grandfather’s pimping fortune, has no legitimate claim.
So Marco Rubio is playing a China card. Part of Panama is ethnic Chinese. They came here in great numbers some 170 years ago to escape unfolding horror stories back in China and to help build Panama.
China is a major customer for the Panama Canal, which by treaty law is neutral. The US-Chinese rivalry is a notorious reality, But there is no need for Panama to take sides in it.
Anti-Chinese racism is a notorious historical reality in Panama and it’s disgusting that US Republicans play to it.
Panamanians need to stand firm and united against piratical threats to seize the Panama Canal, and rally international support for this country’s defense against them. Americans of good will should revive the US antiwar movement for this cause as well.
Is Trump’s threat against Panama, like his threat to grab Greenland from Denmark, just a distraction for US domestic political consumption? Panamanians need to consider what sort of people such consumers are.
Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964. Library of Congress photo.
The great awakening of Malcolm X
Sixty years ago, Malcolm X had little time left to his life. The son of a Christian preacher father and a Grenadian immigrant mother, he was a bright student according to his elementary school teachers. But they kept telling him that a professional career as a doctor or a lawyer was unrealistic for a black person in those times.
The his father, a follower of the Pan-Africanist Marcus Garvey, died an untimely violent death. The Ku Klux Klan had been harassing him for a long time. The insurance company didn’t want to pay and the authorities didn’t want a full and honest investigation. They didn’t pay, got an opinion that it was suicide, and Malcolm’s mother went crazy. Malcolm was taken away from her by state child welfare authorities who didn’t care and ended up on the streets and working a series of menial jobs as the hoodlum his peers called “Detroit Red.” He soon ended up in prison.
A bright, literate, eloquent young black man who had been given a raw deal in life? He was an attractive recruit for what was to become the Nation of Islam, an odd syncretist mix of Islam, black nationalism and science fiction. He was brought into the movement and became one of their best-known preachers. The corruption and jealousy in the denomination’s main leader, Elijah Muhammad, cut Malcolm loose. He made the hajj to Mecca and traveled in newly independent African countries.
By late 1964 Malcolm was saying, rather than the devil is a white man, that racism can afflict any person of any race, that it was a small problem among black people in the USA but a big one with white folks. Speaking in Detroit, he famously interrupted an anti-Semitic screed by telling its maker to sit down, shut up and be ashamed of himself for being such a bigot. He’d been to Africa and seen how tribalism – racism among black people, was hurting people and creating gaps for neocolonial forces to drive wedges into, in order to maintain economic exploitation. But he tended to put a positive spin on his new awareness, talking about meeting Muslims of all races on the hajj, and common grounds where racism faded into near-irrelevance.
Elijah Muhammad’s followers threatened, harassed and physically attacked Malcolm, an d bodyguards were recruited. Among these were planted agents of the FB and of the New York Police Department’s Bureau Of Special Services.
On February 21, 1965, Malcolm was shot dead at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem. Three members of the Nation of Islam were convicted of murder but decades later two of them were exonerated. Courts ruled that the FBI and New York police go the wrong men, even though the assassination took place amidst a large crowd assembled to hear Malcolm speak. Come the 2020s and Malcolm’s daughters have sued to get the truth about law enforcement involvement in their father’s murder.
The attitude of the FBI director at the time, J. Edgar Hoover, was exposed when a group of radicals broke into a small FBI office and stole files that were published and verified. Hoover put ou the word to all offices to “preven the rise of a black messiah.”
A cover-up for all these years? Wouldn’t that tend to back up MAGA allegations about a “deep state?” But those folks are white supremacists – even the black ones – and would not consider disclosure to, and at least a small measure of justice for, THIS black family.
About as bad are those timid Democrats who, out of fear of offending white racists, dismiss all claims and questions by Malcolm’s daughters – and any news coverage about it – as a “conspiracy theory.
It’s time to get full disclosure, even if all questions can’t be answered, even if statutes of limitation would have run to bar any legal accountability for any official misconduct. Let us, at long last, complete and correct the record of this part of US history. Even if Republicans deride the truth as illegally “woke.”
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Mark Twain
Bear in mind…
To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else.
Bernadette Devlin McAliskey
I think being born in America and growing up exclusively within the American boundaries of race and race oppression is a very different experience for those of us who grew up under the boundaries of race and race experience in the Caribbean or for those who grew up in Africa.
