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¡Estrena Luna Park en el Teatro Guild de Ancón!

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Luna Park: la obra se presentará en el Teatro Guild de Ancón hasta el 30 de abril de 2023

por la Fundación Cimas

Con casa llena y muchas emociones, estrenó Luna Park del dramaturgo panameño Edgar Soberón Torchia, una obra teatral en la que, aunque convergen varias historias, se pone de manifiesto los conflictos, ideales, problemas y sueños, de personajes que conviven todos los días alrededor de un parque en el Casco Antiguo, un punto histórico de nuestra ciudad.

El elenco de Luna Park: Eddie Agrazal, Carlota Allen Herrera, Meredith Carley, Diego Duque, Ángel “Bicho” Gutiérrez, Meche Ochoa y Paulette Thomas, arrancaron aplausos, risas y hasta lágrimas en la primera presentación de esta obra que fue escrita en 2004.

El público también pudo apreciar la propuesta artística presentada por el maestro Emilio Torres quien estuvo a cargo de la escenografía de la obra, que se compone de un solo decorado, una plaza de parque que es como un fresco de libre perfil, que hace las veces de punto de encuentro y a la vez tiene algo del mundo del espectáculo en el que se especializó este artista en su trabajo para la televisión.

La obra, producida por Irma Ortiz Suescum y Manuel Paz, cuenta también con luminotecnia de César Robles y música de Andrés Icaza.

Luna Park celebra los 30 años de Fundación Cimas, quien está a cargo de la producción de la obra, una organización que lleve tres décadas promoviendo el cine en Panamá a través de talleres, entrenando a nuevos profesionales del cine y la TV, así como la conformación de un archivo de películas panameñas y del mundo.

Se presentará de miércoles a domingo, hasta el 30 de abril en el Teatro Guild de Ancón, Los boletos están disponibles a un costo de $20 y pueden adquirirse en este enlace https://bit.ly/3KhgXmM.

Para más información puedes visitar nuestra cuenta en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cimas.panama/



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100 años de Isla Barro Colorado cómo estación de investigación

Barro Colorado Island
Vista aérea de Isla Barro Colorado. Foto de los archivos del Smithsonian.

¡Feliz cumpleaños BCI!

por STRI

El Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales (STRI, por sus siglas en inglés) celebrará 100 años de investigación de los bosques tropicales en la Estación de Campo en Isla Barro Colorado (BCI) en Panamá con exposiciones y eventos.

El 17 de abril de 1923, la isla panameña Barro Colorado fue declarada reserva forestal tropical para el estudio científico, y el 29 de marzo de 1924 se inauguró la nueva estación de investigación. Cien años después, la isla es el bosque tropical más estudiado del mundo.

Para iniciar este año de festividades, el Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales envía un sincero agradecimiento al gobierno de Panamá, a su pueblo y a todos los que han contribuido con Isla Barro Colorado y el STRI, por un siglo de buena voluntad y el arduo trabajo necesario para crear y mantener este ejemplo único de diplomacia científica internacional.

Barro Colorado se convirtió en una estación de campo más o menos al mismo tiempo que se estableció el Laboratorio Conmemorativo Gorgas para estudiar las enfermedades tropicales y el Parque Natural Summit como estación de introducción de plantas, todo ello por científicos estadounidenses que trabajaban en la Zona del Canal en colaboración con científicos y el gobierno de Panamá. 100 años después, estas tres instituciones siguen prosperando.

Para celebrar el centenario de Barro Colorado, el 12 de mayo se inaugurará una exposición bilingüe -Barro Colorado, 100 años de descubrimientos y maravillas- en el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Estados Unidos en Washington, D.C.; y el 30 de mayo de 2023 se inaugurará una versión ampliada de la misma exposición en el Museo del Canal Interoceánico (MUCI) de Panamá, un museo afiliado al Smithsonian. El Colectivo Estudio Nuboso está organizando un proyecto de artistas en residencia para acompañar la exposición en Panamá con presentaciones públicas de artistas inspirados en la investigación sobre Barro Colorado. Empleados actuales y antiguos del BCI celebrarán en Barro Colorado y en el Centro Tupper de Ciudad de Panamá en una fiesta el 9 de junio.

Científicos de todo el mundo que han trabajado en la isla están preparando una serie de libros en tres volúmenes con ensayos sobre sus estudios de la biología de plantas y animales tropicales y el entorno físico de este bosque tropical. También están organizando un simposio científico y una reunión en el 2024. Los seminarios web públicos mensuales del STRI y varias exposiciones itinerantes se centrarán en temas de investigación de la isla.

La Estación Científica de Barro Colorado es conocida internacionalmente como la meca de los biólogos tropicales, donde:

  • Los investigadores formulan preguntas cada vez más complejas basándose en una amplia información de base sobre este ecosistema de selva tropical de tierras bajas,
  • Es fácil llegar a la isla y enviar muestras, ya que Panamá es un centro neurálgico para el transporte aéreo y marítimo internacional,
  • La estación proporciona transporte, agua potable, alojamiento cómodo y una cafetería para los investigadores,
  • Generaciones de jóvenes biólogos tropicales aprenden técnicas de biología de campo,
  • La concentración inusualmente rica de expertos en muchos campos diferentes y muchas culturas distintas en la isla conduce a la innovación y la colaboración, y
  • El Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales ha crecido hasta incluir 12 laboratorios e instalaciones de investigación, de modo que equipos como microscopios electrónicos y máquinas de secuenciación genética están fácilmente disponibles.
El clima húmedo de la isla durante la estación lluviosa permite la aparición de varias especies de hongos. Foto de los archivos del Smithsonian.

Durante los últimos 100 años, las enseñanzas de Barro Colorado han desempeñado un papel fundamental en la conservación de la naturaleza tropical. La Isla Barro Colorado se formó cuando el valle del río Chagres se inundó para crear el lago Gatún, el canal principal del Canal de Panamá.

Mediante el seguimiento de las poblaciones de aves de la isla, los científicos se dieron cuenta de que cuando un bosque se convierte en isla (o en un fragmento de bosque), empieza a perder especies de aves, sobre todo en épocas de climas extremos. Su trabajo llevó a los conservacionistas a crear importantes conexiones entre zonas protegidas para que la fauna salvaje pueda pasar de un bosque a otro en momentos de necesidad.

