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Porque un joven fue golpeado hasta la muerte cerca de una discoteca gay

we cry

¿En qué tipo de sociedad queremos vivir?

Acompañanos y danos tu mano. Alza tu voz por Anthony. Basta de violencia. Basta de estigma y discriminación. Lleva velas o flores y reflexionemos sobre el Panamá que queremos.

Así murió Antonio Javier Batista Mena.


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¿Wappin? Blues to lift you up the down pole / Blues para subirte al palo de abajo

low down
Senseless shooting blues.
La tristeza de un tiroteo sin sentido.
Photo by the City of Raleigh, NC.

Crying the Dry Season Blues
Llorando los Blues del Verano

Bessie Smith – ‘Lectric Chair

Sheryl Crow – Ordinary Morning

Howlin’ Wolf – Spoonful

John Coltrane – Blue Train

Sabrina Claudio – Tell Me

Queen – My Melancholy Blues

Jimi Hendrix – Villanova Junction

Patti LaBelle – If Only You Knew

Lightnin’ Hopkins – It’s a Sin to be Rich

Janis Joplin – Ball and Chain

Mark Knopfler – Brothers In Arms

Shocking Blue – Never marry a railroad man

Luther Alllison – Live in Chicago 1995


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Miranda, Algoritmos machistas

foto por Trismegist san / Shutterstock

La desigualdad de género también está presente en los algoritmos

por Montserrat-Ana Miranda, Universidad de Navarra

En esta época de avances tecnológicos sin precedentes, la inteligencia artificial (IA) es una herramienta que nos ofrece grandes posibilidades en ámbitos como la medicina, la eficiencia energética, el desarrollo sostenible, el medioambiente, el cambio climático o las emergencias humanitarias, entre otros. Sin embargo, la IA también plantea desafíos, especialmente en la lucha contra la discriminación digital, en la que se incluye la discriminación de género.

Un claro ejemplo es el de los sistemas recomendadores o buscadores de nuestros dispositivos móviles debido a que pueden discriminar a la hora de ofrecernos determinados productos o servicios por cuestiones de género. De manera similar, debido a la existencia de prejuicios históricos o culturales, los algoritmos de la IA que procesan datos de personas en herramientas de selección de personal pueden favorecer más a una clase que a otra. Por clase entendemos un determinado género, grupo de edad, comunidad o colectivo.

En el Día Internacional de la Mujer, mujeres y hombres por igual podemos afrontar este desafío ético en relación con la IA. Por un lado, como consumidores (dispositivos IoT, robots, plataformas digitales, etc.) debemos asumir la responsabilidad de tomar decisiones informadas que nos permitan elegir opciones justas, respetuosas con los demás y sostenibles: nuestras elecciones tienen el poder de transformar aquellos algoritmos que aprenden de los datos (algoritmos de aprendizaje de las máquinas o machine learning) para promover la igualdad.

Construir proyectos justos e igualitarios

Por otro lado, los equipos de mujeres y hombres que trabajan con datos reales para desarrollar e implementar herramientas de IA deben apostar por construir proyectos justos e igualitarios con impacto social. Estos proyectos no contemplarían exclusivamente prevenir la discriminación digital, también descubrir patrones de discriminación o estigmatización en la sociedad que permitan diseñar estrategias destinadas a garantizar la igualdad.

Si bien la IA automatiza los procesos que intelectualmente son propios de los seres humanos, esta definición se convierte hoy más que nunca en un compromiso de los profesionales y docentes que trabajan en este campo para garantizar la calidad de vida de todas las personas sin discriminación de ningún tipo. Este debe ser el fin último detrás de cada algoritmo y el que ineludiblemente siempre redundará en beneficio de la sociedad. ¿No es acaso el servicio hacia los demás un proceso intelectual propio de los seres humanos que trasciende fronteras? A este respecto, en el Día Internacional de la Mujer se nos hace imprescindible compartir este “espacio para la igualdad” con todos los grupos vulnerables: niñas y niños, jóvenes adolescentes, personas mayores, personas con discapacidad, personas en situación de marginalidad, etc.