Harry Belafonte
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
Dolly Parton
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¿Wappin? So old and buzzardly I’m late with the Friday playlist again
RAAAWK! I approach birthday 72….
With experience comes…
Con la experiencia viene…
Bob Marley – Them Belly Full
Alice Cooper — Mr. and Misdemeanor
Shakira – Nothing Else Matters / Despedida Medley
Rómulo Castro y el Grupo Tuira – SEP7EM Concierto 2024
Eurythmics – Here Comes the Rain Again
Frank Zappa – Dumb All Over
Alanis Morissette – Triple Moon Tour, Milwaukee 2024
Mark Knopfler — Brothers In Arms
Neil Young – Don’t let it bring you down
Natalia Lafourcade et l – UN Canto por México
Roberta Flack – Oh Freedom
Joss Stone – People Get Ready
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Nuevas especies para la ciencia: 3 de Panamá y 3 de Colombia
Joana Sumich y Ernesto Campos sostienen especímenes de plantas secas en el herbario del Smithsonian. Foto de STRI.
Smithsonian amplía nuestro conocimiento sobre la naturaleza tropical
por STRI
Las colecciones de plantas están llenas de sorpresas. Puede llevar décadas identificar muestras de plantas, pero el esfuerzo vale la pena, sobre todo cuando algunas de estas especies no se conocen en ningún otro lugar de la Tierra.
Los botánicos José Luis Fernández-Alonso, del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid y Ernesto Campos, técnico de investigación del Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales (STRI) de Panamá, nombraron seis nuevas especies de árboles para la ciencia con base en comparaciones realizadas a colecciones de plantas secas de todo el neotrópico. De estas seis, tres de las nuevas especies solo se han encontrado en Panamá: Matisia petaquillae, Matisia changuinolana y Matisia aquilarum. Las dos primeras especies panameñas fueron nombradas en referencia a los lugares donde fueron recolectadas y la tercera, Matisia aquilarum, encontrada en el Parque Nacional Chagres, fue nombrada en referencia a la presencia de un nido de águila Harpía en dicho árbol, registrado por la ornitóloga Karla Aparicio y la botánica Ruby Zambrano. Las nuevas especies procedentes de Colombia identificadas en el mismo informe son Matisia genesiana, Matisia mutatana y Matisia rufula.
Para determinar este conjunto de especies, Fernández-Alonso analizó muestras de plantas almacenadas en herbarios de Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador y Estados Unidos. En Panamá con la ayuda de Ernesto Campos se pudieron completar las revisiones de las colecciones de los Herbarios de la Universidad de Panamá (PMA), Summit Canal Zone (SCZ) perteneciente a STRI y la Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UCH).
Aunado a lo anterior, los autores han incluido una clave dicotómica actualizada de las especies de Matisia para Panamá en su manuscrito. La última clave de identificación publicada para Panamá de este género data de hace más de medio siglo. Así la nueva ofrece una herramienta actualizada para a la identificación y determinación correcta de las especies.
“En el 2022 Fernández-Alonso contribuyó a confirmar la identificación de un árbol, Matisia tinamastiana, de Cerro Trinidad en la Reserva Forestal y Parque Nacional Altos de Campana, el cual resultó ser un nuevo reporte para Panamá”, comentó Campos. “Esta dio origen a la colaboración actual”.
Los botánicos a menudo recolectan grandes cantidades de plantas. Las muestras se secan, se prensan entre trozos de cartón, y luego se montan en un cartoncillo especial y se archivan en los herbarios. Los herbarios son colecciones especializadas de plantas secas, almacenadas cuidadosamente en espacios con ambiente controlado para preservar a largo plazo los especímenes. Actualmente, la mayoría de los especímenes cuentan con imágenes digitales en línea que facilitan el acceso y el intercambio de conocimiento.
Pero depende de los taxónomos de plantas para identificar las muestras. Los especímenes de plantas que no se pueden identificar fácilmente pueden esperar años hasta que el experto en un grupo particular de plantas compare las colecciones de toda la región y tenga la última palabra sobre si una muestra representa una especie que nadie ha encontrado antes.
“Los herbarios no son solo colecciones de plantas secas”, comentó David Mitre, gerente de investigación de ForestGEO-STRI en Panamá, “son una fuente de información nueva a largo plazo”.
Gracias a las colectas realizadas durante décadas un experto pudo identificar seis especies nuevas. Todas pertenecen a la familia de plantas, Malvaceae, cuyos miembros comunes incluyen hibisco (papo) y el algodón… entre muchos otros. Todos también pertenecen al género Matisia, cuyos miembros se encuentran en Centro y Suramérica, hasta Brasil.