La investigación de los bosques tropicales en Isla Barro Colorado dio lugar a una serie de lugares de estudio forestal en 28 países de todo el mundo (ForestGEO) y a técnicas utilizadas hoy en día para comprender cómo los bosques protegen la biodiversidad y almacenan carbono, extrayendo de la atmósfera dióxido de carbono que, de otro modo, contribuiría al calentamiento global y al cambio climático. El trabajo en Barro Colorado también llevó a STRI a establecer el experimento Agua Salud en la Cuenca del Canal de Panamá, el mayor experimento de reforestación tropical de este tipo, que proporciona a los gestores del uso del suelo información sobre cómo pueden plantarse especies arbóreas autóctonas para mejorar la gestión del agua y evitar inundaciones, almacenar carbono y conservar la biodiversidad para crear un futuro sostenible.

Las cámara del presente pueden albergar mucha más cantidad de imágenes, son más resistentes y con ellas hemos logrado obtener interesantes imágenes que nos enseñan sobre el comportamiento animal. Foto por Jorge Alemán, Instituto Smithsonian.

A medida que avanzaba la tecnología, avanzaba también la investigación del comportamiento animal: desde seguir las huellas de los animales en el suelo hasta desarrollar cámaras trampa para fotografiarlos o utilizar satélites para vigilar sus movimientos. Hoy en día, los investigadores utilizan tecnología avanzada para comprender mejor la evolución del uso de herramientas por los monos y cómo las hormigas guerreras se auto-ensamblan en estructuras tridimensionales.

Esté atento para más información y eventos con motivo del centenario de Barro Colorado. Para visitar la isla, consulte la información sobre el programa de visitantes aquí. Dado que nos preocupamos por conservar esta isla de 15 km2 para las generaciones futuras, limitamos las visitas a unos 5,000 visitantes diarios al año, así que le rogamos que tenga paciencia.

Los monos cariblancos, Cebus capucinus, son otra especie común en Isla Barro Colorado estos monos han sido ampliamente estudiados principalmente por su uso de herramientas. Utilizando cámaras trampa en el Parque Nacional Coiba, los científicos de STRI capturaron la primera evidencia de estos monos utilizando piedras como herramientas para abrir semillas en la isla de Jicarón. Foto de archivos del Smithsonian.


Contact us by email at / Contáctanos por correo electrónico a fund4thepanamanews@gmail.com


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Uh huh — to correct the record here (Eric Jackson for DA Panama secretary)

DA stuff
“WE?” What board meeting did THAT? Disciplinary measures against a past chair, past vice chair, current media volunteer with the Global Seniors Caucus? On the authority of WHICH membership meeting was that decision made? This was the work of the dictatorial, dishonest and self-promoting JOYCE KINNEAR, who is arranging her own promotion and the rigged election of her slate.

Say WHAT? Let’s get real

To get to the truth of these matters, first understand that I have been doing journalism, part or full time, for some 53 years in two countries.

In all of those years I have run many a correction. Should I feel ashamed? Would I be so pompous to pretend infallibility and never corrected something I got wrong, THEN I should feel ashamed. As the Muslims put it, “There is no god but God.” I’m not God. I sometimes err and I don’t pretend otherwise.

Sometimes part-time, in recent decades full-time, I have been doing journalism for all of my adult life.

And yeah, one of my undergraduate majors was history and I try to keep up. An intersection between history and journalism that caught my attention a while back was an interview with this old German lady, telling about that day in 1945 when she was much younger, one of Adolf Hitler’s stenographers. 

She was called into that part of the bunker under Berlin and Hitler started reciting his testament. She thought that there might be some new revelations, why he had led Germany to such an abject defeat rather than suing for peace much earlier. But all she got was an unspecified rant about “The lying Jewish press,” something that she had heard many times before, about Jewish institutions that had been eradicated in Germany years before. She didn’t get any details, and shortly after she left the room Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were dead.

Yep. The unspecified accusation of defamation. Der Führer didn’t invent that stuff, let alone Joyce Kinnear. So let me guess.

PREVIOUS MEMBERS? She means two in particular, and I did not and do not lie about them

Sean Hammerle, who was imposed briefly as Democrats Abroad Panama chair, by way of maneuvers prohibited by our bylaws and without an election? You know, there are Republicans who similarly feel the need to defend George Santos. He and Sean are very similar people. Might those muckety-mucks still around who eased his fraud — gotta stand up for the gay brother and all those identity politics, or gotta stand against the Bernie guy, or — the reason for this groveling urge to rewrite history? The guy was a fraud, he was saying some very unlikely things, and I began to look things up and ask other journalists. It all came tumbling down, but later came Joyce Kinnear to call me a liar about what I concluded? That kind of stuff went on in many state and local Democratic Party organizations that year, and it’s why we got Donald Trump as a president. And as a Bernie guy in the primary, I did work hard for Hillary in the fall because I knew the alternative.

Joan Stack, who put together that slate of officers that included Joyce Kinnear and Tim Connely the last time around? The lady flaunting wealth at every possible occasion, and driving away those unimpressed? well, look at her LinkedIn page and understand what it means:

  1. The Stanford Financial Group. That was history’s second biggest ponzi scheme, only surpassed by Bernie Madoff’s fraud. She was their personnel director until the FBI came to shut them down. They stole some $7 billion, and there were people here, including Democrats in Chiriqui, who had their money frozen for an inconvenient long time.
  2. Ernst & Young. Champions of systematic discriminatory practices and the creation of hostile work environments to drive away any employee who said anything about it. With mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts they kept that stuff off of the case law record for many years. There is an ongoing legislative battle in New York about such abuses.

“…the accounting firm Ernst & Young (EY) organized a leadership training for its female executives. The one-and-a-half-day course was offered after a partner at the company went public with sexual harassment claims. It was supposedly an “empowerment” workshop, but it ended up being something else entirely.

