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Littlejohn & Montz, Juneteenth and one Texas family

Mr. Houston leads the parade
Joshua Houston leads a Juneteenth Parade in Huntsville, Texas, in a photo circa 1900. From the Sam Houston Memorial Museum and Republic of Texas Presidential Library.

Lessons for Texas lawmakers trying to erase history from the classroom

by Jeffrey L. Littlejohn, Sam Houston State University and Zachary Montz, Sam Houston State University

The news was startling.

On June 19, 1865, two months after the U.S. Civil War ended, Union Gen. Gordon Granger walked onto the balcony at Ashton Villa in Galveston, Texas, and announced to the people of the state that “all slaves are free.”

As local plantation owners lamented the loss of their most valuable property, Black Texans celebrated Granger’s Juneteenth announcement with singing, dancing and feasting. The 182,566 enslaved African Americans in Texas had finally won their freedom.

One of them was Joshua Houston.

He had long served as the enslaved servant of Gen. Sam Houston, the most well-known military and political leader in Texas.

Joshua Houston lived about 120 miles north of Galveston when he learned of Granger’s proclamation.

It was read aloud at the local Methodist Church in Huntsville, Texas, by Union Gen. Edgar M. Gregory, the assistant commissioner for the Freedmen’s Bureau in Texas.

If Juneteenth meant anything, it meant at least that Joshua Houston and his family were free.

A gray haired black man in the center wearing glasses is sitting down and surrounded by members of his family.Joshua Houston and his family in October 1898. Courtesy of the Sam Houston Memorial Museum and Republic of Texas Presidential Library, Huntsville, Texas.

But there was more too.

The promise of freedom meant that more work needed to be done. Families needed to be reunited. Land needed to be secured. Children needed to be educated.

Indeed, the radical promise of Juneteenth is embodied in the community activism of Joshua Houston and the educational career of his son Samuel Walker Houston.

The violent white reaction to Black political power

Within a year of Granger’s proclamation, Houston had established a blacksmith shop near the Huntsville town square and moved his family into a two-story house on the adjoining lot.

He helped found the Union Church, the first Black-owned institution in the city, as well as a freedmen’s school to begin educating African American children.

In 1878 and 1882, a Republican coalition of Black and white voters opposed to conservative Democratic rule elected Houston as the county’s first Black county commissioner, a powerful position in local governance.

Despite this dramatic turn of events, Houston’s political story was hardly unique.

In the two decades following emancipation, 52 Black men served in the state Legislature or the state’s constitutional conventions.

But that number had fallen to two by 1882.

Opposition to Black freedom had been a powerful force in the state’s political culture since emancipation.

Armstead Barrett, a former slave in Huntsville, recalled in 1937 that an enraged white man had reacted to Granger’s Juneteenth order by riding past a celebrating Black woman and murdering her with his sword.

In 1871, the violence continued when the white citizens of Huntsville stormed the county courthouse and aided the escape of three men who had lynched freedman Sam Jenkins.

Later, in the 1880s, attacks on Black elected officials, their white political allies and Black voters escalated dramatically.

In the early 1900s, changes in state election laws, including the introduction of the poll tax, effectively disenfranchised most Black voters and many poor whites as well. Voter participation dropped from roughly 85% at the high tide of Texas populism in 1896 to roughly 35% when the poll tax became effective in 1904.

As a result, Robert Lloyd Smith was the last Black legislator for nearly 70 years when he finished his term in 1897.

That wall of white supremacy at the state Capitol would not crack again until 1966, when federal voting rights legislation and Supreme Court rulings nullified schemes to deny African Americans the ballot.

These changes enabled the election of Black officials such as Barbara Jordan, the first African American woman to serve in the Texas Senate.

Like father, like son

On an unknown date, a few years after Juneteenth, Joshua Houston’s son Samuel Walker Houston was born free in the bright light of Reconstruction.

Although he spent his adulthood in some of the darkest years of Jim Crow, he continued his father’s work as an educator and community leader. Following a short stint at Atlanta University in Georgia and Howard University in Washington, D.C., Samuel Walker Houston returned to Huntsville and founded a school in the nearby Galilee community.