En este contexto, es importante abordar las siguientes preguntas: ¿puede la IA combatir la discriminación? ¿Qué pasos se pueden dar hacia la igualdad? Para responder debemos tomar un enfoque multifactorial.

  • Desde la diversidad y la educación

    Creando equipos multidisciplinares de desarrolladores de IA que estén equitativamente representados por mujeres y hombres. Dichos equipos deben contar con el apoyo de un equipo directivo igualmente representado y comprometido con la justicia, la ética y la calidad. Para poder alcanzar esta diversidad es esencial potenciar las capacidades y el espíritu crítico de los más jóvenes desde la educación en todos los ámbitos.

    Todavía tenemos mucho trabajo por delante. Nuevamente aquí, este día que hemos designado como un espacio para la igualdad se convierte en la plataforma perfecta para apoyar el esfuerzo de todas las niñas, adolescentes y mujeres con perfil científico-tecnológico o STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) para que puedan perseguir sus objetivos y conquistar sus metas sin “techos de cristal”.

  • Desde el debate social y la acción política

    Promoviendo campañas de concienciación y políticas que fomenten la igualdad de oportunidades en el mundo académico, en el mundo empresarial y en la producción industrial o cultural. Por ejemplo, en la U.E. existe el Instituto Europeo para la Igualdad de Género (EIGE) que quiere ser un canal de asesoramiento que permita a los países llevar a cabo políticas de igualdad en diversas áreas. Fuera de la U.E. existen iniciativas como el proyecto Gender Shades del MIT que tiene por objetivo identificar la discriminación de género en la IA.

  • Desde la regulación normativa

    Creando un marco ético y político adecuado para la gestión de la IA. Propuestas desde la Comisión Europea (The AI Act, 2022), EE. UU. (Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, 2022) u organismos internacionales como la UNESCO (Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, 2022) están dirigiendo sus esfuerzos hacia la formulación de unas directrices que promuevan la igualdad en los algoritmos.

  • Desde un punto de vista técnico

    La representatividad de los datos de entrada (inputs) es fundamental, ya que los modelos “supervisados” de IA aprenden y entrenan a partir de estos datos, lo que significa que todas las clases deben estar igualmente representadas.

    Asimismo, la transparencia y la accesibilidad de los algoritmos es necesaria para poder comprobar que no están vinculados a estereotipos de género, raza, edad, religión o nacionalidad y puedan ser validados mediante auditorías. Compañías como IBM (AI Fairness 360) y Google (What-if) están desarrollando librerías de código abierto con el objetivo de detectar posibles sesgos mediante métricas de equidad en los algoritmos antes de su implantación.

Para concluir, les voy a contar que como profesora de cursos en la Universidad de Navarra, donde utilizamos herramientas de inteligencia artificial sobre casos de uso reales, año tras año los grupos formados por alumnas y alumnos demuestran su inquietud y compromiso para que los algoritmos no perjudiquen a los más vulnerables dirimiendo estas cuestiones éticas con tesón. Los futuros profesionales de la IA buscan apoyo y soluciones para construir un mundo más justo e igualitario.The Conversation

Montserrat-Ana Miranda, Profesora del Instituto de Ciencia de los Datos e Inteligencia Artificial (DATAI), Universidad de Navarra

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en The Conversation. Lea el original.


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Editorials: The PRD mulls its options; and Ukraine’s friends and foes

OTH of the PRD
General Omar Torrijos Herrera, founder of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD).

PRD offerings

Will there be a fourth, or fifth, entrant into the PRD presidential primary? And what about races down the ticket?