Numerous sources, including HuffPost and the Chicago Tribune, reported on what was said. “Women’s brains absorb information like pancakes soak up syrup so it’s hard for them to focus,” the attendees were told. “Men’s brains are more like waffles. They’re better able to focus because the information collects in each little waffle square.” Women were also allegedly told, “Don’t flaunt your body—sexuality scrambles the mind (for men and women).”

Let me clarify, as I have been variously accused of lying about people, AND of randomly investigating people.

Spotting a con artist, part of something I do as a journalist

From a childhood trauma, I have some fairly well destroyed instincts about trust. On the one hand, the usual con game — look you in the eye, have firm handshake, sound self-assured and all that — are just lost on me. I cope by alternative means, and when certain flags go up I look things up. Sean was secretary but the chair and board had appointed me to do post-primary press releases. These I drew up and had my Spanish checked and corrected by the late Kevin Harrington — who had been the chief translator and interpreter for the Panama Canal AND the Panamanian consul in London. Sean, who did not speak Spanish, blocked the release on the basis of alleged bad Spanish.

Sean Hammerle was telling about his call center business in Santiago, AND his fabulous speaking business that had him bringing in millions speaking at universities in the USA, AND his ties to Houston’s gay political scene and former lesbian mayor. And said improbable things about these matters, like what he said that students told him that Bernie Sanders promised them. Hmmmm.

Look up the media reports of the business in Santiago, and they told of owners other than Sean Hammerle. The business section press clippings told of one of them being a former senior accountant with the Arthur Andersen accounting firm. Looking up that guy and Sean, and the former accountant was not one of the CPAs who lost his license in the Enron scandal, but that ex-Andersen guy showed up again and again on Sean’s postings. That’s his living partner. Guilt by association? Don’t want to get into that, but Andersen was a thug firm with a thug culture even if most of the people who lost their jobs in its collapse were never even charged with crimes. But still, red flag raised.

Plus, Houston is one of the cities with a significant Afro-Antillean community that traces roots through Panama. ONE such variety of Panagringo is an independent journalist and podcast host who knows the beat, and I asked him. Sean, he told me, is a gay man who ran as a sacrificial lamb Democrat in a GOP district, but is and was nowhere near the leadership circles of either Houton’s LGBTQ movement or its political leaders.

The speaking gigs? No evidence of any of that online.

I consulted a Dutch colleague who had covered Panama for a number of years, and he took a look at Sean’s speaking business website, and searched the photos. Turns out his “company staff” was people in suits whose photos were swiped from California business websites. Hammerle just took the photos, put other names and invented biographies on them and voila!

Hammerle was also at the timeclimbing up in the American Society of Panama. There are too many people in that outfit whose eyes glaze over when shown displays or claims of wealth, but there are also people in the club who are not so gullible. I talked to some and one of the claims that he was making in those circles, of yet another career as an opera singer, didn’t seem very believable. I looked it up and could find no evidence of that online, either.

The chair, a Hillary guy, resigned because, in part with my instigation, Bernie won Panama with some 71% of the vote in 2016. And while some were saying that we should go with a younger generation — Sean — I was telling people that I was not looking to be chair and not against someone younger, but that this guy was not who he said he was.

Sean got the global DA counsel to make him chair, with no election, appointed a bunch of officers and board members and moved to have me removed from the board. No reason given. A date set for an alleged meeting but the place kept secret. And then Okke Ornstein in Bananama Republic, David Young in Newsroom Panama and me in The Panama News published the tale. The American Society kicked him off of their board. The kingmaker DA global counsel changed his tune and told Sean and his appointees and acolytes to resign en masse. That left me as the only board member left standing, and people accusing me of making a power grab.

But actually, there was no quorum left of the board so it had lapsed but I had been legitimately elected and on that basis convened a meeting to start the process of forming a new board and — this being the summer of 2016 — getting our general election campaign together. WITHOUT me running for any position as an officer or with the board, to take that stuff out of the picture. A new board and set of officers was elected, the new chair asked me to take on communications tasks as I had done as a volunteer without a title before, and despite opposition and obstruction from Hillary people in the global organization, we did put together a fall campaign.

But multiply that sort of nonsense how many times across how many places, and that year the Democrats grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory. We really did beat ourselves, and could do it again. The Hillary general election campaign was one of the dumbest ever run, with Russian troll farms and alt-right dirty tricks just providing a bit of gravy. Immense damage was done to the United States of America by too many petty, grasping Dems playing creepy games at the wrong time in 2016.

Fast forward to Joan Stack

In 2017 I was elected chair, with the plan to be a one-termer. In 2018 I was contacted by the chair in Costa Rica, which was playing host to a regional meeting that I had neither the time nor the money to attend. She asked me to designate Joan Stack, who had never attended anything with Democrats Abroad Panama, as the country chapter’s representative. And NO, I don’t pick some unknown to represent us, just as a general precautionary rule.

Joan later introduced herself, and covered a registration fee for which I lend money that I could not afford to spend so that we could have a Democrats Abroad table at the Antillean Fair. Joan started coming to meetings, and making displays or claims of wealth. She was from a rich Republican family in New York, she told me. She took me to see her condo in Coronado.

Others in the organization swooned. The DONOR BASE!!!

I didn’t swoon. I had seen too many hustlers come to these shores and impress the gullible with shows of real or imaginary wealth. Part of my job. Plus, I was taught by my parents and at Sunday school not to be taken by such displays. Not to be economic determinist about it — Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were raised as oligarchs, but became champions of working people. Karl Marx had Manchester factory heir Fred Engels as a benefactor and collaborator. It was the rather upscale attorney Clarence Darrow who drove the religious fanatics to the margins of American culture by his brilliant if losing defense of John T. Scopes, whose animalistic crime was to teach evolution at a public school in Tennessee. Democratic socialists are against a system of privileges for the rich, but not against rich people per se.

Then came the bad-mouthing, the ghosting, the announcement that she’s blocking me on Facebook so that if, as chair of Democrats Abroad Panama I contacted her about any Democratic business, I’d be walking into a stalking allegation trap. Then the screaming, the bogus allegations, the put-downs in front other members. Who is THIS? So I looked up her LinkeIn page.