Houston’s school was named for him and served as one of the first county training schools for African Americans in Texas. It enrolled students at every level, from first grade through high school, and provided a curriculum based on Booker T. Washington’s Tuskegee model of vocational training.

Young women at Houston’s school received training in homemaking, sewing and cooking, while young men learned carpentry, woodworking and mathematics.

By 1922, enrollment at the school had grown to 400 students, and it was recognized by contemporaries as the leading school of East Texas. In the 1930s, Houston’s school was absorbed into Huntsville’s school district, and he became the director of Black education in the county.

In this black and white image, seven men stand outside a residential-style building with sawhorses and stacked lumber off to the side.
This 1919 photograph shows officials laying the foundation for a new building at the Samuel Walker Houston Training School. Jackson Davis Collection of African American Educational Photographs, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.

Houston encouraged a practical education for Black Texans, but he also believed that young Texans of all races needed to learn an account of history that differed from the white supremacist narrative that dominated Southern history.

Toward this end, he joined with Joseph Clark and Ramsey Woods, two white professors who pioneered race relations courses at Sam Houston State Teachers College. Together, the group led the Texas Commission on Interracial Cooperation’s effort to evaluate Texas public school textbooks during the 1930s.

In an analysis of racial attitudes in state-endorsed textbooks, they found that 74% of books presented a racist view of the past and of Black Americans. Most excluded the scientific, literary and civic contributions of Black people, while mentioning their economic contributions only in the period of slavery before the Civil War.

Instead, the group argued, books designed for both Black and white Texans needed to take the “opportunity … to do simple justice” by including Black history and the “struggle for the exercise” of equal civil, political and legal rights.

White Texans refused to adopt a textbook in the 1930s that taught the fundamental equality of the races, or portrayed Reconstruction, as it is now widely understood, as a missed opportunity to establish a more just and egalitarian Texas.

But Houston and his white counterparts were motivated by the conviction that progress, both for African Americans and for Texas, required a more honest and progressive account of the state and its history.

In this black and white image, Black men and women are seen marching along a main street while others are watching.
The Juneteenth Parade in Huntsville, Texas, circa 1900. Sam Houston Memorial Museum and Republic of Texas Presidential Library, Huntsville, Texas.

An ongoing battle for equality

Today’s legislative efforts in Texas and elsewhere to restrict the teaching of systemic racism in public schools ignore the lessons and realities represented by Joshua and Samuel Walker Houston’s lives.

The argument used for supporting such restrictions is that “divisive concepts” like the history of racism may make some students feel uncomfortable or guilty.

That sort of thinking echoes the same justification provided by Texas lawmakers in 1873, when many argued that the state’s schools must be segregated to ensure “the peace, harmony and success of the schools and the good of the whole.”

But the opposite is true.

In reality, the prohibition on teaching the darker chapters of our past creates a segregated history.

Instead, as Samuel Walker Houston recognized, young Texans must have a more honest account of the past and of one another to progress into a unified and egalitarian society.

Texas history is both the story of people who dedicated their lives to the work of advancing freedom and the story of powerful people and forces that stood against it.

One cannot be understood without the other.

Americans cannot appreciate the accomplishments of Joshua and Samuel Walker Houston without examining the vicious realities of Jim Crow society.

The lesson of their lives, and of the Juneteenth holiday, is that freedom is a precious thing that requires constant work to make real.The Conversation

Jeffrey L. Littlejohn, Professor of History, Sam Houston State University and Zachary Montz, Lecturer, History Department, Sam Houston State University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


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Marhoefer, La persecución a las personas trans por los nazis

Weimar trans scene
Clientes del Eldorado, un popular cabaret LGBTQ de Berlín durante los años de Weimar. Foto por Herbert Hoffmann/ullstein bild via Getty Images.

Así fue la persecución a las personas trans en la Alemania nazi

por Laurie Marhoefer, University of Washington

En otoño de 2022, un tribunal alemán atendió un caso inusual. Se trataba de una demanda civil que surgió de una disputa en Twitter sobre si las personas transgénero habían sido víctimas del Holocausto. Aunque ya no hay mucho debate sobre si los gays y las lesbianas fueron perseguidos, ha habido muy pocos estudios sobre las personas trans durante este periodo.