At the moment three different candidacies highlight three different pitches to the party members, and to the nation. The establishment favorite is the nation’s vice president, Gaby Carrizo, a corporate lawyer who specialized in the banking sector. Crispiano Adames, the president of the National Assembly, symbolizes the political patronage machine that has always been part of the PRD and promises to those who support it that the gravy train will keep running. Former legislator, former PRD secretary general and reputed former urban guerrilla Pedro Miguel González identifies himself with the people who took to the streets in protest in the middle of last year and promises both constitutional reform and a reorientation of public policies to reduce Panama’s social and economic inequalities.

The conventional wisdom is that Carrizo gets the nomination and loses the general election, but retains the inside track to be the PRD nominee in 2029. But of course, if he loses to Ricardo Martinelli all bets will be called off during such an interregnum, as the former president is talking about revenge. An even worse for Panama scenario would be the premature end of such a presidency by way of foreign intervention.

Carrizo showed his stuff during last year’s protests and it was most unimpressive. He clumsily went about the politician motions and convinced nobody. That is, other than of the proposition that he’s not capable of leading the country in a difficult time.

Does Dr. Adames want to lower the standards for passing the medical competence test and get a physician’s license, so as to boost the fortunes of family and friends? Just one more instance of the sordid and harmful to the national interest set of partisan privileges for which the current legislature stands.

Is González a dangerous criminal who, ignoring George H. W. Bush’s declaration of US victory, continued to bear arms against foreign invaders? Did he, in the process, kill a man, a US Army sergeant from Puerto Rico who was just driving down the road? And whatever the truth of the allegations, are Panamanian voters and Washington politicians ready to set those things aside as war stories from a conflict long over?

The primary takes place on June 11. It’s a closed PRD thing.

The general election takes place on May 5 of next year, after other parties sort out their offerings, independents qualify for the ballot or don’t, and various alliances create possible fusion slates. That general election will be an all Panamanians thing.

We are not fully recovered from an acute crisis that cost Panama some 8,600 lives and severely affected our economy. Not only have we not recovered from the decades-old chronic malady of corruption, we have seen it become a degenerative disease that gets ever worse.

Will Panama see a generation ready, able and willing to answer history’s call? Will we get a new set of leaders who can rise above their personal flaws to properly lead this country’s defense? Those are the questions of our times, even if we have people and institutions ready to substitute “Will you give me your vote if I give you $x or its equivalent?” as the issue before us.

Choose well, PRD. Choose well, Panama.


Ukrainians who did not flee take shelter from Russian shelling in a basement in Chasiv Yar, a town about eight miles from Bakhmut. Photo by Aris Messinis, via AFP and Meduza.

Friends with things in common

Over this past weekend the US ultra-right Republicans gathered at the CPAC convention to hear a call for genocide – the “eradication” of transgendered people. Surely it was music to the bigoted Vladimir Putin’s ears.

At that same convention, QNut congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green railed against US assistance to Ukraine and got the crowd booing Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, whom she accused, along with members of America’s LGBT communities, of having evil designs to be “coming for your children.”

Meanwhile Yevgeny Prigozhin, the owner and commander of the Russian mercenary corporation Wagner Group, warned in a video that if his forces withdraw from Bakhmut in Ukraine, then “the entire front will fall to the Russian borders, and maybe further.” Most Ukrainians, and most Americans, and most Europeans, think that this would be a good thing.

War has its heroes and valiant deeds on all sides, but it’s hellish brutality. Let’s not be taken by the arms hustlers and fanatics who would sell us Cold War II. A negotiated peace that saves the Ukrainian nation would be a good thing. But let’s not abandon those upon whom Vladimir Putin and his US cheering section pick.


Photo by Pablo Valadares — Brazilian House of Deputies.

As long as war is the way to settle our conflicts and resolve them, we will continue in prehistory, with the only difference that the barbarity of primitive humans seems like child’s play compared to the barbarity of contemporary men. Until when?

Pepe Mujica

Bear in mind…

I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.

Anna Freud

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

Lao Tzu

If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, you may have a fresh start from any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.