THE STANFORD GROUP?!?!?!?!? Multiple alarm fire call there. Was she really from a rich family, or was she flaunting stolen assets at us? Didn’t that much matter, and I noticed that she was not arrested along with her former boss, but as a former executive for a major ponzi scheme Joan was coming to us from the world of organized crime. If she really had no idea, that’s also a cause for concern.

And Ernst & Young? I did the online searches, and then went to resource people from my past. 

It so happens that I had ties with four past presidents of the Michigan chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW). Not that women never had cause to admonish me for sexist behavior in my life. But when I was elected to the Ypsilanti, Michigan city council, I was the young hippie radical stepping into some scenes were feminism was on the offensive. Just before my election the city had taken a stand that if Little League baseball was boys only, they couldn’t use city parks. We had created a women’s commission, but state law kept us from funding it so I went with a NOW delegation led by a county commissioner from Ann Arbor to see if we could get the legislature to change that. After my time on the city council, my ward was later represented by another NOW leader. Then I worked my way through law school at a day care center, taking care of two sons of yet another NOW leader, who was on the board of a neighboring township and a union activist among the non-teaching professionals at Eastern Michigan University. (It was a UAW local, and when I did battle with sticky fingers who privatized my alma mater’s endowment for in the end personal benefit, that union filed an amicus brief for my lawsuit, which was decided in my favor after I had returned to Panama.) I went to old friends and asked about Ernst & Young.

“A pig farm!” I was told. And I was directed toward a New York legislator who was working to remove obstacles for women at that company trying to get legal recourse for being paid less than men and being driven out by hostile work environments if they tried to do anything about it.

That same sort of stuff was being pulled on me in Democrats Abroad by Joan Stack and her acolytes.

Give me reason and I will look things up. We have George Santos in a swing district on Long Island because his Democratic opponent didn’t have a diligent opposition research operation as part of his campaign.

How far does it go? There are protected private zones. Children especially are to be protected. The son is not the father. The father-in-law is not the daughter-in-law. Grounds for suspicion are not probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed. Presumed innocent unless proven guilty. If there is some grand overarching conspiracy, too many people would know and its veil of secrecy would fall. Occam’s Razor, that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, is still valid. If someone offers you a heads he wins, tails you lose coin toss, don’t accept it and be duly offended.

And what happened to Joan Stack? She climbed above Democrats Abroad Panama, to become the number two DA person in the Americas, taking her wealth flaunting and back stabbing ways with her. And got a protege, who had been chair of DA Colombia, promoted to be global treasurer. Said woman in Bogota had this college admissions consulting business, promising to help rich Colombian kids get into Harvard. Then, a sudden bye-bye, business closed without forwarding address, sudden unexplained resignation as global treasurer, and soon enough Joan Stack was also gone from the regional organization. The particulars? I dunno. But certain kinds of businesses just don’t meet the smell test.

So is Joyce Kinnear calling me a liar about Sean Hammerle and Joan Stack? You’d think that if she had a case she’d be citing specifics.

The aggravating circumstance:


So tell me more, Joyce:  

Who? What? When? Where? How much? Under which circumstances?

YOU banned me from a Facebook group that I created in 2009 as a volunteer at the board’s direction. NOT because of any lies. Because you want to be promoted without opposition or serious questions.

And serious questions ARE in order, because you and Tim Connelly had the power and the duty to call for board meetings in the chair’s absence, yet the Democrats Abroad Panama board did not meet AT ALL during the crucial 2022 midterm election campaign.

Yes, I raise the question. I point to the Panama page of the global Democrats Abroad website, which has no reference to any board meeting during the summer and fall of 2022. Our country chapter bylaws provide for board meetings that are publicize in advance and open to the membership. No such notices went out in the summer or fall of last year.

You didn’t do your job, and now you want to be promoted and you ban any mention otherwise exceeding and abusing your power to close the DA Panama open group.

~ ~

To the extent that my business is being attacked: YES, for many years The Panama News has been run as a no-paid-advertising, reader-supported medium. In Panama there is an ad agencies cartel that will destroy or take over a news medium if they can, with all sorts of monopolistic practices that would be illegal in the USA. In part because of this, there are advertisers who think it’s all pay-to-play, that to buy an ad is to gain editorial veto power. It’s a problem, not a new one but an increasingly difficult one with the concentration of media ownership and general hard times. One of my favorite journalists, Gloria Steinem, talked about how degrading it was dealing with advertisers when she ran Ms. magazine. My solution, and The Panama News isn’t the only one that has taken the same route, is to survive on reader donations — plus the food that I grow on my tiny farm. 

Now Joyce portrays what I do as an extortion racket.

But I don’t do pay to play either in journalism or in politics. I’m not the one who runs with and swoons over and defends racketeers.


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¿Wappin? Sonidos trópicos / Tropical sounds

Yomira John and friends, from her Facebook page
Yomira John y amigas, de su página de Facebook

Salsa, etc.

Celia Cruz – 20 Gran Éxitos

Yomira John – Madre Tierra

Alejandro Fernández – Festival de Viña del Mar 2023

Joseph Amado – Tributo Sinfónico a Héctor Lavoe

Omara Portuondo – Su álbum homónimo

Típica 73 – La Candela

Ruben Blades – Todos Vuelven World Tour Puerto Rico 2009


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¡Vienen los bailarines brasileños!

El Cruce. Foto por Layza Vasconcelos.

Reconocida compañía de danza de Brasil vendrá al fae 2023

por Roberto Enrique King

El FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE ARTES ESCÉNICAS (FAE Panamá), máximo evento del teatro y la danza contemporánea que tiene el país, continúa confirmando países y artistas para su versión 12 que se realizará del 15 al 20 de mayo próximo, y en esta ocasión anuncia la participación de la reconocida compañía de danza de Brasil, Atelie do Gesto, que compartirá programación con otros destacados artistas nacionales y extranjeros, bajo los auspicios principales del Ministerio de Cultura y el GECU de la Universidad de Panamá, entre otros aliados.