El tribunal tomó declaración a historiadores expertos, entre los que me incluyo, antes de concluir que las pruebas históricas demuestran que las personas trans fueron, efectivamente, perseguidas por el régimen nazi.

Se trata de un caso importante porque fue la primera vez que un tribunal reconoció dicha persecución. Unos meses después, el Bundestag, el parlamento alemán, emitió una declaración oficial reconociendo a las personas trans y cisgénero queer como víctimas del fascismo.

Hasta hace pocos años, apenas se había investigado sobre las personas trans durante el nazismo. Algunos historiadores, entre los que me incluyo, estamos descubriendo ahora más casos, como el de Toni Simon.

Ser trans durante la República de Weimar

En 1933, el año en que Hitler tomó el poder, la policía de Essen (Alemania) revocó el permiso de Toni Simon para vestirse de mujer en público. Simon, que rondaba los 40 años, llevaba muchos años viviendo como mujer.

La República de Weimar, el gobierno democrático que existía antes de Hitler y que era más tolerante, reconocía los derechos de las personas trans, aunque de forma limitada y a regañadientes. Así, la policía concedía a las personas trans permisos como el que tenía Simon.

En los años 30, a las personas trans se las llamaba “travestis”, un término que hoy resulta ofensivo pero que en aquella época se aproximaba a lo que hoy se entiende por “transgénero”.

Los permisos policiales se llamaban “certificados de travesti”, y eximían a una persona de las leyes contra el travestismo. Bajo la República, las personas trans también podían cambiar de nombre legalmente, aunque tenían que elegir de una lista corta y preaprobada.

En Berlín, las personas transgénero publicaban varias revistas y tenían un club político. Algunas glamurosas mujeres trans trabajaban en el internacionalmente famoso cabaret Eldorado. El sexólogo Magnus Hirschfeld, que dirigía el Instituto de Ciencias Sexuales de Berlín, defendía los derechos de las personas transgénero.

Pero el ascenso de la Alemania nazi destruyó este ambiente relativamente abierto. Los nazis cerraron las revistas, Eldorado y el instituto de Hirschfeld. La mayoría de los “certificados de travesti”, como el de Toni Simon, fueron revocados. En el caso de mantenerlos, las personas a quienes se los habían concedido vieron con impotencia cómo la policía se negaba a respetarlos.

Aquello fue sólo el principio de los problemas.

Dos policías frente a un club nocturno clausurado, del que cuelgan pancartas nazis en la ventana.Pancartas nazis cuelgan de las ventanas del antiguo club nocturno Eldorado. Landesarchiv Berlin/US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Medidas draconianas contra las personas trans

Durante el régimen de Hitler, las personas transgénero no se utilizaban como cuña política como hoy en día. Apenas se mencionaban públicamente. Sin embargo, lo que los nazis decían sobre ellas era escalofriante.

El autor de un libro de 1938 sobre “el problema del travestismo” escribió que, antes de que Hitler estuviera en el poder, no había mucho que se pudiera hacer con las personas trans, pero que “ahora”, en la Alemania nazi, se les podía meter en campos de concentración o someter a castración forzosa. Eso era bueno, creía, porque su “mentalidad asocial” y su supuestamente frecuente “actividad delictiva” justificaba “medidas draconianas por parte del Estado”.

Toni Simon era una persona valiente. Conocí su expediente policial cuando investigaba este asunto en el Museo Conmemorativo del Holocausto de Estados Unidos. La policía de Essen conocía a Simon como la atrevida propietaria de un club clandestino donde se reunían personas LGBTQ. A mediados de la década de 1930, fue llevada a los tribunales por criticar al régimen nazi. Para entonces, la Gestapo ya estaba harta de ella. Simon era un peligro para la juventud, escribió un oficial. Un campo de concentración era “absolutamente necesario”.