Mary Pickford


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Comisión Antidiscriminación, El derecho de estudiantes de su cabello y cultura

little girl and her cute hair
Foto ilustrativa por Hippopx
con orgullo


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Porter, Snow in California’s Huntington Beach


Snow in Huntington Beach

by Katie Porter

Snow in parts of Orange County is just the latest reminder of how urgently we need to address the climate crisis.

Look, I carry a reusable straw in my purse and recycle my Diet Dr. Pepper cans. But we all know that to really address climate change we need to hold corporations accountable and make bold investments in clean energy.

The other week, I visited Southeast LA cities which have been some of the most harmed by decades of pollution. Folks there told me they need a Senator who will stand up to the corporations who have planted pollution in their communities, assuming they don’t have the political power to stop it.

I’ve spent my career standing up to special interests deemed too powerful to take on. On the first of this year, my bill to raise rates on polluters who drill on our public lands finally took effect—but this is just the beginning.

In the Senate, I’ll fight to build on the legislation we passed last year: investing in clean energy, protecting our natural resources, and requiring these ultra-profitable corporations to literally clean up their own mess.

Whether it’s the record drought, devastating wildfires, or flooding, we’re living with the real consequences of Big Oil and other polluters’ greed.

Snow on Southern California: February 26, 2023 NASA Earth Observatory photo.

Editor’s note: Both the US and Panamanian 2024 election campaigns are off to an early start, and in The Panama News there will be from time to time coverage of some of the noteworthy things that some of the candidates have to say. These publications should not be taken as endorsements, but on the other hand that what Katie Porter has to say is considered newsworthy and the latest Q conspiracy theory by way of Marjory Taylor Greene may only be considered news to the extent that it illustrates that there is this delusional person on the House Homeland Security Committee. It looks like a crowded and bruising primary for the seat now held by Dianne Feinstein, probably with a runoff between two Democrats and with Republicans, Libertarians, Vegetarians, Brutalitarians and others along with the Dems in the crowded California “jungle primary.” Included with things by Porter will be some declarations by other Democrats in the primary field running against her, whom the editor has personally admired and respected for years, with Representative Barbara Lee high on that list. This publication might also run things by other candidates who have noteworthy things to say even if the editor is no big fan. On the Panama side of it, is some candidate promising not only the moon but melted green cheese on top to voters who mark the box next to his or her name? Yeah, well. They have their call center trolls and subservient media to treat that as serious news. But we will try to get to the important gists of things.


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Ellsberg did battle for transparency when it didn’t yet have that name

Daniel Ellsberg, with his wife Patricia Ellsberg at his side, talks with reporters in 1973, when he was on trial in the Pentagon Papers case. AP photo, CC 2.0.

A life that matters: Daniel Ellsberg has terminal cancer

by Abby Zimmet — Common Dreams

With the radical transparency that has marked a long and principled life, Daniel Ellsberg — patriot, truth-teller, whistle-blower, anti-war and anti-nuclear activist — has announced he has inoperable pancreatic cancer; doctors say he has three to six months to live. As Ellsberg stressed his “joy and gratitude” for “a wonderful life,” many others offered moving tributes to “an American hero” and “a light for mankind.” “You made the world a better place,” said one. “What a life you lived.”

In a lengthy, eloquent post on Twitter,Ellsberg explained he’d written to friends in the anti-war and anti-nuclear movements with his news, but had decided to share it more widely. On Feb. 17, with little warning, he said he was diagnosed with cancer while doctors were looking for something else minor; he has chosen not to undergo chemotherapy, and is feeling well — especially now that his cardiologist has allowed him to abandon his salt-free diet, “which improved my quality of life dramatically.” He added he feels “lucky and grateful” both to have lived “far beyond the proverbial three-score-and-ten” — he will be 92 on April 7 — and to have a few more months to spend with family and work to avert nuclear war. “When I copied the Pentagon Papers in 1969, I had every reason to think I would be spending the rest of my life behind bars,” he wrote. “It was a fate I would gladly have accepted if it meant hastening the end of the Vietnam War, unlikely as that seemed.” Instead, thanks to Nixon’s illegal responses, he got to spend the next decades with his family and seeking to “alert the world to the perils of nuclear war and wrongful interventions.” “As I look back on the last sixty years of my life,” he wrote, “I think there is no greater cause to which I could have dedicated my efforts.”