Atelie do Gesto, compañía creada en 2015, vendrá el Festival gracias al apoyo de la Embajada de Brasil, y presentará a nuestro público su más reconocida pieza coreográfica, titulada en español CRUCE (O Crivo en portugués), e inspirado en la obra Primeras Estórias, del escritor João Guimarães Rosa, uno de los más revolucionarios y complejos de la literatura brasileña del siglo XX, trabajo con el que han recorrido con mucho éxito los principales festivales brasileños, suramericanos y europeos.

Los boletos para disfrutar de esta gran fiesta escénica están disponibles desde ya en https://www.tustiquetes.com/ con una oferta muy especial llamada 2x1Misterioso, que da la oportunidad de asegurar entradas a dos obras internacionales por el precio de una, a ciegas, hasta que se anuncie la programación oficial completa. Para mayor información estar atentos a las redes sociales FAE Panama en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram.





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Martinelli the star defendant in a trial that starts on Monday

An old prosecution diagram of the New Business case. Since then attorneys general and prosecutors on the case have changed, defendants have been added and subtracted, in one case has been given temporary immunity, and in several other cases have gone on the lam.

Martinelli’s eligibility to run for office and ownership
of his newspaper chain at stake in April 17 trial

by Eric Jackson

The final pretrial touches have been added to a case so old that previous inquisitorial system rules rather than the more modern accusatorial criminal procedure will apply. Former president Ricardo Martinelli and his phalanxes of lawyers have stalled it that long. It’s about allegations that public works contracts — the construction of a new legislative office tower and widening of the road between Arraijan and La Chorrera — generating kickbacks that were then used for a company controlled by then-president Martinelli to buy the EPASA newspaper chain, which includes El Panama America, La Critica and Dia a Dia. These media have poured out a steady stream of Martinelista ever since their acquisition in 2010, and continue to publish invective against political enemies, hostile witnesses and the legal systems of several countries.

Today his media attack the judge.

Judge Baloisa Marqínez has ruled out dozens of documents and depositions proffered by the various parties to be introduced as trial evidence, but the recorded testimony of 37 witnesses to the facts, five detectives, and five experts will be entered into the record. Another 59 documents are admitted as proofs.

If a lawyer or defendant is absent and submits a doctor’s note — a boringly regular Martinelli tactic — the trial will happen next month with public defenders set to stand in. There are 15 defendants expected to be in the dock. One has been excused due to the temporary immunity of being a political candidate, and three others have been declared “en rebeldia” as they have gone into hiding in parts unknown. Orders for their immediate arrest and preventive detention have been issued and notice of their flight has been sent to INTERPOL. The trial is expected to take a week and a half.

 The graft allegations appear to be almost a side issue. The alleged laundering of the proceeds through a Panamanian law firm, 13 banks in four countries and 18 private companies are the main gravity and complexity here. A conviction for the 70-year-old Martinelli would likely result in the suspension of his political rights and knock him off the ballot next year. Perhaps a more interesting and related question in the event of a guilty verdict is whether the court would order the confiscation of the EPASA newspaper chain as stolen property, or allow Martinelli to sell it to family or friends and continue its function as a propaganda outlet.


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Last call for Democrats Abroad Panama officer and board nominations


Midnight tonight is the deadline, and we need challengers for those responsible for not a single board meeting during the 2022 midterm election campaign

The organization’s bylaws say at least quarterly board meetings, with prior notice and an opportunity to participate for the membership. Just a few years ago, this is how we used to do it:

Nowadays it’s run like a rich kids’ high school in-crowd clique, with two people who had the power and duty to call board meetings last year — and who did not do their jobs — running for chair and vice chair, so far without opposition. Even though we hear reports that the secretary / wannabe big boss lady has put her house on the market and is telling people she’s moving to Mexico.

Up for election are the posts of chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, voting representative to Global Democrats Abroad meetings and three at-large board members.

If you were thinking of nominating yourself or someone else for a role on the DA Panama board, now is your last chance! Send your nomination to Panamadanominations@gmail.com no later than April 13, 2021 at 11:59 PM Panama Time.

To run, and to vote, you must join the global Democrats Abroad organization. Do so at https://www.democratsabroad.org/join

In case you have not noticed, fascism is on the ballot next year. Democrats can’t afford a non-functioning organization that’s a mere vanity clique.

Eric Jackson
past chair of Democrats Abroad Panama
past vice chair of Democrats Abroad Panama
present communications volunteer for the Global Seniors Caucus

Bryce and Bendib, Clarence Thomas’s ethics

Few government jobs anywhere in the world are quite like that of US Supreme Court justices: nine unelected people who dictate wide swaths of national policy. Cartoon by Khalil Bendib — OtherWords.

Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached

by Randy Bryce — union ironworker and active Democrat

Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached. Full stop.

The Supreme Court justice has spent over two decades enjoying lavish trips and gifts from Dallas billionaire, Harlan Crow—and Clarence Thomas broke the law by not disclosing these gifts.

This news comes after decades of shady ethics on Thomas’s end. From ruling to give the presidency to George W. Bush in Bush v. Gore, despite his wife’s involvement on Bush’s transition team, to refusing to recuse himself from cases directly related to the insurrection, despite his wife’s support of January 6th—Clarence Thomas is a walking ethics violation.

Clarence Thomas’s billionaire backer just so happens to sit on the board of the American Enterprise Institute, which lobbies Congress against tax hikes on billionaires.

Let’s do that math: millions of dollars’ worth of gifts and trips, plus a secret relationship with a corporate billionaire equals a Supreme Court justice that could be actively working against the interest of the people in order to please his ultra-rich buddy.

Not to mention, Crow collects Nazi memorabilia, which is wrong on so many different levels. The bottom line is that shady dealings like this have no place in our democracy, and Clarence Thomas needs to be held accountable.


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Dicen 36 grupos en contra del contrato con La Minera

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20 razones para rechazar el nuevo contrato con Minera Panamá

por el Movimiento Panamá Vale Más Sin Minería

1) La minería metálica no es viable ni sostenible en un país con la riqueza hídrica y de biodiversidad y la vulnerabilidad climática de Panamá. Este contrato no solo explota esta depredadora actividad en Colón, sino que, según su propio texto, “crea el marco de referencia para futuras concesiones similares” (Sección del Considerando). Al respecto, exigimos que se cumpla el compromiso incluido en el Pacto Bicentenario de aprobar el Anteproyecto de Ley No. 102, por la cual se declara una moratoria para la exploración y explotación de minería metálica en todo el territorio nacional.