No estoy seguro de lo que le ocurrió a Simon. Su expediente termina abruptamente, con la Gestapo planeando su arresto, pero no hay documentos que confirmen que se llevara a cabo. Con suerte, evadió a la policía.

Otras mujeres trans no escaparon. En el Archivo Estatal de Hamburgo leí sobre H. Bode, que a menudo aparecía en público vestida de mujer y salía con hombres. Bajo la República de Weimar, tenía un certificado de travesti. La policía nazi la persiguió por “travestismo” y por mantener relaciones sexuales con hombres. La consideraban de género masculino, por lo que sus relaciones eran homosexuales e ilegales. La enviaron al campo de concentración de Buchenwald, donde fue asesinada.

Liddy Bacroff, de Hamburgo, también tenía un certificado de travesti durante la República. Se ganaba la vida vendiendo sexo a clientes masculinos. Después de 1933, la policía la persiguió. Escribieron que era “fundamentalmente travesti” y una “delincuente moral de la peor calaña”. Ella también fue enviada a un campo, Mauthausen, y asesinada.

Las personas trans alemanas estaban mal consideradas

Durante mucho tiempo, el público no conoció las historias de las personas trans en la Alemania nazi.

Las historias anteriores tendían a clasificar erróneamente a las mujeres trans, lo que resultaba extraño: cuando se leen las actas de sus interrogatorios policiales, a menudo son notablemente claras sobre su identidad de género, a pesar de que no ayudaban en nada a sus casos al hacerlo.

Bacroff, por ejemplo, dijo a la policía: “Mi sentido de mi sexo es plena y completamente el de una mujer”.

También hubo confusión por algunos casos que, por casualidad, salieron a la luz primero. En estos casos, la policía actuó con menos violencia. Por ejemplo, hay un conocido caso de Berlín en el que la policía renovó el “certificado de travesti” de un hombre trans después de que pasara algunos meses en un campo de concentración. Al principio, los historiadores tomaron este caso como representativo. Ahora que tenemos muchos más datos, podemos ver que se trata de un caso atípico. Normalmente, la policía revocaba los certificados.

EEUU prohibe la atención sanitaria de afirmación de género

Hoy se intensifican los ataques de la derecha contra las personas trans en países como Estados Unidos. Aunque la Academia Estadounidense de Pediatría y todas las asociaciones médicas importantes aprueban la atención sanitaria de afirmación de género para los niños trans, los políticos republicanos la han prohibido en 19 estados, y aún hay más que se disponen a prohibirla.

La medicina de afirmación de género tiene ya más de cien años, y sus raíces se remontan a la Alemania de Weimar. Nunca antes se había restringido legalmente en EEUU Sin embargo, Missouri la ha prohibido básicamente para los adultos, y otros estados están tratando de restringir la atención a los adultos. Una gran cantidad de otros proyectos de ley antitrans se están tramitando en las legislaturas estatales.

Los ataques contra las personas trans no son nada nuevo, y muchos de ellos están sacados directamente del manual nazi.The Conversation

Laurie Marhoefer, Jon Bridgman Endowed Professor of History, University of Washington

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en The Conversation. Lea el original.


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39 grupos, La represión en contra de protestas antiminería

the heat
Los antidisturbios frente al campus central de la Universidad de Panamá. Foto de la cuenta de Twitter de APADICOS.


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la historia








Ellsberg, A champion of the truth in service to the cause of peace

Daniel Ellsberg outside his home with the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean behind him. Photo by Robert Ellsberg.

After leaking the Pentagon Papers in 1971, the former military analyst joined the anti-Vietnam War and anti-nuclear movements.

Peace activist until the very end, whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg dead at 92

by the Common Dreams staff

Daniel Ellsberg, the military analyst-turned-peace activist who revealed that the US government had been lying about its devastating war on Vietnam, died Friday, four months after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was 92.

Ellsberg (1931-2023) was best known as the whistleblower who leaked the Pentagon Papers to news outlets in 1971, exposing damning information about the Vietnam War that Washington had concealed from the American people and the world.

Ellsberg became an outspoken anti-war campaigner who issued stark warnings about nuclear weapons and the detrimental impacts of the military-industrial complex.