Once a staunch supporter of the Vietnam War who worked in the Pentagon under Robert McNamara and as a defense analyst for the RAND Corporation, Ellsberg’s growing anti-war fervor led him in 1969 to photo-copy top-secret documents exposing government lies about the war that he eventually leaked to The New York Times. In 1971 they published nine excerpts, for which America’s first modern, high-profile whistle-blower was charged with 12 felony counts — all dismissed in 1973. Since then, Ellsberg has worked tirelessly — speaking, writing, showing up, getting arrested — for peace, First Amendment rights, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and above all nuclear disarmament. Today, he argues, the risk of nuclear war, in Ukraine or elsewhere, “is as great as the world has ever seen.” Noting only China and India have adopted no-first-use policies, he charges the United States, Russia, NATO et al have yet to recognize that threats of nuclear war “are and always have been immoral and insane,” and blasts “the disastrous willful denial” that has led to inaction on both that issue and our catastrophic climate change. Giving thanks to the “millions of people (who) have the wisdom, dedication and moral courage to carry on with these causes,” he adds, “You’ll be hearing from me as long as I’m here.”

Heartfelt responses quickly poured in responding to Ellsberg’s news of his illness. People praised “a true American hero,” “a lifetime of service to humanity,” “a beacon of light and hope,” “a well-lived life of integrity and honesty,” “an outstanding world citizen,” “a voice of reason” who “always stepped up to teach and fight” and was “unafraid to reveal the truth, regardless of the consequences.” They called him a role model who’d long inspired them and many others, often including their students, to do the right thing, speak truth to power, hold the powerful accountable. They assured him of a well-earned legacy as “one of the heroes of the enlightened…You are a great American & your name will live forever as an example of how one brave man can change the course of history.” They offered simple tribute: “You are a good human,” “Our country is better because of you,” “Solidarity,” “You did good.” They wished him “strength and peace amongst family and friends,” “all the salty snacks (of) your heart’s desire,” “safe travels,” and, “May your remaining time here on earth be filled with wonder.” Above all, they offered thanks — for his courage, convictions, activism. “Thank you for your life. It has improved mine,” one wrote. Also, “Bless you, sir, you have lived a life that matters.” And, “Godspeed, sir.” In sorrow, we echo them.

(The thread continues on Twitter….)

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¿Wappin? Música de mayores para los jóvenes antes de volver a la escuela / Older folks’ music for youngsters before going back to school

lewd, pulsating Jaiva rhythms...
Juanita Parra de Los Jaivas. Foto por Benjamín Mejías Valencia.

Para algunos la última semana libre de marzo
For some the last free week of March

Cultura Profética – Luna Park 2018

Rubén Blades – Maestra Vida

Nina Simone – Tomorrow Is My Turn

Taj Mahal & Ry Cooder – Statesboro Blues

Patti Smith – People Have the Power

Christina Aguilera – Viña del Mar 2023

The Doors – The End

Erika Ender – Así eres tú

Haydée Milanés & Julieta Venegas – Si ella me faltara

Phil Collins – I Wish It Would Rain Down

Los Jaivas – Viña del Mar 2023


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Senator Warren lashes out at deceptive health insurance plans aimed at seniors

Private insurance giants are offering luxury vacations and other incentives for agents to “push seniors into the most expensive Medigap plans,” the Massachusetts senator found.

Warren report exposes insurance industry ploy to ‘scam millions of seniors’

by Jake Johnson – Common Dreams

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren released a report Wednesday highlighting the splashy incentives—from luxury vacations to cash bonuses—that private insurance companies offer agents and brokers for enrolling seniors in potentially higher-cost Medigap plans.