2) Nos enfrentamos a otra aberración jurídica. El Gobierno se mantiene en desacato. La Corte ordenó proceso licitatorio justo, no contratación directa. El Decreto 267 de 1969, por el cual se establece un régimen jurídico especial para el otorgamiento de concesiones mineras en la zona de yacimientos de Petaquilla, Botija y Río del Medio, vigente nuevamente tras el fallo de la Corte Suprema de 2017, exige que haya concurrencia de interesados. Los numerales 5 y 6 del artículo 257 de la Constitución Política exigen que las concesiones mineras se otorguen conforme a la Ley. Adicionalmente, mientras se completa la aprobación del nuevo contrato la mina continúa operando sin un contrato vigente. Exigimos al Ministerio Público intervenir de inmediato.

3) La negociación del contrato no fue transparente y la consulta pública iniciada no cumple con las normas internas y los estándares internacionales aplicables. Conforme al Acuerdo de Escazú, aprobado por la Ley 125 de 2020, las autoridades están obligadas a tomar en cuenta los resultados de la participación, a que los comentarios sean considerados y contribuyan al proceso de toma de decisión; sin embargo, el Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias no ha considerado la posibilidad de realizar cambios al texto acordado y tampoco parece haber contemplado suficiente tiempo para procesar los comentarios recibidos.

4) El contrato incluye la obligación de aprobar concesiones para la exploración y posteriormente extracción de oro, plata y molibdeno (Cláusula Primera, Cláusula Cuarta B.4.) a afiliadas de Minera Panamá.

5) El nuevo contrato pudiera llegar a duplicar el tiempo de concesión del anterior. En lugar de un máximo de 35 años restantes bajo el contrato anterior, el nuevo contrato reinicia en 2021 el conteo de un periodo de duración inicial de 20 años, con una prórroga casi automática de 20 años adicionales y luego la posibilidad de otorgarse una prórroga adicional por el tiempo acordado por las partes (Cláusula Segunda).

6) Además de 12,955.1 hectáreas concesionadas para la extracción de cobre y minerales asociados, el nuevo contrato incluye más de 4 mil hectáreas adicionales para la operación del proyecto, llevando el área total de uso y servidumbre a 17,780.38 hectáreas, ahora incluyendo la instalación de manejo de relaves. Sin embargo, esto no representa ni la huella total del proyecto ni le pone un techo al tamaño de la operación de la mina, a pesar de estar en medio del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano y el Area Protegida de Donoso. Esta superficie no incluye la línea completa de transmisión y su servidumbre, la carretera completa hacia el puerto, toda la sección de puerto, concesión de fondo de mar y todas las actividades conexas que requiere el proyecto, que ocupan más de 2 mil hectáreas adicionales. Asimismo, diferentes numerales de la cláusula tercera permiten el desarrollo de actividades conexas sin limitación de superficie (Cláusula Tercera, Sexta B, Anexo 1).

7) El contrato contempla amplias facultades a favor de la empresa para adquirir, arrendar o usufructuar tierras de EL ESTADO o de propiedad privada sin límite, dentro o fuera de la concesión. El Estado se compromete igualmente a expropiar las tierras que sean necesarias si la empresa no puede llegar a un acuerdo con los propietarios. (Cláusula Tercera, numerales 19 y 14). A pesar de ello se ha afirmado lo contrario ante la preocupación de los miembros de la comunidad.

8) El contrato otorga a la empresa el derecho de solicitar a la Autoridad de Aeronáutica Civil que emita restricciones de vuelo temporales o permanentes a terceros sobre el Área de la Concesión hasta 3,000 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar, por motivos de seguridad. La disposición deja un amplio margen para discrecionalidad de la empresa, que podría ser utilizado para impedir que los medios de comunicación y la población conozcan sobre los impactos e irregularidades del proyecto. Esta disposición agrava el cerco que por tierra impide que se conozcan las verdaderas condiciones del área del proyecto. (Cláusula Tercera, numeral 9)

9) Se menciona, pero no se identifica, cuáles serían las “buenas prácticas de la industria” a las que la empresa debe acogerse (Cláusula Décima, Trigésima Octava, Quincuagésima Segunda). El contrato no compromete a Minera Panamá a someterse a procesos de revisión independientes, estandarizados a nivel internacional.

10) El principal argumento utilizado por gobierno-empresa ha sido el de que existe una cantidad fija de dinero garantizado con la operación. Casi el único argumento que se ha mantenido por todos los representantes es el asunto del dinero. Lo que dice el contrato, por el contrario, implica que ese dinero, denominado Ingreso Mínimo Garantizado (IMG) y cuantificado como 375 millones de dólares se puede disminuir por múltiples razones, como la baja del precio del cobre en el mercado (Cláusulas Décima Cuarta y Décima Quinta), con la posibilidad de que se pueda usar una regalía mínima de 2%, regalías como en el contrato de la ley 9 de 1997(Cláusula novena).

11) El contrato contempla la posibilidad de que la empresa entre en un periodo de suspensión de operaciones por bajas del precio del cobre en el mercado internacional o alzas imprevisibles de costos hagan que no sea económicamente rentable la explotación del Proyecto. Esta suspensión podría ser por un periodo de 48 meses (4 años) a la concesionaria durante los primeros 20 años y 48 meses más durante los siguientes 20 años, con solo notificar al Estado y mantenerlo informado. (Cláusula Cuadragésima Octava). Considerando lo fluctuante que es el mercado de los metales, y los precedentes de la industria, es casi imposible que en 40 años no se den bajas en el precio de los metales. Sin embargo, el contrato no establece el manejo con relación a los trabajadores que quedarían cesantes por un tiempo tan extenso.