He died at his home in California surrounded by family members, according to a social media post by his son Robert.

Progressives mourned the passing of Ellsberg.

Current Affairs editor Nathan Robinson called Ellsberg “a model of integrity and courage who exposed hideous crimes by the U.S. government in Vietnam and documented the insanity of US nuclear war planning,” adding, “We should all follow his example and heed his warnings.”

“Huge loss for this country,” journalist Mehdi Hasan said. “An inspiring, brave, and patriotic American. Rest in power, Dan, rest in power.”

“RIP my friend,” said social justice activist and actor John Cusack.

“Today we lost a movement giant, a dear friend, and a hero,” said CodePink. “Daniel Ellsberg, who faced decades in prison for telling the American people the truth about the Vietnam War, passed away from cancer. He was a peace activist until the very end. We love you, Dan.”

In a 2019 interview, Ellsberg said, “My experience with the Pentagon Papers showed that an act of truth-telling, of exposing the realities about which the public had been misled, can indeed help end an unnecessary, deadly conflict.”

“This example is a lesson applicable to both the nuclear and climate crises we face,” he added. “When everything is at stake, it is worth risking one’s life or sacrificing one’s freedom in order to help bring about radical change.”

In a March essay he penned to announce his terminal cancer diagnosis, Ellsberg elaborated: “When I copied the Pentagon Papers in 1969, I had every reason to think I would be spending the rest of my life behind bars. It was a fate I would gladly have accepted if it meant hastening the end of the Vietnam War, unlikely as that seemed (and was). Yet in the end, that action—in ways I could not have foreseen, due to Nixon’s illegal responses—did have an impact on shortening the war. In addition, thanks to Nixon’s crimes, I was spared the imprisonment I expected, and I was able to spend the last 50 years with Patricia and my family, and with you, my friends.”

“What’s more, I was able to devote those years to doing everything I could think of to alert the world to the perils of nuclear war and wrongful interventions: lobbying, lecturing, writing, and joining with others in acts of protest and nonviolent resistance,” he continued. “It is long past time—but not too late!—for the world’s publics at last to challenge and resist the willed moral blindness of their past and current leaders.”


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¿Wappin? Songs to become bilingual / Canciones para ser bilingüe

The late Argentine singer / songwriter Mercedes Sosa in 1967. Wikimedia photo by Ron Kroon.
La fallecida cantautora argentina Mercedes Sosa en 1967. Foto de Wikimedia por Ron Kroon.

Resistiendo en dos idiomas
Toughing it out in two languages

Sam Cooke – Chain Gang

Mercedes Sosa – Solo le Pido a Dios

Pete Seeger – Solidarity Forever

Mon Laferte – La Democracia

Dixie Chicks – Not Ready to Make Nice

Led Zeppelin – No Quarter

Peter Gabriel – Rhythm of the Heat

The Corrs – Little Wing

Dread Mar I – Sálvame

Julieta Venegas – Me Voy

Rubén Blades & Roby Draco Rosa – Patria

The Pretenders – Back on the Chain Gang

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Algunas de las fuerzas independientes se reúnen

Foto de la cuenta de Twitter de Ricardo Lombana.










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la historia








House panel would go after Social Security, but Joe has a veto

FDR & Perkins
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Frances Perkins, who swiped the idea from socialist candidate Norman Thomas and made Social Security a reality for Americans. Graphic from the Social Security Works Facebook page.

The largest group of House Republicans just released a budget that calls for massive tax cuts for the super-rich and raising the Social Security retirement age, a benefit cut for millions of Americans.

House GOP panel releases budget that would ‘Destroy Social Security as we know it’

by Jake Johnson — Common Dreams

A panel comprised of three-quarters of the House Republican caucus released a budget proposal on Wednesday that would raise the Social Security retirement age—cutting benefits across the board—while further privatizing Medicare and slashing taxes for the rich, a plan that Democratic lawmakers and progressive advocacy groups said is a clear statement of the GOP’s warped priorities ahead of a critical spending fight this fall.