“Descubrimientos como este nos recuerdan lo importante que es asegurarnos de que las áreas protegidas estén realmente bien protegidas”, comentó Mitre.
Los bosques de Panamá y Colombia albergan muchas especies de plantas que no solo son importantes para los animales que viven allí, sino pueden ser fuentes de nuevos productos farmacéuticos y otros recursos, de los que aún no tenemos conocimiento.
“Las colecciones de plantas del Smithsonian y nuestros talentosos conservadores ofrecen a los investigadores de todo el mundo la posibilidad de identificar correctamente las plantas”, afirma Joshua Tewksbury, Director de STRI. “Esta ventana al mundo de las plantas permite descubrir nuevos fármacos y hace posible que los conservacionistas justifiquen la protección de zonas naturales donde florecen especies raras”.
M. changuinolana. Foto por STRI.
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The Panama News links and memes blog, December 20, 2024
On the morning of this day, 35 years ago, a fire that started hours before with the bombardment of Noriega’s Comandancia grew into a firestorm that consumed El Chorrillo. Hundreds of people were killed. US Department of Defense photo.
PanCanal hires US Army Corps of Engineers for water projects
Mulino: no environmental threat from copper at closed mine
Canal makes contribution to national treasury
NC Republican high court candidate seeks to void overseas, military votes
55 US-bound migrants died crossing Darien, 180 kids abandoned this year
Court disqualifies prosecutor Fani Willis in Trump 2020 election case
Corte desestima demanda de Martinelli en caso New Business
What to expect from Trump policies toward Latin America
Sheinbaum alcanza un 76 por ciento de aprobación
Musk and British neofascist Nigel Farage
Cats outperform babies in word association
Mesa tripartita para analizar reformas a la CSS
No sabemos cuánto plástico podemos ingerir sin enfermar
Massive ripoff of Florida disabled people with special needs trust
Sticky fingers was Florida GOP donor
Tendencias que impulsarán el sector logístico de Panamá en 2025
How liberals lost comedy — and helped Trump win
Wisconsin shooting details and gun laws
La batalla por la CSS
More than 1,300 Hajj pilgrims died this year
Hakeem Jeffries on the Musk-Trump shutdown threat
Trump-backed spending deal fails to clear House
Fruchter: Can Americans have a nuanced discussion about Israel?
Cuba vuelve a la oscuridad, anuncian más apagones
Court rules thumbs-up emoji can be binding acceptance of a contract
Somali pirates demand $10M ransom for release of Chinese vessel
Canadians feel disrespected by the United States
AMOACSS pide la intervención de la OIT
Mulino: ‘No habrá impuesto ni al sol ni al aire’
Campeonato Béisbol Juvenil 2025 comenzará el 10 de enero
Seasonal fashion for little girls: deely boppers de navidad.
Crime season: cops keep an eye out for maleantes near the ATM machines. Policía Nacional photo.
In season this season.
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The Panama News blog links and memes, December 18, 2024
It’s a dog’s job, but someone has to do it. Actually, it seems like a good gig for this guy. He can wander into Lissy’s and someone might toss him something to eat, or when shooed out, people coming out of that popular eatery will have saved him something. He’s a friendly guard of the bus piquera and taxi stand, and seems to be well liked. Photo by Eric Jackson.
PanCanal transit surcharge
Fitch rates Panama at ‘BB+’; outlook table
Emanuel: it was a mistake that 2008 crisis ended without ‘Old Testament justice‘
Jamaica moves to end monarchy
ERA can’t be certified without further action by Congress or the courts
Vatican financial woes due to decline in donations
El resultado de una dieta con demasiada azúcar
Dems shake up House committees
Prioridades comparativas
Panama and Colombia renew old power grid connection project
Far right make up lies about 15-year-old shooter being trans
The coming threats to press freedom
Policía Nacional solicita colaboración para ubicar al mayor Abdiel Domínguez
Study retracted years after it set off an infamous COVID-19 treatment scandal
China acusa a EEUU de difamación por señalar ciber-delitos en Costa Rica
Dry season is coming but it’s not yet here. Unlike temperate zone foliage, there are various trees that shed leaves, or fruit or flower, at different times of the year. The trees don’t all go bare when dry season draws near, but this one does. Photo by Eric Jackson.
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