12) El contrato esconde además otro incentivo fiscal, la deducción por agotamiento de la reserva. En el enfoque dado por el contrato, la paulatina pérdida del material del yacimiento es contabilizada como una pérdida económica para la empresa, cuando es una pérdida en el patrimonio del país. A través de este mecanismo se permite a la empresa deducir en su declaración de renta, la pérdida de valor del yacimiento a causa de su explotación, y así pagar menos impuesto sobre la renta. El contrato establece que el Estado permitirá a la empresa deducir hasta el 70% de sus ingresos netos por agotamiento de los recursos mineros hasta diciembre del 2031, y hasta el 30% a partir de 2032. Así el pueblo panameño terminaría subsidiando a la empresa. (Cláusula Décima Segunda).

13) Es inaceptable que sean inaplicables a la empresa los cambios en el régimen fiscal que se adopten a futuro (Cláusula Décima Primera); que se otorgue nuevamente exoneraciones al impuesto de importación (Cláusula Décima Octava); que se le concedan 750 millones de dólares en créditos fiscales, para su uso a razón de 37,500,000 por año (Cláusula Décima Novena); y que se conceda una deducción de hasta el 70% de la renta neta gravable por agotamiento de recursos mineros; y de 30% a partir de 2032 (Cláusula Décima Segunda). Todas estas condiciones significarían que el Ingreso Mínimo Garantizado para Panamá no esté realmente garantizado.

14) El contrato indica que prevalecerá por encima de las normas del Código de Trabajo. Se menciona el reconocer el principio de libertad sindical, sin embargo, el contrato no es taxativo en cuanto al derecho de negociación colectiva (Cláusula Vigésima Tercera). El contrato no es explícito en materia de riesgos profesionales y laborales, a pesar del alto riesgo ocupacional en la actividad. Tampoco establece responsabilidades frente al impacto negativo que genera esta actividad en la salud (en el marco del trabajo y retiro de obreros) o financiero (presupuesto para atender las secuelas de los trabajadores como de la población).

15) Las obligaciones ambientales aceptadas por la empresa se reducen al cumplimiento del estudio actual de impacto ambiental y de los instrumentos de gestión vigentes, que no son específicos para minería y su operación. Es injustificable que se apruebe un nuevo contrato sin que la mina cuente con un plan de cierre y con la culminación de los procesos sancionatorios por las graves infracciones ambientales de la empresa. (Cláusula Vigésima Quinta).

16) El contrato dispone que en caso de discrepancia entre el monitoreo de calidad de agua del Ministerio de Ambiente y la empresa, se tendrá que buscar a un tercero que dirima las diferencias, lo que desconoce que el criterio emitido por un funcionario idóneo del ministerio es plena prueba conforme a la Ley General de Ambiente. (Cláusula Vigésima Quinta). Además de la limitada capacidad de fiscalización que podrá suponer la Oficina Especial del Estado que contaría solo con 6 funcionarios para un proyecto de más de 20 mil hectáreas. (Cláusula Trigésima Séptima).

17) Se pactó un pago anual de 2 millones de dólares por el uso de 100 millones de metros cúbicos de agua, pero este consumo no coincide con los volúmenes reales reportados en el informe ambiental de la empresa (Environmental Social and Governance Report 2021), donde se ilustra que el consumo de agua dulce fue de 1.380 millones de m3 y 438.06 millones de m3 de agua de mar. Tampoco indica el contrato el método de monitoreo de este consumo. (Cláusula Trigésima Quinta)

18) En materia de energía, la empresa se compromete a incorporar fuentes de energía alternas y a reducir la producción de carbono en los próximos años, sin establecer tasas medibles. Se incluye cualquier otra fuente, como el gas. Se establece la obligación de la empresa de efectuar acciones para enfrentar el cambio climático, pero con acciones difusas que no se concretan en ninguna obligación real (Cláusula Trigésima Sexta).

19) No queda claro que las obligaciones laborales y ambientales del proyecto sean obligaciones esenciales que puedan motivar la resolución del contrato, ya que el término no está definido. La cláusula solo detalla claramente que constituyen incumplimientos lo relativo al impago de regalías, impuestos y fianzas (Cláusula Cuadragésima Octava). El rompimiento de cola de relaves, derrames, contaminación o daño ambiental tampoco fueron incluidos en las causales de resolución del contrato.

20) El contrato permite a la empresa solicitar que se catalogue como restringida la información recibida por las autoridades con relación a los beneficiarios finales de la empresa. Esta información es fundamental para el cumplimiento de la Constitución y prevención de conflictos de interés (Cláusula Quincuagésima).

Organizaciones miembro del Movimiento Panamá Vale Más Sin Minería:

ADOPTA El Bosque
Asociación Centro de Estudios y Acción Social Panameño (CEASPA)
Amigos del Parque Nacional Santa Fe (AMIPARQUE)
Amigos del Parque Internacional La Amistad (AMIPILA)
Asociación de Educadores Veragüenses (AEVE)
Asociación de Profesores de la República de Panamá (ASOPROF)
Centro de Capacitación Social (CCS)
Centro de Incidencia Ambiental (CIAM)
Coalición Internacional de Mujeres y Familias (CIMUF)
Colectivo Voces Ecológicas (COVEC)
Colegio de Biólogos de Panamá (COBIOPA)
Consejo Consultivo de la Cuenca Chagres – Alajuela / Jóvenes por el Ambiente y la
Cuenca del Canal
Coordinadora para la Defensa de Tierras y Aguas de Coclé (CODETAC)
Coordinadora por la Defensa de los Recursos Naturales y Derechos del Pueblo Ngäbe
Buglé y Campesino
Cuidemos a Panamá
Espacio de Encuentro de Mujeres (EEM)
Frente Santeño contra la Minería
Fundación Balu Uala
Fundación Cerro Cara Iguana
Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral Comunitario y Conservación de los Ecosistemas de Panamá (FUNDICCEP)
Fundación para la Protección del Mar (PROMAR)
Fundación Pro- Conservación de los Primates Panameños (FCPP)
Fundación San José Verde (FUSAVE)
Guardianes del Río Cobre OBC
Movimiento Democrático Popular (MDP)
Movimiento MiMar
Movimiento Pro-Rescate de AECHI
Movimiento Victoriano Lorenzo
Movimiento Ya es Ya
Observatorio Panameño de Ambiente y Sociedad (OBPAS)
Poder Ciudadano
Red Nacional en Defensa del Agua (RNDA)
Red Ecológica, Social y Agropecuaria de Veraguas (RESAVE)
Sindicato de Educadores Democráticos de Panamá
Sociedad Audubon de Panamá
Sociedad Panameña de Salud Pública (SPSP)


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Climate activists press Biden on LNG ahead of Japan summit

More than just left coast nimbies

‘Global LNG boom must be stopped in its tracks,’ climate coalition tells Biden

by Julia Conley — Common Dreams

Ahead of a planned global summit on the climate and environment in Japan, campaigners on Wednesday urged the Biden administration to resist pressure from Japanese officials to expand public investments in liquefied natural gas, which is derived from fracking and the drilling of oil and gas wells, warning that proponents have wrongly claimed the gas is a “clean” alternative to other fossil fuels.