The proposal outlined by the 175-member Republican Study Committee (RSC), led by Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.), would gradually raise Social Security’s full retirement age—the age at which people are eligible for full Social Security benefits—to 69, up from the current level of 67 for those born in 1960 or later.

Nancy Altman, the president of Social Security Works, said the RSC budget would “destroy Social Security as we know it,” using a “modest shortfall” that’s more than a decade away to justify reducing benefits for millions.

“These changes would transform Social Security from an earned insurance benefit, which replaces wages lost in the event of old age, disability, or death, into a subsistence-level welfare benefit,” said Altman, who noted that the RSC “rules out any options for raising revenue, such as requiring billionaires to contribute even a penny more.”

Currently, just the first $160,200 of wage earnings are subject to Social Security’s payroll tax, allowing the rich to stop contributing to the program early each year.

The GOP’s refusal to force the wealthy to put more of their income into the program “leaves benefit cuts as the only ‘solution,'” said Altman.

“In other words, they want to cut benefits now to avoid cutting them later, which isn’t a solution at all. Indeed, the budget will increase the number of workers who will have no ability to retire while maintaining their standard of living,” she added. “The RSC plan would make it especially hard for Americans so disabled that they can no longer work to claim their earned Social Security, and far easier for the government to take those benefits away.”

Far from raising taxes on the rich, the RSC budget calls for massive tax cuts by proposing a permanent extension of the individual tax provisions of the 2017 Trump-GOP tax law. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that such a move would add $2.5 trillion to the federal deficit over the next decade.

“The largest group of House Republicans just released a budget that calls for massive tax cuts for the super-rich and raising the Social Security retirement age, a benefit cut for millions of Americans,” Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.), a member of the House’s chief tax-writing committee, wrote on Twitter.

The RSC budget also targets Medicare with a “premium support model” that would subsidize private insurance plans, effectively transforming Medicare into a voucher program—an idea previously advanced by former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

Altman pointed out that the plan contains a “particularly cruel provision” that “would force disability beneficiaries to wait five long years (instead of the current two, which is already too long) before becoming eligible for Medicare benefits.”

“Outrageously, this change would deprive some of the most medically vulnerable people in America of healthcare,” said Altman. “This provision alone would inevitably lead to more medical bankruptcies and increased homelessness.”

The GOP proposal also demands work requirements for “all federal benefit programs” and sides with the pharmaceutical industry in calling for a repeal of Inflation Reduction Act provisions aimed at lowering prescription drug costs.

“The ink is barely dry on the Bipartisan Budget Agreement and House Republicans are already reneging on the deal and undercutting their own speaker,” Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), the top Democrat on the House Budget Committee, said in a statement, referring to the recently approved debt ceiling measure that sets topline spending levels.

“What’s worse, Republicans are attempting to renege on our sacred promise to American workers and seniors by renewing their attacks on Social Security and Medicare,” said Boyle. “It is astounding that the overwhelming majority of House Republicans support this backwards and extreme budget, but, after they manufactured a default crisis to try to force cruel cuts, I guess we shouldn’t be shocked.”

“Budget Committee Democrats will make sure every American family knows that House Republicans want to force Americans to work longer for less, raise families’ costs, weaken our nation, and shrink our economy—all while wasting billions of dollars on more favors to special interests and handouts to the ultra-wealthy,” Boyle added.

While House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is not a member of the RSC, he has also signaled plans to pursue cuts to Social Security in the coming months by setting up a bipartisan “commission” that would propose changes to the program.

“Republicans know how politically toxic their plans to gut Social Security and Medicare are, so they are begging Democrats to share the blame,” Altman said Wednesday. “Not a single Democrat should take the bait. Instead, they should fight to protect and expand Social Security and Medicare, and pay for it by requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share. Then, let the American people decide which plan they prefer.”


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Editorials: The resource extraction economy; and McCarthy’s creepy failure

But THIS time, we are ASSURED…. Photo of part of the Donoso copper mine project by the Presidencia.

The resource extraction economy trap

The Cabinet Council has approved a new copper mine contract to replace an unconstitutional one. The National Assembly or the Supreme Court may stop them, but don’t hold your breath. It’s smash and grab season in the final year of a PRD administration.