Medigap is federally regulated supplemental health insurance offered by for-profit companies such as UnitedHealthcare, Humana, and Aetna.

According to Warren, the Medigap marketplace is rife with “incentive trips and other perks for brokers and agents” who—in pursuit of such rewards—could be motivated to “push seniors into the most expensive Medigap plans, regardless of whether those plans meet their needs.”

The senator found that the estimated 32 private companies that entice agents with vacations and other incentives to boost Medigap sales provided the supplemental insurance to around 6.6 million people in the US in 2021 and raked in nearly $16 billion in premiums from beneficiaries that year.

Warren acknowledged that her report “may underestimate the prevalence of incentives and rewards in the Medigap insurance industry” given that insurers and third-party companies are often not transparent about their incentive practices.

In a statement, Warren lamented the weak federal and state regulations that are giving insurance giants “free rein to scam millions of seniors in Medigap, offering agents lavish vacations to steer unknowing beneficiaries into more expensive plans.”

“Regulators must act to make sure seniors aren’t getting fleeced,” said Warren, who noted that around 40% of Medigap enrollees had less than $40,000 in annual income in 2018.

The senator’s report highlights several specific examples of the kinds of perks agents and brokers are being offered to peddle Medigap plans, which are often used to supplement traditional Medicare coverage.

“Mutual of Omaha offered brokers and agents selling Medigap plans this year a chance to earn a ‘Sunny San Diego trip’ that included ‘airfare, one double-occupancy standard hotel room, two hosted receptions, cash allowance, and airport transfers for two people,'” the report notes. “Cigna is currently offering brokers and agents the chance to ‘earn the sales reward trip of a lifetime’ to St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands for sales made between September 2022 and February 2023.”

Senator Warren at her job. US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs press pool photo.

Seniors receive much of their information about Medigap plans—which vary widely in price—from insurance agents motivated by undisclosed incentives, Warren’s report notes, a dynamic that could be leading unsuspecting seniors to purchase higher-premium plans that they believe are best suited to their individual needs.

“Sales agents must meet certain thresholds to qualify for vacations—for example, agents must sell $250,000 worth of coverage to qualify for Mutual of Omaha’s vacation rewards,” the report states. “Therefore, to meet that minimum threshold, there is a clear incentive structure to sell more expensive plans. This sets up a clear conflict of interest for agents in cases where the best option for seniors might be the least expensive plan.”

A separate study published last week by the Commonwealth Fund came away with similar findings. “According to brokers and agents,” the study notes, “the commission structure of Medigap plans incentivizes the sale of plans charging high premiums.”

Warren attached her report to a letter urging Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure and the head of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to “act as quickly as possible to end health insurers’ promises of lavish vacations and other incentives to insurance agents and brokers in exchange for selling Medigap plans to seniors.”

“This practice represents an abuse of the trust that seniors place in Medicare. Medigap insurance is not federally subsidized, but the terms and conditions under which Medigap plans are offered are regulated by CMS and state insurance regulators,” Warren wrote. “Nowhere does CMS indicate that agents who sell these products may receive lavish vacations and other valuable perks in exchange for these sales.”

“Regulators must act to close these loopholes,” she added.


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Fundación Iguales, Cobardía judicial


Rechazando a la dignidad

por la Fundación Iguales

La Corte Suprema de Panamá ha cobardemente fallado contrario a derecho, negando que el matrimonio civil de parejas del mismo sexo es un #derechohumano. Rechazando el reconocimiento a la dignidad de parejas del mismo sexo y su derecho a formar una familia.

Siendo una burla en el día internacional de la no discriminación. Es una demora, ya que el Sistema Interamericano dictaminó es un derecho. La lucha por la #igualdad puede ser un largo camino, en el que no claudicaremos.

Si bien luego de más de 6 años, no hemos recibido justicia, esto es solo un tropiezo en el camino a la igualdad de personas #LGBT. Panamá tendrá que justificar su discriminación frente a la comunidad internacional y la Corte Interamericana.


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