The Group of 7 (G7) is expected to convene from April 15-16 in Sapporo, Japan for its Climate, Energy, and Environment Ministerial, and campaigners say Japanese officials are likely to push a so-called “Green Transformation” agenda, which despite its name includes a heavy reliance on technologies related to fossil fuel extraction including LNG, co-firing of ammonia at coal power plants; fossil hydrogen; and carbon capture, utilization, and storage.

LNG is gas that has been chilled and liquefied after being extracted by fracking or drilling. Japan spent nearly $40 billion on LNG export terminals between 2012 and 2022, becoming the world’s largest funder of the gas.

As Reutersreported Tuesday, a draft statement released this week from the G7 climate ministers omitted earlier language calling for “necessary upstream investments in LNG and natural gas” and claiming that “demand for LNG will continue to grow,” but the 116 groups that wrote to the Biden administration on Wednesday—including Friends of the Earth (FOE) US, Extinction Rebellion US, and Public Citizen—said there is still uncertainty about how the summit will approach LNG as the host country pushes for its increased usage.

“President Biden can’t let LNG hijack the G7,” said Lukas Ross, program manager at FOE. “The global LNG boom must be stopped in its tracks.”

Since LNG is a product of fossil fuel extraction, critics say its continued expansion would harm both “fenceline” communities that lie near fracking and drilling sites and the entire planet as scientists and energy experts warn that policymakers will not be able to prevent global heating over 1.5°C without a rapid shift away from fossil fuels.

“Communities living near these dangerous facilities face extreme health risks due to the high amounts of harmful pollutants released by LNG production and export terminals,” said FOE in a statement. “Moreover, investments in LNG threaten global commitments to reduce emissions and keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C—every fraction of a degree beyond which the impacts of the climate crisis magnify.”

“Nevertheless, leaders from Japan and other countries continue to push for an endorsement of increased LNG usage, and there is no clear evidence the Biden administration is pushing back,” the group said.

The campaigners in their letter called on the White House to use its influence at the G7 summit to prevent any statement signed by world leaders from endorsing new contracts for LNG projects; attempts to expedite the permitting process for LNG export terminals, which “already fails to consider climate, communities, and consumers, serving as a rubber stamp for industry”; public financing for LNG; and the development of a “clean” certification for LNG, which risks “helping LNG companies sell more of their product and secure more contracts for new facilities.”

“As the International Energy Agency and others have made clear, there is no preventing a 1.5°C world without preventing new oil and gas investments,” the letter reads. “Every LNG terminal that comes online risks locking in decades of avoidable climate pollution and environmental injustice. Given the pipeline of projects already under construction, it is widely expected that the global market will be glutted by mid-2025, leaving buyers trapped in inflexible long-term contracts and delaying the replacement of methane gas with cheaper renewables and efficiency.”

Japan’s push to expand LNG financing is just part of G7 countries’ continued support for fossil fuels. As Oil Change International noted in a statement on Tuesday, despite the 2022 G7 summit yielding a commitment to “end new direct public support for the international unabated fossil fuel energy sector by the end of 2022,” public finance for fossil fuels in G7 countries totaled at least $73 billion between 2020 and 2022 while backing for clean energy projects amounted to just $28.6 billion.

“Through upholding and strengthening last year’s commitments, the G7 can prevent backsliding and directly shift $24.3 billion a year in public finance out of fossil fuels and into clean energy,” said Oil Change International. “This would bring the G7’s clean energy finance to $34 billion annually, a sum almost large enough to close the$36 billion energy access finance gap.”

The group’s Japan finance campaigner, Makiko Arima, warned that Japan’s Green Transformation agenda “is just a euphemism for technologies that prolong the use of fossil fuels.”

“As the host of this year’s G7, it is Japan’s responsibility to act now and transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, not hide behind greenwashed fossil fuels,” said Arima. “Japan must change course and not hold back the rest of the G7 nations in this crucial fight against climate change. Along with being critical to meet climate targets, shifting to clean energy and phasing out fossil fuel reliance is also the best way to permanently bring down soaring energy costs and increase energy security.”
A G7 summit that results in more commitments to expand LNG would be “in direct conflict with our globally agreed-upon climate goals,” said Cherelle Blazer, senior international climate and policy campaign director for the Sierra Club, which also signed the letter sent to the Biden administration.

“The era of fossil fuels is rapidly coming to an end,” said Blazer. “The world’s foremost scientists have told us everything we need to know—the future will be dire if we do not rapidly transition to a 100% clean energy economy. There is no justification for any country to support the expansion of LNG projects anywhere when there are cleaner, safer, and more reliable energy alternatives readily available.”

“The Sierra Club calls on the United States to use its influence to keep the G7 gathering on a path to clean energy and resist the efforts of Japan and the gas industry to prop up unsustainable LNG projects,” Blazer added.

In a separate campaign on Wednesday, advocates representing the Big Shift Global and the Glasgow Actions Team planned to assemble outside the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., wearing hazmat suits and carrying a model of a pipeline, to protest the bank’s investment of at least $930 million in fossil fuels in 2022.

The action marks the groups’ second day of protests amid the World Bank’s spring meetings.

“That the World Bank is promoting and funding gas projects at a time countries are moving to cleaner energy is outright mockery to this important transition,” said Dean Bhemukuzi Bhebhe of Power Shift Africa.


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