Not to defame a political party of nearly a quarter of a million people, but it is a political operation with a long history and a recent history.

In this incarnation they showered more than $200 million in public funds to generate some votes for the recently concluded PRD primaries and got an embarrassing result. They ran the national debt way up and are behind in payments to public employees and government contractors. They will plead necessity in an extreme economic squeeze.

The strip mining mess has been a long time in the making, so you can’t just blame the party now in power. However, it was a lazy, destructive to the nation set of ideas in the first place. The politicians accepted “easy money” offers from hustlers, putting Panama into the yoke of a resource extraction economy that lends itself to public corruption as long as it lasts. The old Petaquilla gold mine, the old Cerro Quema gold mine, the copper mine in Donoso – all stories about how Panama was literally ripped up and financially ripped off, with promises of how it will be different this time.

Had they ever talked about a mine project that involves Panamanians making things out of the minerals extracted from the ground, it might have promoted national development in spite of the environmental damage. What has been done and is being proposed to continue – letting foreign companies cut down our forests and dig up our mineral and ship the valuable parts away – is a recipe for national dependence and penury.


Christine Fang – was she a Chinese “honey trap” spy? The FBI suspected that but could not prove it. They did, however, warn Adam Schiff about her, and after that the US representative from California banished her from all contact with him. A Chinese citizen who has gone by various names, she was in the United States between 2011 and 2015.

Kevin McCarthy’s purge trial

It takes a simple majority of the US House of Representatives to impeach – bring formal charges – against someone in the executive or judicial branches of government. It takes two-thirds of the US Senate to convict someone who has been impeached. It’s a high bar to clear.

Both houses of the US Congress have the power to judge the qualifications of their members, but in each case need two-thirds of the members to remove an elected colleague from their midst.

So there went Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and his MAGA Republicans, moving to censure California Representative Adam Schiff. Why?

The stated reasons?

  1. A woman suspected of being a Chinese spy came around to his campaign events and promised to raise funds and recruit supporters from within the Chinese-American community for him. She didn’t actually do these things, the FBI alerted Schiff about what they thought she was, and the congressman told her to stay away and barred her from his campaign.
  2. Schiff led the two House moves to impeach Donald Trump, which passed the House but were rebuffed by the then GOP-controlled Senate. Which is not to say that Trump and his campaign didn’t seek to enlist the aid of foreign powers in US political disputes, nor to say that Trump was not behind the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.

The political realities?

Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Greene, George Santos and that crowd live a lie, and play off of the years of lies spun by Donald Trump, Fox News, Breitbart and the far right in general. Other than cutting taxes for the ultra-rich and primitive hatreds, they have no ideas. So they give the American people and the rest of the world show trials.

But they can’t even do that right. Too many Republicans won’t tolerate the smell of that stuff. The MAGAs lost the Schiff censure vote in the House and the damage will last. Until the next election they remain as this discredited obstruction, after which it’s very unlikely that McCarthy remains as speaker.



             In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.

José Narosky             


Bear in mind…


In America, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of choice, but nothing to choose from.

Peter Ustinov


If I have learnt anything, it is that life forms no logical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return?

Margot Fonteyn


Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy.

Nora Ephron


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Kent & Phetsouphan, The science of Long COVID

long blahs
Photo by Alexander Grey/Unsplash.

Long COVID could be caused by the virus lingering
in the body. Here’s what the science says:

by Stephen Kent, The University of Melbourne and Chansavath Phetsouphanh, UNSW Sydney

While most people survive and recover from COVID, for some people symptoms can persist for months or years. When symptoms last longer than 12 weeks, the condition is known as long COVID.

Long COVID encompasses up to 200 different symptoms. To determine evidence-based treatments for these symptoms, we need to understand the causes. One factor that may be associated with long COVID is that the virus hasn’t fully cleared from the body after the initial infection.

We know from other viruses that viral fragments can remain in different tissues for months or even years. This could be the case with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID. Here’s what the science says so far.

Other viruses lurk in the body

Herpesviruses (such as Epstein-Barr virus, the cause of glandular fever), as well as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) can exist in a “latency state” for life. This means the virus conceals itself within cells and remains dormant.

HIV, in particular, can remain dormant in infected cells throughout the body. Even though it’s inactive, it can still promote immune activation and inflammation.

Other viruses such as Zika, measles and Ebola have been found in tissues of infected people months or years after initial infection. This viral persistence can cause chronic illness.

Several studies have shown COVID can also reactivate the Epstein-Barr virus, which has remained in the body in a latent state. Research shows this has been linked to fatigue and problems with thinking and reasoning in people with long COVID.

Man looks at laptop, confusedLatent viruses can cause fatigue and problems with thinking and reasoning. Wes Hicks/Unsplash

How do we know COVID stays in the body?

Several studies have identified the genetic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 (RNA) as well as SARS-CoV-2 proteins in tissues and stool (poo) samples months following infection.

These studies include multiple autopsy reports that found viral RNA and protein in a variety of tissues from people who died up to seven months after infection. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in at least half the samples of heart, lymph glands, eye, nerve, brain and lung tissue tested.

In people who survived, viral RNA was found four months after infection within intestinal tissues obtained through colonoscopy, when a thin tube is used to take tissue from the large intestine. These patients had asymptomatic COVID and were PCR-negative from swabs of the nose and throat at four months.

A 2022 study found SARS-CoV-2 in the stool of about half of the participants in the first week after infection. At four months, there was no virus present in the respiratory tract but 12.7% of stool samples were RNA positive. A further 3.8% of faecal samples remained positive for RNA at seven months.

Initial studies did not always suggest a strong relationship between the long-term detection of SARS-CoV-2 and long COVID symptoms.

But more recently, the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA (or protein translated from RNA) in the blood and gut tissue was found to increase the likelihood of developing long COVID symptoms.

Person gets a blood test
The presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the blood increases the likelihood of developing long COVID symptoms. Photo by Nguyễn Hiệp/Unsplash

How might the delay in clearing the virus impact people with long COVID?

Delayed clearance of SARS-CoV-2 particles in different parts of the body could drive illness through several potential processes:

1) Inflammation. The continued immune stimulation by viral proteins causes inflammation, makes our immune system tired, and alters how our immune cells work as time goes on.

We have previously shown immune dysfunction and inflammation persist up to eight months in people with long COVID that initially had mild to moderate disease.

2) Activation of other dormant viruses. The continued immune response to persistent SARS-CoV-2 can cause reactivation of latent viruses.

Antibodies reactive to Epstein-Barr virus are elevated in people with long COVID suggesting Epstein-Barr virus reactivation, likely through activating the immune system.

Other latent viruses, such as human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs; ancient viruses that have become a part of our DNA, like a genetic fossil) have recently been shown to become reactivated after infection. HERV proteins were detected in blood cells and tissues of COVID patients.

These proteins could potentially drive inflammatory processes in long COVID.

3D illustration of the Epstein-Barr virus in green and red
Reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus could drive inflammation in long COVID. Shutterstock

3) Antibodies made by combating SARS-CoV-2 could become “self” reactive. These autoantibodies (antibodies produced by our immune system that mistakenly target and attack our own body’s tissues or organs) might cross-react with host receptors or proteins and drive autoimmune disease.

Importantly, recent studies have shown new onset of autoimmune diseases (such as type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis) are significantly associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection and a link between autoimmunity and long COVID is plausible.

This suggests COVID not only has immediate health impacts but could also potentially trigger long-term changes in the immune system.

While the studies mentioned above provide initial evidence of persistence of SARS-CoV-2 long after initial infection, more studies are needed to show a convincing link between lingering virus and long COVID. This should include examination of viral RNA and protein in both blood and tissues in people with long COVID independent of disease severity. And it must involve well-developed cohort studies that track large groups of people internationally.

Several trials are underway to assess whether treating long COVID with antivirals such as Paxlovid may reduce viral antigens and improve symptoms, although this remains experimental.The Conversation

Stephen Kent, Professor and Laboratory Head, The University of Melbourne and Chansavath Phetsouphanh, Senior Research Associate, Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


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